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¿Cuál es el teléfono de…?. ¿Cuál es tu teléfono?

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Presentación del tema: "¿Cuál es el teléfono de…?. ¿Cuál es tu teléfono?"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 ¿Cuál es el teléfono de…?

2 ¿Cuál es tu teléfono?


4 Cuenta (the counting song)

5 de la mañana

6 de la tarde

7 de la noche

8 En punto Son las siete en punto.

9 Es la una (de la tarde / de la mañana)

10 La medianoche

11 El mediodía

12 menos cuarto

13 ¿Qué hora es?

14 Son las….

15 Y cuarto

16 Y media

17 Es el primero (dos, tres) de… septiembre 2010 domingolunesmartesmiércolesjuevesviernessábado 1234 keyword: EXP CH1 Review grammar La cultura Homework: wkbk pp. 5-6 Review grammar Grammar quiz Bring 45 new 3 x 5 index cards Pronunciation Grammar quiz: 7th Bring 45 new 3 x 5 index cards Pronunciation Practice new vocab Study vocabulary keyword: EXP CH1 567891011 keyword: EXP CH1 El día del laborador: no hay clases Practice vocabulary HmWk (7th only) wkbk pp.7-9 Practice vocabulary Vocab quiz: 7th period only HmWk:wkbk pp.7- 9 Vocab keyword: EXP CH1 12131415161718 keyword: EXP CH1 Begin learning the verb "ser" Review the verb "ser" Review "ser" and begin learning punctuation and accent marks Hmwk: wkbk pp.10-12 Review "ser" and begin learning punctuation and accent marks Hmwk: wkbk pp.10-12 Review Grammar quiz on the verb "ser," punctuation and accent marks keyword: EXP CH1 19202122232425 keyword: EXP CH1 Bring 50 new index cards All about Spain Test ReviewChapter 1 Test Vocab cards checked and begin Practicing new vocab keyword: EXP CH2 2627282930 keyword: EXP CH2 Practice new vocab HmWk: WkBk pp.13-15 Review vocab Vocab quiz The verb "ser" with adjectives Gender agreementQuestion formation HmWk; WkBk pp. 16-18 keyword: EXP CH2

18 Los días de la semana

19 ¿Es lunes? ¿Es martes? ¿Es miércoles? Es jueves? ¿Es viernes? ¿Es sábado? ¿Es domingo? ¿Qué día es hoy?

20 Septiembre 2010 domingolunesmartesmiércolesjuevesviernessábado 1234 keyword: EXP CH1 Review grammar La cultura Homework: wkbk pp. 5-6 Review grammar Grammar quiz Bring 45 new 3 x 5 index cards Pronunciation Grammar quiz: 7th Bring 45 new 3 x 5 index cards Pronunciation Practice new vocab Study vocabulary keyword: EXP CH1 567891011 keyword: EXP CH1 El día del laborador: no hay clases Practice vocabulary HmWk (7th only) wkbk pp.7-9 Practice vocabulary Vocab quiz: 7th period only HmWk:wkbk pp.7- 9 Vocab keyword: EXP CH1 12131415161718 keyword: EXP CH1 Begin learning the verb "ser" Review the verb "ser" Review "ser" and begin learning punctuation and accent marks Hmwk: wkbk pp.10-12 Review "ser" and begin learning punctuation and accent marks Hmwk: wkbk pp.10-12 Review Grammar quiz on the verb "ser," punctuation and accent marks keyword: EXP CH1 19202122232425 keyword: EXP CH1 Bring 50 new index cards All about Spain Test ReviewChapter 1 Test Vocab cards checked and begin Practicing new vocab keyword: EXP CH2 2627282930 keyword: EXP CH2 Practice new vocab HmWk: WkBk pp.13-15 Review vocab Vocab quiz The verb "ser" with adjectives Gender agreementQuestion formation HmWk; WkBk pp. 16-18 keyword: EXP CH2

21 hoy es… domingolunesmartesmiércolesjuevesviernessábado 1234 keyword: EXP CH1 Review grammar La cultura Homework: wkbk pp. 5-6 Review grammar Grammar quiz Bring 45 new 3 x 5 index cards Pronunciation Grammar quiz: 7th Bring 45 new 3 x 5 index cards Pronunciation Practice new vocab Study vocabulary keyword: EXP CH1 567891011 keyword: EXP CH1 El día del laborador: no hay clases Practice vocabulary HmWk (7th only) wkbk pp.7-9 Practice vocabulary Vocab quiz: 7th period only HmWk:wkbk pp.7- 9 Vocab keyword: EXP CH1 12131415161718 keyword: EXP CH1 Begin learning the verb "ser" Review the verb "ser" Review "ser" and begin learning punctuation and accent marks Hmwk: wkbk pp.10-12 Review "ser" and begin learning punctuation and accent marks Hmwk: wkbk pp.10-12 Review Grammar quiz on the verb "ser," punctuation and accent marks keyword: EXP CH1 19202122232425 keyword: EXP CH1 Bring 50 new index cards All about Spain Test ReviewChapter 1 Test Vocab cards checked and begin Practicing new vocab keyword: EXP CH2 2627282930 keyword: EXP CH2 Practice new vocab HmWk: WkBk pp.13-15 Review vocab Vocab quiz The verb "ser" with adjectives Gender agreementQuestion formation HmWk; WkBk pp. 16-18 keyword: EXP CH2

22 mañana domingolunesmartesmiércolesjuevesviernessábado 1234 keyword: EXP CH1 Review grammar La cultura Homework: wkbk pp. 5-6 Review grammar Grammar quiz Bring 45 new 3 x 5 index cards Pronunciation Grammar quiz: 7th Bring 45 new 3 x 5 index cards Pronunciation Practice new vocab Study vocabulary keyword: EXP CH1 567891011 keyword: EXP CH1 El día del laborador: no hay clases Practice vocabulary HmWk (7th only) wkbk pp.7-9 Practice vocabulary Vocab quiz: 7th period only HmWk:wkbk pp.7- 9 Vocab keyword: EXP CH1 12131415161718 keyword: EXP CH1 Begin learning the verb "ser" Review the verb "ser" Review "ser" and begin learning punctuation and accent marks Hmwk: wkbk pp.10-12 Review "ser" and begin learning punctuation and accent marks Hmwk: wkbk pp.10-12 Review Grammar quiz on the verb "ser," punctuation and accent marks keyword: EXP CH1 19202122232425 keyword: EXP CH1 Bring 50 new index cards All about Spain Test ReviewChapter 1 Test Vocab cards checked and begin Practicing new vocab keyword: EXP CH2 2627282930 keyword: EXP CH2 Practice new vocab HmWk: WkBk pp.13-15 Review vocab Vocab quiz The verb "ser" with adjectives Gender agreementQuestion formation HmWk; WkBk pp. 16-18 keyword: EXP CH2

23 el fin de semana = sábado y domingo domingolunesmartesmiércolesjuevesviernessábado 1234 keyword: EXP CH1 Review grammar La cultura Homework: wkbk pp. 5-6 Review grammar Grammar quiz Bring 45 new 3 x 5 index cards Pronunciation Grammar quiz: 7th Bring 45 new 3 x 5 index cards Pronunciation Practice new vocab Study vocabulary keyword: EXP CH1 567891011 keyword: EXP CH1 El día del laborador: no hay clases Practice vocabulary HmWk (7th only) wkbk pp.7-9 Practice vocabulary Vocab quiz: 7th period only HmWk:wkbk pp.7- 9 Vocab keyword: EXP CH1 12131415161718 keyword: EXP CH1 Begin learning the verb "ser" Review the verb "ser" Review "ser" and begin learning punctuation and accent marks Hmwk: wkbk pp.10-12 Review "ser" and begin learning punctuation and accent marks Hmwk: wkbk pp.10-12 Review Grammar quiz on the verb "ser," punctuation and accent marks keyword: EXP CH1 19202122232425 keyword: EXP CH1 Bring 50 new index cards All about Spain Test ReviewChapter 1 Test Vocab cards checked and begin Practicing new vocab keyword: EXP CH2 2627282930 keyword: EXP CH2 Practice new vocab HmWk: WkBk pp.13-15 Review vocab Vocab quiz The verb "ser" with adjectives Gender agreementQuestion formation HmWk; WkBk pp. 16-18 keyword: EXP CH2

24 Los meses del año

25 ¿ Cuál es la fecha (de hoy)? (book: ¿Qué fecha es hoy?) ¿Es el 3 o el 4 de septiembre? domingolunesmartesmiércolesjuevesviernessábado 1234 keyword: EXP CH1 Review grammar La cultura Homework: wkbk pp. 5-6 Review grammar Grammar quiz Bring 45 new 3 x 5 index cards Pronunciation Grammar quiz: 7th Bring 45 new 3 x 5 index cards Pronunciation Practice new vocab Study vocabulary keyword: EXP CH1 567891011 keyword: EXP CH1 El día del laborador: no hay clases Practice vocabulary HmWk (7th only) wkbk pp.7-9 Practice vocabulary Vocab quiz: 7th period only HmWk:wkbk pp.7- 9 Vocab keyword: EXP CH1 12131415161718 keyword: EXP CH1 Begin learning the verb "ser" Review the verb "ser" Review "ser" and begin learning punctuation and accent marks Hmwk: wkbk pp.10-12 Review "ser" and begin learning punctuation and accent marks Hmwk: wkbk pp.10-12 Review Grammar quiz on the verb "ser," punctuation and accent marks keyword: EXP CH1 19202122232425 keyword: EXP CH1 Bring 50 new index cards All about Spain Test ReviewChapter 1 Test Vocab cards checked and begin Practicing new vocab keyword: EXP CH2 2627282930 keyword: EXP CH2 Practice new vocab HmWk: WkBk pp.13-15 Review vocab Vocab quiz The verb "ser" with adjectives Gender agreementQuestion formation HmWk; WkBk pp. 16-18 keyword: EXP CH2

26 diciembre enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre

27 Las estaciones

28 El invierno diciembre enero febrero

29 La primavera marzo abril mayo

30 El verano junio julio agosto

31 El otoño septiembre octubre noviembre

32 ¿Cómo se escribe? Se escribe…..

33 ¿Cuál es el correo electrónico de….? Sra. Leopard:

34 ¿Cuál es tu correo electrónico?

35 @= arroba Es = its just like, he is, she is.

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