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Español describir un lugar.

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Presentación del tema: "Español describir un lugar."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Español describir un lugar

2 las centrales nucleares
Japón hay muchas montañas el Taj Mahal es un país variado el norte de Japón tiene monos de nieve en la costa no está en Japón las centrales nucleares Monos de nieve El Taj Mahal Starter – give them 2-3 minutes in pairs to decide (write down) their best suggestions for phrases in response to the map on the right. The starter’s aim is to focus students on the meanings of the words ‘es’, ‘esta’ , hay and tiene as these are the crucial sentence stems that they will be working with in their sentence-building, text sequencing activity that is the main body of the lesson. The teacher needs to ensure that all students are clear about these 4 meanings before beginning the main learning of the lesson so will need to react according if the starter throws up some gaps in student knowledge. The starter should take only 8 minutes, including the feedback time from students. Pistas de esquí

3 El viernes 11 de marzo 2011 hubo un terremoto en Japón.
I think I have planned in enough time for the lesson objectives to work in Spanish. With mixed ability groups there will obviously be the advantage that the quicker ones can be challenged by TL use and can share the content with rest of the class if necessary, but it is important that whenever possible, each new interaction is seen to be an opportunity for TL input and interaction.

4 Hoy vamos a…….. utilizar las partes de los verbos ‘es, está’, tiene, hay’ para crear frases inventar un texto para describir una foto de una escena en Japón ser creativos con las palabras trabajar en grupos I think I have planned in enough time for the lesson objectives to work in Spanish. With mixed ability groups there will obviously be the advantage that the quicker ones can be challenged by TL use and can share the content with rest of the class if necessary, but it is important that whenever possible, each new interaction is seen to be an opportunity for TL input and interaction.

5 puente se derrumbó - Koriyama, Japón

6 Iwaki, Japón

7 es muchas personas tiene en el campo hay tranquilo está grande
también hay aburrido me gusta destruido no es en una ciudad no tiene una carretera no hay poca gente no está en la costa en la distancia mucho tráfico en primer plano muchos edificios en el medio mucha industria pero contaminado porque llano no me gusta limpio parece algunas personas y unos coches el paisaje este lugar esta foto ruidoso Teacher will group the class into groups of 3 ideally, but 4 would also work. There are 2 x stimulus photos so that groups are working on different projects, and when they present their work, half the class will be seeing the photo for the first time so there will be a real communication purpose. These word prompts are cut up and in envelopes, one envelope per group. The groups need to respond to the photo, creating sentences that describe it. Then they need to work on the structure of their description so that it is logical and the phrases flow on naturally. They will have 20 minutes to work on this task. They all need a copy in their books BUT in addition, one quick writer in the group needs to complete the final agreed version on the pro forma on the next slide. After twenty minutes the final copies are handed in and the last 10 minutes of the lesson are the debrief/plenary. In the debrief students could be encouraged to share phrases that they are most proud of as well as reflect on their learning, what particular skills they were practising (should include sentence-building, memory, communication, synergising, creativity) and the quality of their group work. The reflection sheet is a useful way of collecting feedback and encouraging further thought, but if there isn’t time for it the first time you do the lesson, it’s not a disaster.

8 Descripción de: ……………………………………………………………..
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Collect from the 8 – 10 groups their texts. There is more that can be done with these of course. Students could be encouraged to practise them to record them and add the text as sound file into the PowerPoint. They could be gap-filled and used as listenings for the rest of the class. They can be scanned in as examples of good work – peer modelling – they could be used for pronunciation practice. In fact, it is worthwhile doing all these things with the different tasks so all eventually get used. Obviously the teacher will use them to diagnose further learning needs, discover lingering misapprehensions etc… Por:…………………………………………………………………………………………..



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