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Question and Answer Samples and Techniques. Traditional Puerto Rican cooking is known as _________. All of the above Bueno alcapurrias pollo La cocina.

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Presentación del tema: "Question and Answer Samples and Techniques. Traditional Puerto Rican cooking is known as _________. All of the above Bueno alcapurrias pollo La cocina."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Question and Answer Samples and Techniques

2 Traditional Puerto Rican cooking is known as _________. All of the above Bueno alcapurrias pollo La cocina criolla

3 For breakfast I like an egg sandwich with cheese.

4 When I am thirsty, I like to drink an orange juice.

5 TRUE or FALSE? El Yunque is a rain forest in Puerto Rico that is maintained my the United States.

6 Match the proper conjugations to the subjects Mi hermano Pablo Sara y Yo Yo Karen y Jenny tú Comen la comida Compartimos el almuerzo Vive en San Juan Vendes la sopa Estudio para el examen

7 Use the correct interrogative word to find the answer of the underlined response. This is the answer, you give me the question. Me gusta la hamburguesa con queso para la cena.

8 Pinchos are skewers of_____. Chicken vegetables Pork sausage Either chicken or pork

9 Juan drinks a juice.

10 You make soup Remember to include the article in Spanish.

11 Which is not a typical Puerto Rican dish? bacalaítos alcapurrias Arroz con gandules tostones Pupusas

12 TRUE or FALSE? If you are a U.S. citizen, you do not need a passport to visit Puerto Rico.

13 Match the person and what they like: You will find there is more than 1 correct way to answer Mi hermano Pablo le Sara y Yo nos A mí me Gusta el cereal Karen y Jenny les gusta la bebida Tú te Gustan las papas fritas Gusta el sándwich Gustan las uvas

14 Fill in the blank there is a bonus?? Manuel ____la piragua con Susana. none of the above….he doesnt share compartes comparto compartimos comparte

15 How does he eat a cheeseburger for breakfast?

16 A nosotros nos ____ las manzanas All of the above gussta gusta gusto gustan

17 What are fried plantains? What are they called when they are stuffed with meat inside.

18 Traditional Puerto Rican cooking has ______influences They eat McDonalds Indigenous Spanish African Spanish, African, and Indigenous

19 Which is your favorite, a cheeseburger or a pizza?

20 Where do they sell an egg sandwich with french fries?

21 What is a coquí? Where can it be found


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