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Vocabulary 6A Ser y Estar Chapter 6 – El bienestar.

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Presentación del tema: "Vocabulary 6A Ser y Estar Chapter 6 – El bienestar."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Vocabulary 6A Ser y Estar Chapter 6 – El bienestar

2 Haga Ahora Answer the sentences below with a COMPLETE SENTENCE. (you do not have to write the question.) 1. ¿Qué comes para el desayuno? 2. ¿Adónde vas después de las clases? 3. ¿Cómo es tu familia? ¿Cuántos miembros hay? 4. ¿Qué piensas de la clase de español? 5. ¿De qué color son tus ojos?


4 Fill in the correct definitions Vocabulario 6A

5 José está muy contento. Acaba de recibir una A en español. Elena está triste porque acaba de recibir una nota mala.

6 Susana está de buen humor. Tiene una sonrisa en la cara. Tiene también un buen sentido de humor. Julia está de mal humor. Está enojada (enfadada).

7 Tomás está lleno de energía y tiene mucho entusiasmo. Felipe está cansado.

8 Alejandro no es flexible. Es muy terco y obstinado. Es un tipo muy difícil.

9 Maripaz es bien educada. Siempre tiene buena conducta. Pero su hermano es mal educado. Tiene malos modales.

10 ¿Cómo es/está la muchacha?

11 ¿Cómo es/está el hombre?

12 ¿Cómo es/está el bebé?

13 Example: Ner_ioso = __________ Fill in the missing letter from the vocab word and define on your pizzara!

14 triste = sad t_iste = _______

15 la paciencia = the patience la pa_iencia = _______

16 agradable = agreeable, pleasant, friendly a_radable = _______

17 contento = happy con_ento= _______

18 perezoso = lazy pere_oso= _______

19 la salud = the health la sal_d = _______ Total up your points! Who has 6 points?

20 Fill in the blanks on your notes!! ¡¡Es MUY IMPORTANTE!! Ser vs. Estar

21 Ser y Estar Both mean “to be” in English In Spanish, they have 2 different meanings. SER ESTAR

22 How do we know which to use?? SER DON’T be ESTAR LOCO!!!

23 DON’T be LOCO SER D escription O rigin N ationality T ime be ESTAR LOcation COndition

24 Fill in the blanks! SER D __________ O________ N __________ T __________ be ESTAR LO________ CO________

25 USES of “SER” Description – Physical characteristics Personality traits Occupations Relationships I am tall, short, dark-complected, fat, pretty, strong etc… He is funny, smart, ambitious, lazy, patient, loving, etc… You are a teacher, student, mailman, doctor etc… She is a sister, mother, friend, babysitter, enemy, etc…

26 USES of “SER” Origin – Where something is from What something is made of The teacher is from Puerto Rico This coffee is from Colombia. He is from my hometown. The house is made of brick. REMEMBER = How do you say “OF or FROM”? _________

27 USES of “SER” Nationality – What nationality is someone or something. She is American. I am Ecuadorian. We are Spanish.

28 USES of “SER” Time – Asking or telling time What time is it? It is 1:00. Is it 12:45 yet?

29 Using “SER” Ser soysomos eressoís esson Yo _______ un alumno. Tú ______ una profesora. Él _____ muy guapo. Mi carro ____ viejo. Nosotros ______ hermanos.

30 USES of “ESTAR” Location Where someone or something is located. Both temporary and permanent locations My house is on Main Street. Mississippi is in the USA. The students are in the school. Madrid is in Spain.

31 USES of “ESTAR” Condition Feelings Emotions State of Being I am tired. She is feeling happy today. We are hungry. The water is cold. The sun is shining. They are playing.

32 Using “ESTAR” estar estoyestamos estásestáis estáestán Yo _______ contenta hoy. Tú ______ nervioso. Él _____ muy triste. El bus ______ tarde (late). Nosotros ______ calmos hoy.

33 Let’s practice in English… put the sentences in the correct category - relay race! __Ser____Estar SerEstar

34 Practice on the back of your notes

35 Sometimes, you can use either SER or ESTAR, depending on what you want to say. Look at the differences: Él es agresivo. He is naturally an aggressive type. Él está muy agresivo.He is acting aggressive today. Ella es muy obstinada.She is a very obstinate type. Ella está muy obstinada. She’s being very obstinate now.

36 ESTAR and LOCATION “ESTAR” is used to talk about LOCATIONS!! BOTH temporary and permanent locations.

37 SER + DE “Ser + de” is used to tell WHERE someone or something is from or WHAT something is made of. La profesora es de Puerto Rico El café es de Colombia. La casa es de adobe.

38 Ser Used to talk about traits or characteristics that DON’T change. (very easily) (EXCEPT LOCATION!! = always ESTAR) Think ---- S harpie (more permanent than a pencil) Examples The building is tall. She is a nice person. My house is big.

39 Estar Used to talk about a temporary state, emotion, or condition. (LOCATION = always ESTAR) Think ---- E raser (changes more easily) Examples I am sick today. She is tired. The water is cold.


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