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Language: Spanish I Mrs. Pacheco

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Presentación del tema: "Language: Spanish I Mrs. Pacheco"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Language: Spanish I Mrs. Pacheco
GREETINGS Language: Spanish I Mrs. Pacheco

2 Greetings In the Spanish culture it is a custom to greet people with a hand shake, same as the North America’s hand shake. Another Spanish custom is to greet family and close friends (even co-workers) with a kiss on the cheek or a hug.

3 Formal Perdone, Señor. or Con su permiso. Perdone, Señora. or
Excuse me. For a young girl you can say Señorita but for a young man you will still use Señor.

4 ¡Hola! Ejemplo: Hola, buenos días. Buenos días. Ante Meridiem (a.m.)
Buenas tardes. Entre 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Buenas noches. 7:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m.

5 How would you greet someone at these times?
7:00 P.M. Buenos días. Buenas tardes. Buenas noches. 9:45 A.M. 2:00 P.M. Buenos días. Buenas tardes. Buenas noches. 8:30 A.M. 10:00 P.M.

6 ¿Comó está(s)? The word estás is used when you refer to family or friend yet when you refer to an older person or professional you use está. Tú (informal you)= estás Usted (formal you)= está Vos (you, Spain) = estáis As you may know nouns and adjectives have gender; adjectives referring to a male will end in “o” and females in “a”. Respond based on how you are feeling: Estoy bien. Gracias. Estoy confundido (male) Estoy enferma (female) Change the “o” to an “a” to change gender from masculine to femine or vice versa.

7 Estoy… Estoy mal. Estoy cansado (a). Estoy feliz. Estoy enojada (o).

8 ¿Y usted/tú? You may wonder how the person is feeling or doing too, yet you do not have to repeat the complete question. In the English language you will ask, “and you?” Alike in Spanish you will ask ¿y usted (formal)? Or ¿Y tú (informal)? Person 1: ¿Comó está? Person 2: Estoy bien y usted?

9 ¿Cómo te llamas?/¿Cómo se llama?
As the conversation develops you may want to ask his or her name. You can use either ¿Cómo te llamas (informal)? Or ¿Cómo se llama (formal)? Me llamo… Me llamo Raul. ¿Cómo se llama? Me llamo Sonia ¡Mucho gusto! Igualmente. (Raul replies)

10 Despedidas It is obvious that the conversation cannot go on forever, thus one must close the conversation by saying bye. There are different ways to say goodbye in Spanish. Some expressions are: Adiós. Hasta mañana. Nos vemos. Hasta luego. You can also say: Fue un placer conocerte. You can say es un placer conocerte when you are introduced to someone or you introduce yourself (while shaking hands), notice that the only difference between using this frase at the beginning of a conversation or at the end are the words es (presente) and fue (pasado).

11 ¡Vamos a conversar! (review)
Perdone, Señorita Hola, buenos días. Buenos días. ¿Cómo está? Estoy bien. ¿Y usted? Bien. Gracias. ¿Cómo se llama? Me llamo Rosa. ¿Y usted? Me llamo Pablo.¡Mucho gusto! Igualmente. ¡Hasta luego! Adíos.


13 Presenta a un Amigo o Familiar
When you want to present a friend, a family member, a co-worker, any person you know to other people in Spanish you say; “Te presento a.. (person’s name)” For example: Manuel: Buenas tardes, Rosa. Te presento a mi amigo, José. Rosa: Mucho gusto. José: Es un placer conocerte. You can also say “encantado(a)”= nice to meet you. To reply you can say “el gusto es mío” = the pleasure is mine. You can also mention where your friend, family member… is from, for example: “Les presento a mi amigo, José. El es de Nueva York.” “Les” talking to more than one person “Te” talking to one person “Le” talking to one person but in the form of usted, proper and more professional “os” same as above but use as the form of “vosostros” –Spain, Argentina, Uruguay and other South America countries Rosa José Manuel

14 Possessive adjectives
When you present someone in Spanish we use possessive adjectives. Possessive adjectives are used to show ownership. Example: mi libro (my book) tu pluma your pen There are five possessive adjectives. Mi, tu, su, nuestro, vuestro Three possessive adjectives (mi, tu, su) have only two forms, singular and plural. Mi (mis), tu (tus), su (sus)

15 Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives agree with the nouns they modify. That is, they agree with the thing possessed, not the possessor. mi libro (my book) mis libros (my books) tu pluma (your pen) tus plumas (your pens) Mi, tu and su do not have masculine and feminine forms. They stay the same, regardless of the gender of the nouns they modify.

16 “Mi casa es tu casa”. (My house is your house.)
Mi means "my" ; tu means "your." Su, like tu, can mean "your." The difference between your (tu) and your (su) lies in the degree of formality the speaker wishes to convey. Mi casa es tu casa. (speaking to someone you would address as "tú") Mi casa es su casa. (speaking to someone you would address as "usted")

17 Note: The two words "tu" and "tú" are pronounced the same. Tú (with the written accent) is the subject pronoun meaning "you" (informal). Tu (without the written accent) is the possessive adjective meaning "your" (informal). Su has four meanings: his, her, their and your (formal). María busca a su hermana. María is looking for her sister. Juan busca a su hermana. Juan is looking for his sister. Ellos buscan a su hermana. They are looking for their sister. Su madre busca a su hermana. Your mother is looking for your sister.

18 If the meaning of su is not clear from the context of the sentence, a prepositional phrase is used in place of su. María busca a la hermana de él. María looks for his sister. El hombre busca las llaves de ella. The man looks for her keys. María busca el cuaderno de Juan. María looks for Juan's notebook. El hombre busca las llaves de Samanta. The man looks for Samanta's keys.

19 Two possessive adjectives (nuestro and vuestro) have four forms.
nuestra nuestros nuestras vuestro vuestra vuestros vuestras

20 Nuestro vs Vuestro Nuestro means "our." nuestro hermano our brother
nuestra hermana our sister nuestros hermanos our brothers nuestras hermanas our sisters Vuestro means "your" (familiar, plural). Like vosotros, vuestro is primarily used in Spain. vuestro libro your book vuestra pluma your pen vuestros libros your books vuestras plumas your pens

21 Here are all of the possessive adjectives:
mi(s) tu(s) su(s) nuestro(-a, -os, -as) vuestro(-a, -os, -as) my your (fam. sing.) his, her, your (formal), their our your (fam. pl.)

22 Practica Translate and use possessive adjectives.
1. your (informal) classes 2. your (formal) telephone 3. his son 4. her children 5. our daughter 6. your (informal) car 7. their books 8. my book 9. Your Spanish teacher 10. Their best friends.

23 Present Yourself to Others
Sara: ¿Qué tal Ana? Hola Señorita me llamo Sara. Señorita: Mucho gusto, soy la prima de Ana. ¿Cómo está? Sara: Muy bien. ¿Y ustedes? Practice with your classmates, select 3 students and have them create a conversation using their Spanish names; 1. introduce yourself, 2. introduce your friend to one person, 3. introduce your friend to a group. Ana Señorita Sara

24 ¿De dónde eres?

25 Los países del mundo hispanohablante
Argentina Belice Bolivia Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Ecuador El Salvador España Estado Unidos Filipinas Guam Guatemala Guinea Ecuatorial Honduras México Nicaragua Panamá Paraguay Perú Puerto Rico República Dominicana Uruguay Venezuela Geografía

26 ¿De dónde es (name)? Is used when you ask someone about where a certain person is from. ¿De dónde es George Lopez? To reply you will say, Es de México.

27 ¿De dónde eres? If you will like to know from where is the person you are talking to, you will directly ask, where are you from? In Spanish you will ask, ¿De dónde eres? You or partner will reply, Soy de Ecuador.

28 ¡Vamos a practicar! ¿De dónde es Shakira? Es de ______________.
Grammy-winning Latina pop singer Shakira was born in Barranquilla, Colombia, on February 2, Her father is a Lebanese-American immigrant and her mother a native of Colombia of Italian and Spanish decent. Shakira began her musical career at age 12 and quickly captured fans throughout Latin America. Es de ______________. Preguntales a los estudiantes; ¿De dónde eres tú? Y ¿De dónde es (su compañero(a))?

29 ¿Qué aprendimos hoy? Student A Student B Perdone, Señor(a)
Muy buenos días. ¿Cómo está? Estoy _________ gracias. Me llamo _______. ¿Y tú? ¿De dónde eres? Soy de _________. ¿De dónde es ________. Fue un placer conocerte. Hola, buenos días. Estoy ________ gracias. ¿Y tú? ¿Cómo se llama? Me llamo ________. Soy de ___________. ¿Y tú? Es de ___________. Igualmente. ¡Adíos!

30 Review What are possessive adjectives? How and when do you use them?
Complete worksheet for more practice & review/prepare for a test.

31 Actividad Group work: Create a conversation with your classmates using all the greetings we just discussed. Remember to present yourself first; express how you are feeling (adjectives); present someone else expressing how is this person related to you (possessive adjectives); ask where someone else is from after sharing where you are from (use of “ser” and preposition “de”); and finally finish the conversation by using the different ways to say farewell in Spanish.

32 Group Conversation Scenario Situation Introduce yourself
Present another member to the rest of the group using possessives adjectives Ask where he/she is from using “ser” and “de” Ask where someone else is from using “donde” Don’t forget the basic (hi, bye, nice to meet you…)

33 Project: Spanish Countries Research Paper
Search for and include information about the country assigned to you providing the following: Country name & capital Flag Maps Location Rivers Mountains Currency & industry Interesting sites (3) Famous people (2) Holidays, customs, and traditions (minimum of 2) Major cities (2) Bibliography You will turn-in your project and say 5 things you learned about that country by memory (NO notes/flashcards). Ejemplo

34 ¡Hasta la próxima!

35 ¡Muy bien!

36 ¡Oh no, vuelve a intentarlo!

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