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Los verbos reflexivos (Reflexive Verbs)

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1 Los verbos reflexivos (Reflexive Verbs)
Página 238

2 Los verbos reflexivos We use reflexive verbs when the subject does the action of the verb to him or herself I wash my hands. = Reflexive I wash the dog. = Not reflexive Reflexivo No es reflexivo

3 ¿Es reflexivo o no? ¡Sí! ¡No!

4 ¿Es reflexivo o no? ¡No! He’s got a lot of facial hair! ¡Sí!

5 ¿Es reflexivo o no? ¡No! ¡Sí! ¡Sí! ¡No!

6 ¿Reflexivo o no? He brushes his hair. He brushes his teeth.
He brushes his son’s teeth. They put on makeup on themselves. She puts makeup on her friend for Halloween. She dries her hair. He dries the dishes. Reflexivo No

7 ¿Reflexivo o no? Ella se baña todos los días. Ella baña el perro.
Nosotros nos lavamos los dientes. Nosotros lavamos el carro. Ellos se estiran antes de entrenarse. Yo como el desayuno. Ella habla con su amigo. Ella se acuesta a las diez. Reflexivo No

8 What a reflexive verb looks like…
In Spanish a reflexive verb is one that has “se” after the AR, ER, or IR What are some reflexive verbs that you have learned this chapter? afeitarse levantarse despertarse bañarse estirarse

9 Parts of a reflexive verb
levantarse levantar is the verb se is the reflexive pronoun

10 se is the reflexive pronoun
Los verbos reflexivos levantarse levantar is the verb se is the reflexive pronoun The verb portion of the reflexive verb is conjugated normally. Levantar(se) Yo levanto nosotros levantamos Tú levantas Él, Ella, Usted levanta Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes levantan

11 se is the reflexive pronoun
Los verbos reflexivos levantarse levantar is the verb se is the reflexive pronoun In Spanish there are reflexive pronouns that must be said or written before the conjugated verb IF THE VERB IS REFLEXIVE. Levantar(se) Yo me levanto nosotros nos levantamos Tú te levantas Él, Ella, Usted se levanta Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes se levantan

12 Los pronombres reflexivos
If the verb is reflexive and has a se, the se will change to: Me (para la forma yo) Te (para la forma tú) Se (para la forma él, ella, usted) Nos (para la forma nosotros) Se (para la forma ellos, ellas, ustedes) What verb is this really similar to? Me, te, nos…? The only pronoun that is different is se! ¡Gusta(n)!

13 Practicamos Lavarse = to wash
(yo) me lavo (tú) te lavas (él / ella / usted) se lava (nosotros) nos lavamos (ellos / ellas / ustedes) se lavan Remember – these pronouns are only used for infinitives that end in “se”

14 Practicamos Afeitarse = to shave
(yo) me afeito (tú) te afeitas (él / ella / usted) se afeita (nosotros) nos afeitamos (ellos / ellas / ustedes) se afeitan Remember – these pronouns are only used for infinitives that end in “se”

15 Practicamos Ponerse = to put on
(yo) me pongo (tú) te pones (él / ella / usted) se pone (nosotros) nos ponemos (ellos / ellas / ustedes) se ponen Remember – these pronouns are only used for infinitives that end in “se”

16 Reflexive Verb Stem-Changers
despertarse acostarse vestirse e – ie o – ue e – i Remember the boot!

17 Practicamos Despertarse = to wake up
(yo) me despierto (tú) te despiertas (él / ella / usted) se despierta (nosotros) nos despertamos (ellos / ellas / ustedes) se despiertan Remember – these pronouns are only used for infinitives that end in “se”

18 Practicamos Patinar = to skate
(yo) patino (tú) patinas (él / ella / usted) patina (nosotros) patinamos (ellos / ellas / ustedes) patinan Remember – reflexive pronouns are only used for infinitives that end in “se”

19 ¡Terminamos! Go back and review as needed.
After completing level two, you’re ready to watch Flipping Reflexives Notes Part II. Happy studying!

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