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Examen del mediosemestre- Capítulos 1 y 2

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1 Examen del mediosemestre- Capítulos 1 y 2
Español II: Repaso Examen del mediosemestre- Capítulos 1 y 2

2 Capítulo 1: ¿Cómo es tu escuela?
Vocabulario Pp (school subjects/materials) Pp (school buildings/locations) Gramática “go” verbs Comparisons (equal/not equal/superlative) Saber vs. Conocer (both mean “to know”-- which to use?)

3 “Go” Verbs The following verbs have “go” on the end of their “yo” forms: Hacer (yo hago) To do/make Salir (yo salgo) To leave Traer (yo traigo) To bring Poner (yo pongo) To put/place Tener (yo tengo) *e-ie To have Venir (yo vengo) To come

4 Salir= to leave Salgo Salimos Sales Salís Sale Salen

5 Comparisons We studied three types of comparisons in this chapter:
Iguales (tan + adj + como) Iguales [with NOUNS] (tanto/a + noun + como) Comparativo (más/menos + adj + que) Superlativo (noun + más/menos+ adj + de + noun)

6 The four irregular comparisons
Mejor= better Mayor= older Peor= worse Menor= younger Mi hermano es mayor que yo.

7 Tener= to have Tengo Tenemos Tienes Tenéis Tiene Tienen

8 Traer= to bring Traigo Traemos Traes Traéis Trae Traen


10 Saber y Conocer- to know
To know something Absolute knowledge Irregular “yo” form: yo sé Conocer To know someone To be familiar with Irregular “yo” form: yo conozco

11 Conocer Conozco Conocemos Conoces Conocéis Conoce Conocen

12 Capítulo 2: ¿Qué haces todos los días?
Vocabulario Pp (daily activities; mainly reflexives) Pp (clubs/jobs/extra-curricular activities) Gramática Verbos Reflexivos: How do you form them in the following tenses? Present With another verb [ir a/tener que] Using Antes/Después de…

13 La Lista de Verbos Reflexivos
The following reflexive verbs were studied in this chapter: Levantarse-to get up/to raise Bañarse-to bathe [self] Ducharse-to shower Peinarse [el pelo]-to come [hair] Lavarse [la cara/el pelo/las manos]-to wash [face/hair/hands] Secarse [el pelo]-to dry [hair] Despertarse (e --> ie)- to wake up] Acostarse (o --> ue)- to go to bed Vestirse (e --> I)-to get dressed

14 Forming Reflexives in the Present
Ex: lavarse Appropriate reflexive pronoun goes in front Appropriate verb form follows Me lavo Nos lavamos Te lavas Os laváis Se lava Se lavan

15 Acostarse= to go to bed o-ue
Me acuesto Nos acostamos Te acuestas Os acostáis Se acuesta Se acuestan

16 Despertarse= to wake up e-ie
Me despierto Nos despertamos Te despiertas Os despertáis Se despierta Se despiertan

17 Vestirse= to get dressed e-ie
Me visto Nos vestimos Te vistes Os vestís Se viste Se visten

18 Forming Reflexives with Another Verb
Like other verbs, when another verb is formed in a phrase, the reflexive is kept in the infinitive The only difference is that the appropriate reflexive pronoun must be tacked on to the end of the infinitive Ejemplos Voy a lavarme el pelo.-I am going to wash my hair. ¿Tienes que lavarte el pelo?-Do you have to wash your hair?

19 Forming Reflexives Using Antes/Después de
Antes de = before Después de = after When you use either of these phrases, your verb MUST be in the infinitive Your subject is only known by the context Once again, in reflexives, the appropriate pronoun is attached Ejemplos Antes de comer-Before … eat Después de estudiar- after … study Antes de ducharme - Before I shower Después de cepillarte los dientes-After you brush your teeth

20 Ejemplos I bathe= Me baño. I am going to bathe.= Voy a bañarme
Before I bathe.= Antes de bañarme

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