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Verbos Reflexivos. A verb is reflexive when the subject and the object are the same.

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Presentación del tema: "Verbos Reflexivos. A verb is reflexive when the subject and the object are the same."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Verbos Reflexivos

2 A verb is reflexive when the subject and the object are the same.

3 I bathe myself. Subject: I Verb: bathe Object: myself I bathe the dog. Subject: I Verb: bathe Object: the dog I brush my teeth. Subject: I Verb: brush Object: my own teeth I brush my baby brothers teeth. Subject: I Verb: brush Object: my baby brothers teeth.

4 When a verb is reflexive, its infinitive ends in -se. vestir - to dress (non-reflexive) vestirse - to dress oneself (reflexive) cepillar - to brush (non reflexive) cepillarse - to brush oneself (reflexive) ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo...

5 Reflexive Pronouns tell to whom something is given, said, or done. Reflexive Pronouns tell to whom something is given, said, or done. Reflexive Pronouns indicate that someone is doing something to themselves. Reflexive Pronouns indicate that someone is doing something to themselves. Reflexive Pronouns ALWAYS go before the conjugated verb.






11 Pasos para conjugar un verbo reflexivo... 1. Identifica el SUJETO de la oración... 2. Identifica el pronombre reflexivo... 3. Identifica la base del verbo.... 4. Conjuga el verbo...

12 Pedro/ lavarse/el pelo Subject: Pedro Reflexivo: se Base: lav Final: a

13 Pedro se lava el pelo.

14 Ellos/cepillarse/ los dientes

15 Ellos se cepillan los dientes.

16 Ana/vestirse/si n ayuda.

17 Ana se viste sin ayuda.

18 Yo/afeitarse/las piernas.

19 Yo me afeito las piernas.

20 Nosotros/senta rse/en el sofá.

21 Nosotros nos sentamos en el sofá.

22 Ella/levantar/el bebé a las seis de la mañana.

23 Ella levanta el bebé a las seis de la mañana.

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