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Publicada porJuanito Britto Modificado hace 11 años
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse acostarse (o>ue) to lay down, to go to bed afeitarse to shave (oneself)
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse bañarse to take a bath despertarse (e>ie) to wake up
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse dormirse (o>ue) to fall asleep ducharse to take a shower
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse lavarse to wash oneself lavarse la cabeza to wash ones hair
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse lavarse los dientes to brush ones teeth levantarse to get up
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse maquillarse to put on makeup peinarse to comb ones hair
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse ponerse la ropa to get dressed secarse to dry off
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse En Resumen despertarse secarse lavarse ducharse acostarse bañarse 1. Es importante ______ los dientes todos los días. 2. Eva necesita ______ pero no tiene jabón. 3. Benito tiene que ______ a las seis de la mañana todos los días. 4. Tito no puede ______ porque no tiene una toalla. 5. Élida quiere ______ pero no hay agua caliente. 6. Emilio tiene que ______ a las nueve y media todas las noches!
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse To describe people doing things for themselves, use Reflexive verbs. Examples of reflexive actions are brushing ones teeth, combing ones hair, or shaving. Reflexive pronouns are used with reflexive verbs to indicate that the subject of the sentence receives the action of the verb. os laváis Reflexive verbs & Pronouns 2. 3.5. 4.1. telavas selava noslavamos selavan melavo
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse To describe people doing things for themselves, use Reflexive verbs. Examples of reflexive actions are brushing ones teeth, combing ones hair, or shaving. Reflexive pronouns are used with reflexive verbs to indicate that the subject of the sentence receives the action of the verb. os bañais bañarse 2. 3.5. 4.1. te bañ as se bañ a nos bañ amos se bañ an mebaño
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse To describe people doing things for themselves, use Reflexive verbs. Examples of reflexive actions are brushing ones teeth, combing ones hair, or shaving. Reflexive pronouns are used with reflexive verbs to indicate that the subject of the sentence receives the action of the verb. os acostáis acostarse (o>ue) 2. 3.5. 4.1. te acuest as se acuest a nos acost amos se acuest an meacuesto
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse To describe people doing things for themselves, use Reflexive verbs. Examples of reflexive actions are brushing ones teeth, combing ones hair, or shaving. Reflexive pronouns are used with reflexive verbs to indicate that the subject of the sentence receives the action of the verb. os despertáis despertarse (e>ie) 2. 3.5. 4.1. te despiert as se despiert a nos despert amos se despiert an medespierto
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse Many verbs can be used with or without reflexive pronouns. When there is no reflexive pronoun, the person doing the action does not receive the action. Fulano baña al perro. Fulano is bathing the dog. Fulano se baña. not reflexivereflexive Pepa lava el carro. Pepa washes the car. Pepa se lava. Pepa washes herself. not reflexivereflexive (Fulano is taking a bath.) Fulano is bathing himself.
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse Soledad se cepilla los dientes todos los diás. reflexive Filiberto se lava las manos antes de comer. Filbert washes his hands before eating. reflexive Soledad brushes her teeth every day. Many verbs can be used with or without reflexive pronouns. When there is no reflexive pronoun, the person doing the action does not receive the action. Notice he says las manos, not sus manos, because reflexive pronouns include the concept of possession
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse When you use the infinitive form of a reflexive verb after a conjugated verb, be sure to use the correct reflexive pronoun. Florencio y yo necesitamos acostarnos a las siete y media. Florencio and I need to go to bed at seven thirty. Quiero levantarme temprano mañana. I want to get up early tomorrow. You can also put the reflexive pronoun in front of the conjugated verb Florencio y yo nos necesitamos acostar a las siete y media. Florencio and I need to go to bed at seven thirty. Me Quiero levantar temprano mañana. I want to get up early tomorrow.
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse 7 Hablar Luis habla de sus amigos. Van a una fiesta. Nadie está listo. ¿Qué tiene que hacer cada uno? (Hint: Say what they have to do.) No están listos Modelo Marta se tiene que lavar la cabeza. Marta: lavarse la cabeza Marta tiene que lavarse la cabeza. or 2. tú y Eva: lavarse los dientes Tú y Eva se tienen que lavar.or (Yo) Me tengo que afeitar. 3. yo: afeitarse (Yo) tengo que afeitarme.or Tú te tienes que afeitar. 1. tú: afeitarse Tú tienes que afeitarte.or Tú y Eva tienen que lavarse.
Spanish One Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day one Language Objective: Topic: Class: Content Objective: Day One Reflexive Verbs I will be able to use reflexive verbs to describe actions that involve oneself. I will be able to apply reflexive verbs in daily conversation to describe actions involving oneself. Key Vocabulary: acostarse (ue) afeitarse bañarse despertarse (ie) dormirse (ue) ducharse lavarse lavarse la cabeza lavarse los dientes levantarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse la ropa secarse COMPLETE #s 4-10 4.tú: ducharse 5.Emiliana: maquillarse 6. sus primos: ponerse la ropa nueva 7. Mercedes y Elena: peinarse 8. tú hermana: lavarse la cara 9. Yolanda: bañarse 10. Alfredo: ponerse otra camisa
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