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EL IMPERFECTO ¿Qué es?  The imperfect is a past tense that is used in very specific ways.  It’s frequently translated used to… or was doing.... WORDS.

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Presentación del tema: "EL IMPERFECTO ¿Qué es?  The imperfect is a past tense that is used in very specific ways.  It’s frequently translated used to… or was doing.... WORDS."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 EL IMPERFECTO ¿Qué es?  The imperfect is a past tense that is used in very specific ways.  It’s frequently translated used to… or was doing.... WORDS OFTEN ASSOCIATED WITH THE IMPERFECT: a vecessometimes cada ___every ___ con frecuenciafrequently (with frequency) de vez en cuandofrom time to time frecuentemente frequently generalmentegenerally los lunes (on) Mondays **mientras**while normalmentenormally siempre always todos los ___every ___ usualmenteusually II t is NOT interchangeable with the preterite.

3 EL IMPERFECTO Formas Regulares -ar verbs: abaábamos abas abaaban -er / -ir verbs: íaíamos ías íaían Mis padres trabajaban cada fin de semana. My parents worked (used to work) every weekend. Mis padres comían en ese restaurante cada fin de semana. My parents ate (used to eat) in that restaurant every weekend.

4 EL IMPERFECTO Formas Irregulares ser eraéramos eras eraeran ir ibaíbamos ibas ibaiban veíaveíamos veías veíaveían ver haber ----- había ------

5 EL IMPERFECTO Práctica Enrique used to study in the library with his friends. Enrique estudiaba en la biblioteca con sus amigos. We were listening to the radio in the car. Escuchábamos la radio en el carro. Did you used to live here? ¿Vivías aquí? Silvia was doing her homework. Silvia hacía la tarea.

6 EL IMPERFECTO Uses TT he imperfect is a past tense that is used in specific ways. II t is NOT interchangeable with the preterite. TT he Imperfect generally emphasizes the past nature of an action, without pinpointing a specific time the action took place. Simultaneous Actions Habitual Actions Ongoing Actions Weather Description Age Time Emotion/mental actions

7 EL IMPERFECTO SIMULTANEOUS ACTIONS 22 or more actions at the same time that took place in the past. KK EY WORD: Mientras (while) Mi madre lavaba los platos mientras yo miraba la tele. My mom was washing (washed) dishes while I was watching (watched) t.v. Carlos estudiaba mientras José escribía el ensayo. Carlos was studying (studied) while José was writing (wrote) the essay.

8 EL IMPERFECTO HABITUAL ACTIONS RR epeated actions in the past KK EY WORDS: Cada… / Todos los… / Usualmente Mi madre lavaba los platos cada noche después de la cena. My mom used to wash (washed) dishes every night after dinner. Carlos usualmente estudiaba en su dormitorio. Carlos usually studied in his bedroom.

9 EL IMPERFECTO ONGOING ACTIONS UU sually a background action, or something taking place when something else happened. The other action is in the PRETERITE. KK EY WORD: Cuando (When) Mi madre lavaba los platos cuando yo entré en la cocina. My mom was washing dishes when I came into the kitchen. Carlos estudiaba cuando José llegó a la puerta. Carlos was studying when José arrived at the door.

10 EL IMPERFECTO WEATHER DD escriptions of weather are usually in the imperfect. Hacía buen tiempo ayer. It was nice weather yesterday. Llovía la semana pasada. It rained last week.

11 EL IMPERFECTO DESCRIPTION TT o describe in the past, use the Imperfect. Mi madre era alta y rubia. My mom was tall and blonde. Carlos era simpático. Carlos was nice.

12 EL IMPERFECTO AGE TT o tell someone’s or something’s age in the past, use the Imperfect. Mi madre tenía cuarenta años en 1974. My mom was 40 years old in 1974. Cuando Carlos tenía 18 años, él se le rompió el brazo. When Carlos was 18, he broke his arm.

13 EL IMPERFECTO TIME AA lways use the Imperfect to tell time in the past. Eran las 3 cuando llegamos al aeropuerto. It was 3:00 when we arrived at the airport. Era la una y por fin pudimos almorzar. It was 1:00 and finally we managed to eat lunch.

14 EL IMPERFECTO EMOTION / MENTAL PROCESS TT o express emotions, thought processes, wishes, desires, etc. in the past, use the imperfect. Mi madre estaba contenta al recibir nuestro regalo. My mom was happy upon receiving (when she received) our gift. Carlos no me creía. Carlos didn’t believe me.

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