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Capítulo 4 La vida escolar. Learning Objectives Say what you have and need Talk about classes Talk about plans Invite someone to do something.

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Presentación del tema: "Capítulo 4 La vida escolar. Learning Objectives Say what you have and need Talk about classes Talk about plans Invite someone to do something."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Capítulo 4 La vida escolar

2 Learning Objectives Say what you have and need Talk about classes Talk about plans Invite someone to do something

3 Language Objectives Students will… Use indefinite articles, ¿cuánto?, mucho, and poco when saying what they have and what they need. Use tener and some tener idioms when talking about classes.

4 Use venir and a la/las with time when talking about plans. Use ir a with infinitives and tag questions when inviting someone to do something.

5 Vocabulario 1.2

6 Tengo muchas cosas, pero… I have a lot of things, but…

7 1.unos cuadernos (notebooks) 2.una regla ( a ruler) 3.unos lápices ( pencils) 4.un lápiz (a pencil) 5.papel (paper) 6.mochila (backpack) 7. zapatos (shoes)

8 8. un diccionario (a dictionary) 9. ropa (clothes) 10. un reloj ( a clock) 11. unos relojes (clocks) 12. a computer (una computadora) 13. unas carpetas (binders) 14. una carpeta (a binder)

9 15. Unos bolígrafos (pens) 16. Un bolígrafo ( a pen)

10 Las Materias School Subjects

11 1.el alemán (German) 2.las ciencias (Science) computación (Computer Science) 4.el francés (French) química ( Chemistry) 6.el taller ( shop, worshop)

12 To ask what others have or need

13 ¿Necesitas algo para…? Do you need anything for…?

14 ¿Necesitas un(a)…? Do you need a…?

15 ¿Tienes…? Do you have…?

16 To respond

17 Sí, necesito muchas cosas. Yes, I need a lot of things.

18 No, no necesito nada. No, I don’t need anything.

19 Sí, necesito un(a)… Yes, I need…

20 Sí, tengo un montón. Yes, I have a ton of them.

21 No, no tengo. No, I don’t have any.

22 To ask about classes

23 ¿Qué clases tienes esta tarde/depués del almuerzo? What classes do you have this afternoon/ after lunch?

24 ¿Cuál es tu materia preferida? What’s your favorite subject?

25 To respond

26 Primero tengo (class) y después tengo (class). First I have (class) and afterwards I have (class).

27 Mi materia preferida es (class). Es fácil. My favorite subject is (class). It’s easy.

28 No me gusta la clase de (subject) porque es difícil. I don’t like (subject) because it’s hard.

29 Indefinite Articles; ¿cuánto?, mucho, and poco

30 un / una Indefinite Article Used to say a or an before a singular noun.

31 unos / unas Indefinite Article Used to say some before a plural noun. Important! * Indefinite Articles can sometimes be left out, especially when the noun is plural.

32 Remember! Indefinite articles agree with the noun in gender and number. UnGender UnaNumber Unos Unas

33 Present tense of tener and some tener idioms.

34 The verb tener To tell what someone has.

35 To conjugate the verb tener Yo: drop the –er ending and add –go. (tengo) Tú: (tienes) Udsted, él, ella: (tiene) Nosotros(as): (tenemos) Vosotros(as): (tenéis) Udstedes, ellos, ellas: (tienen)

36 Tener in common expressions

37 Tener que + infinitive to have something to do

38 Tener ganas de + infinitive to feel like doing something

39 Tener prisa to be in a hurry

40 Tener (mucha) hambre to be (very) hungry

41 Tener (mucha) sed to be (very) thirsty

42 Warm up! Use the correct form of tener. 1.Carlota _______ que estudiar hoy. 2.Marina y yo ______ mucha hambre. 3.¿Usted _________ prisa? 4.Yo ________ ganas de jugar al fútbol. 5.Felipe y Nicolás ________ sed.

43 The verb venir and a + time

44 The verb venir To come Yo (vengo) Tú (vienes) Ud,él,ella (viene) Nostros (as) (venimos) Vosotros (as) (venís) Uds, ellos, ellas (vienen)

45 a + time To say at what time something happens. Put the preposition a before the time.

46 ¿A qué hora vienes al colegio? At what time do you come to school? Vengo a las ocho en punto. I come at eight o’ clock. ¿A qué hora es la clase de algebra? At what time is algebra class? Es la una de la tarde. It’s at one in the afternoon.

47 Vocabulario 2.2

48 Esta semana Este fin de semana Mañana Pasado mañana La próxima semana This week This weekend Tomorrow Day after tomorrow Next week

49 un partido un concierto una clase de baile la biblioteca el auditorio la cafetería el salón de clases el estadio a game a concert a dance class the library the auditorium the cafeteria the classroom the stadium

50 To talk about plans…

51 ¿Vas a ir a….? Are you going to go to….?

52 ¿Qué vas hacer…? What are you going to do….?

53 ¿A qué hora vas a llegar al…? What time are you going to get to…?

54 ¿Preguntas?

55 Gramática 2.2

56 Content Objective Using ir with infinitives –er and –ir verbs, tag questions, and –er and –ir verbs with irregular yo forms.

57 Ir a with infinitives

58 To talk about what someone is or isn’t going to do Use the present tense of ir with a followed by a infinitive. ¿Vas a estudiar? Are you going to study? No, voy a descansar. No, I’m going to rest.

59 To say what you are going to do something on a certain day of a particular week use: el before the weekday El sábado voy a ir de compras. On Saturday I’m going to go shopping.

60 Use los and a plural form of the day of the week to say you do something on that day every week. ¿Qué haces los sábados? What do you usually do on Saturdays?

61 The present tense of – er and –ir verbs and tag questions

62 To conjugate a regular –er or –ir verb in the present tense: 1.Drop the –er and –ir of the infinitive 2.Add these endings:  For –er it would be: o, es, e, emos, eís, en  For –ir it would be: o, es, e, imos, ís, -en

63 Some –er and –ir verbs are: beber (to drink) asistir (a) (to attend) abrir (to open) interrumpir (to interrupt) * To say that someone drinks something, use beber algo.

64 Tag Question Is attached to the end of the sentence to make it a question. If you expect someone to answer yes, use ¿no? or ¿verdad?

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