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El verbo –ESTAR- Sra. Medeles Página 115 en el texto.

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Presentación del tema: "El verbo –ESTAR- Sra. Medeles Página 115 en el texto."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El verbo –ESTAR- Sra. Medeles Página 115 en el texto

2 There are two ways to say the English verb to be in Spanish: There are two ways to say the English verb to be in Spanish: –Ser –Estar **You have already learned SER.** English Grammar Connection

3 Using ESTAR Use ESTAR to: Use ESTAR to: –indicate location –say how people feel Conjugating ESTAR Conjugating ESTAR yo estoy nosotros estamos tú estás vosotros estáis él/ella/ud. está ellos/ellas/uds.están

4 Estar + Location Use estar with the following words of location. al lado (de) debajo (de) dentro (de) encima (de) cerca (de) delante (de) detrás (de) lejos (de) Example- El libro está encima.

5 What is the (de) for? Use the word de after the location when a specific location is mentioned. Use the word de after the location when a specific location is mentioned. –La biblioteca está al lado de la cafetería. When de is followed by the word el, they combine to form the contraction del. When de is followed by the word el, they combine to form the contraction del. –La tiza está encima del borrador.

6 Estar + how people feel Estar is also used with adjectives to say how someone feels at a given moment. Estar is also used with adjectives to say how someone feels at a given moment. El maestro está tranquilo. Las chicas están cansadas. Remember, adjectives agree in gender and number with the nouns they describe (pg. 66).

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