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El abrecerebros 19/4/2016 Traduzca: 1. There are too many bottles of water in the store. 2. I saw Candyman in the mirror. 3. There is so much toothpaste.

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Presentación del tema: "El abrecerebros 19/4/2016 Traduzca: 1. There are too many bottles of water in the store. 2. I saw Candyman in the mirror. 3. There is so much toothpaste."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El abrecerebros 19/4/2016 Traduzca: 1. There are too many bottles of water in the store. 2. I saw Candyman in the mirror. 3. There is so much toothpaste here. 4. We don’t like apple juice (juice of apple). 5. He doesn’t have shaving cream. 6. My wife needs to wake up at 6:00. 7. Quiero levantarme más temprano, pero es difícil. 8. Ella necesita maquillarse en casa, no en la escuela.

2 El objetivo del día I can discuss grooming habits (e.g. showering, brushing teeth) and talk about my daily routine (e.g. waking up, going to bed). I can correctly use reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nos, os, se) with reflexive verbs (-se).

3 Repasito de Stem-Changes Canción

4 Only change the stem in the present tense! perder (e>ie) – to lose 18 1 12 15 28 querer (e>ie) – to want 6 3 2 mentir (e>ie) – to lie 13 17 9 26 encontrar (o>ue) – to find 22 23 24 21 recordar (o>ue) – to remember 5 8 16 25 29 volver (o>ue) – to return/to come back 20 11 10 30 repetir (e>i) – to repeat 19 14 7 jugar (u>ue) – to play 4 27

5 Yo 10 21 27 Yo no 7 1 16 Tú 22 23 8 Ellano 19 4 30 Usted 24 25 3 Nosotros 2615 Nosotros no 12 13 9 Nosotros 11 29 6 Ellas18 28 20 Ustedes 2 14 17 Vosotros5

6 Spanish universities use este sistema - the grades can be expressed in words as follows: 10 : "Matrícula de Honor“ (with distinction). 9 : "Sobresaliente" ("outstanding"). 7 - 8 : "Notable" ("remarkable"). 5 – 6 : "Aprobado" ("pass"). 0 - 4 : "Suspenso" ("fail").

7 10 9 7 - 8 5 - 6 0 – 4

8 Perder (e>ie) – to lose Yo nunca perdo.

9 ¡Vamos a caminar por la clase!

10 Para dulce (¿Correcto o No?) Perder (e>ie) – to lose Yo perdo Querer (e>ie) – to want Tú no queres Mentir (e>ie) – to lie Él no miente Encontrar (o>ue) – to find Ellos encontran Recordar (o>ue) – to remember Usted recuerda Volver (o>ue) – to return Nosotros volvemos Repetir (e>i) – to repeat Ella repete

11 Escribimos UNIT 13 Vocabulario. Vocab. de rutina diaria Repaso de ayer

12 10.000 Pyramid/Los gestos GRUPOS Artista / Actor-Actriz Vamos a salir de los stem-changes por un rato… Vamos a salir de los stem-changes por un rato… ¡Enfoque en los “–se” verbos que no tienen (…>…)! ¡Enfoque en los “–se” verbos que no tienen (…>…)! (Están en la siguiente slide)

13 Reflexive Verbs (sin >) de Unidad 13 Bañarse - … Mirarse - … Afeitarse - … Cepillarse - … Lavarse - … Maquillarse - … Peinarse - … Desayunarse - … Ponerse - … Llamarse - … Ducharse - … Levantarse - … Quitarse - …

14 Verbos Reflexivos –se In the INFINITIVE form, terminan en “–se.” What I do to myself What you do to yourself What he does to himself What she does to herself What we do to ourselves What “you all do” to “yourselves” What they do to themselves What one does to oneself Think of the –se as meaning “self”

15 1. I brush my teeth. (I myself brush the teeth) 2. You comb your hair. (You yourself comb the hair) 3. He bathes at night. (He himself bathes at night) 4. She has fun. (She herself has fun) 5. We brush our hair. (We ourselves brush the hair) 6. You all wake up early. (You all yourselves wake up early) 7. They go to bed late. (They themselves go to bed late) 8. The patients passed out. (The patients themselves passed out)

16 ¡Son usados mucho en español!

17 Reflexive Verbs Por ejemplo: Divorciarse – to get (oneself) a divorce Caerse – to fall down se Desmayarse – to faint se Quejarse – to complain se Suicidarse - …

18 Reflexive Verbs All reflexive verb conjugations use Reflexive Pronouns. MeNos TeOs Se

19 ar Ducharse = to shower MENOS TEOS SE

20 ar Peinarse = to comb oneself MENOS TEOS SE

21 ar Cepillarse – To brush o 1. Yo (no) me cepillo los dientes. as 2. Tú (no) te cepillas el pelo. a 3. Él/Ella (no) se cepilla... a 4. Usted (no) se cepilla... amos 5. Nosotros (no) nos cepillamos... áis 6. Vosotros (no) os cepilláis... an 7. Ellos/Ellas (no) se cepillan... an 8. Ustedes (no) se cepillan... MENOS TEOS SE

22 ar Levantarse = to get up MENOS TEOS SE

23 er Ponerse la ropa= to put on clothes MENOS TEOS SE

24 ar Llamarse = to call oneself MENOS TEOS SE

25 Frase de salida Diga una frase con un verbo reflexivo. Me...o … Me...o … Mirarse - … (1-3) Afeitarse - … (3-5) Cepillarse - … (6-8) Lavarse - … (8-9) Maquillarse - … (10-12) Peinarse - … (13-15) Desayunarse - … (16-18) Ponerse la ropa - … (19-21) Llamarse – (22-23) Ducharse – (24-25) Levantarse – (26+)

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