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Verbos similares a gustar DIRECTIONS: Review the slides shown in class today. Remember that we wrote a sentence for each new verb that functions like GUSTAR.

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Presentación del tema: "Verbos similares a gustar DIRECTIONS: Review the slides shown in class today. Remember that we wrote a sentence for each new verb that functions like GUSTAR."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Verbos similares a gustar DIRECTIONS: Review the slides shown in class today. Remember that we wrote a sentence for each new verb that functions like GUSTAR (starting with Slide #7). You will be writing a total of 4 sentences for each verb. This will give you practice in present/past and singular/plural forms. You’ll need to add to what you wrote in class. Slide #6 gives an example of what you should have for each verb.

2 me gustanos gusta te gustaos gusta le gustales gusta me gustannos gustan te gustanos gustan le gustanles gustan Conjugations in Present tense

3 I like the blue car. Me gusta el carro azul. I like cars. Me gustan los carros.

4 Yesterday I liked the blue car. Ayer me gustó el carro azul. Last year I liked cars. El año pasado me gustaron los carros.

5 me gustónos gustó te gustóos gustó le gustóles gustó me gustaronnos gustaron te gustaronos gustaron le gustaronles gustaron Conjugations in Past tense - Preterite Remember that verbs with an –ER or –IR ending will be either -ió or -ieron

6 EJEMPLO: aburrir 1. Me aburre hablar inglés. Me gusta mas el español. 2. Me aburren los ratones porque no hacen nada. 3. Ayer me aburrió la telenovela. 4. El año pasado me aburrieron las clases. Ahora tengo clases mas interesantes. Form each verb, write 4 sentences, using singular, plural, present, and past forms of each verb. Present Tense -a, -an -e, -en Preterite Tense -ó, -aron - ió, -ieron

7 aburrir to bore

8 encantar to like very much; to love (inanimate objects)

9 faltar to lack; to need

10 fascinar to fascinate ; to like very much

11 importar to be important to; to matter

12 interesar to be interesting to or to interest

13 molestar to bother; to annoy

14 quedar to be left over; to fit (clothing)

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