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Grammar 1 Numbers Telling the time The 24 hour clock Genders

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1 Grammar 1 Numbers 1-100 Telling the time The 24 hour clock Genders
Me gusta / Me gustan Simple verb endings The possessive Click on arrows to move to the required section. On the last slide of each section, you will find a purple menu button in the bottom left hand corner which will return you to this slide. Prepositions

2 Many slides contain teacher’s notes.
To access these notes go to ‘Notes Page View’ (PowerPoint 97) or ‘Normal View’ (PowerPoint 2000). Notes Page View Normal View Flash Files A flash file has been embedded into the PowerPoint slide wherever this icon is displayed – These files are not editable. Sound Files There is sound on the PowerPoint slide wherever this icon is displayed – These files are not editable.

3 Numbers 1-100: 1 Click on the numbers to hear them!

4 Numbers 1-100: 2 tres cuatro quince once catorce dos veinte nueve diez
doce seis trece uno cinco siete dieciocho diecinueve diecisiete dieciséis ocho Click the numbers to listen and put the numbers into the correct order. Answers appear when you click outside the number grid. uno dos tres cuatro cinco seis siete ocho nueve diez once doce trece catorce quince dieciséis diecisiete dieciocho diecinueve veinte

5 Numbers 1-100: 3 Click to hear numbers

6 Numbers 1-100: 4 21 veintiuno 22 veintidós 23 veintitrés 30 treinta
31 treinta y uno treinta y dos 40 cuarenta 41 cuarenta y uno 50 cincuenta 51 cincuenta y uno 60 sesenta 61 sesenta y uno 70 setenta 71 setenta y uno 80 ochenta 81 ochenta y uno 90 noventa 91 noventa y uno 100 cien Numbers can be heard and read.

7 Numbers 1-100: 5 Pupils match numbers to words. menu

8 Telling the time 1 Es la una. Son las tres. Son las cinco.
Son las ocho. Son las diez. Son las once. Clock faces and the time appear individually on mouse click.

9 Telling the time 2 Pupils match times to expressions.

10 Es mediodía. Es medianoche. Telling the time 3
Introduction to vocabulary for midnight / midday. Es medianoche.

11 Telling the time 4 ¿Qué hora es? Es la… / Son las… A B C D E F G H
Pupils use the clocks for oral or written practice of simple times. ¿Qué hora es? Es la… / Son las…

12 Telling the time 5

13 Telling the time 6 ¿Qué hora es?

14 Dibuja los relojes con la hora adecuada.
Telling the time 7 Dibuja los relojes con la hora adecuada. 1 Es medianoche. 2 Son las tres y cuarto. 3 Son las diez y veinticinco. 4 Son las once y cinco. 5 Son las doce y media. 6 Son las siete y media. 7 Es la una menos cuarto. 8 Son las cuatro menos cinco. 9 Son las dos menos veinte. 10 Son las cinco. 11 Son las seis menos diez. 12 Son las nueve y veinte. The pen tool can be used to draw the clock hands for each of sentences 1-12. menu

15 The 24 hour clock 1 How to use the 24-hour clock.

16 The 24 hour clock 2 ¿Qué hora es? 09h42 23h21 15h28 14h05 12h33 21h13 19h10 17h50 03h45 01h40 trece catorce quince dieciséis diecisiete dieciocho diecinueve veinte veintiuno veintidós veintitrés veinticuatro cinco diez quince veinte veinticinco treinta treinta y cinco cuarenta cuarenta y cinco cinquenta cinquenta y cinco Son las Oral or written work – pupils give times shown at the top of the screen one by one (there are ten in all).

17 The 24 hour clock 3 A 20:10 B C B 17:28 C 18:45 L I D 10:30 E 16:52 A
Las diecisiete veintiocho Las dieciocho cuarenta y cinco C B 17:28 C 18:45 L Las diecisiete seis I Las quince cinco D 10:30 E 16:52 A Las veinte diez Las catorce G F 09:10 G 14:00 F D Las nueve diez Las diez treinta H 14:50 I 15:05 Las catorce cincuenta H J Las veintiuno diez Matching exercise. J 21:10 K 14:43 K E Las catorce cuarenta y tres Las dieciséis cincuenta y dos 17:06 L menu

18 Genders 1 In Spanish, all nouns (objects, things, people etc.) are either masculine or feminine... This means that the article (the word you use in front of the noun) must change depending on the gender of the word that follows it (this word is the noun). Examples: Masculine Feminine English el médico la médica the doctor un médico una médica a doctor el primo la prima the cousin un primo una prima a cousin el enfermero la enfermera the nurse un enfermero una enfermera a nurse

19 Genders 2 Using the grid, work out how you would say these in Spanish.
1. a fountain pen 2. the pencil case 3. a ruler 4. the exercise book 5. the calculator 6. the rubber 7. a bag 8. the pencil 9. a felt-tip pen 10. the computer Using the grid, work out how you would say these in Spanish. Masculine Feminine estuche pluma ordenador regla cuaderno calculadora lápiz goma rotulador cartera el una el una el la el la This is an exercise to practice the use of articles and genders. un una

20 Genders 3 When you talk about items of food, you will often want to say “a” or “an” which in Spanish is un or una. With masculine nouns, use un: Tomo un café. I have a coffee. With feminine nouns use una: ¿Qué comes? Una manzana. What are you eating? An apple.

21 Genders 4 Using a dictionary, find out whether each of these expressions is masculine or feminine. Which column do you need to put it under?

22 Genders 5 menu

23 Me gusta / me gustan 1 LIKES
When you like 1 thing, you say me gusta el / la depending on whether the thing you like is masculine or feminine. Me gusta el pan. (masculine) Me gusta la pizza. (feminine) DISLIKES If you don’t like something you say no me gusta el / la. No me gusta el queso. No me gusta la limonada.

24 Me gusta / me gustan 2 Me gusta el pan. No me gusta el vino.
No me gusta el pollo. Me gusta la pizza. Grammar - Me gusta / Me gustan. Pupils form sentences based on the pictures. Answers appear on mouse click. Me gusta el agua. No me gusta la sopa.

25 Me gusta / me gustan 3 Drag the words at the bottom onto the right line.

26 Me gusta / me gustan 4 menu
Pupils match up the phrases on the left with those on the right to form complete sentences. menu

27 Simple verb endings 1 Look at the sentences! Me llamo Lara.
Tengo once años. Tengo un hermano. Introduction to verb endings. Can you tell when you use the ‘o’ ending? You use it when you are talking about yourself! me llamo = I’m called, tengo = I have

28 Simple verb endings 2 Look at the sentences! ¿Cómo te llamas?
Me llamo Belén. Sí, tengo un hermano que se llama Juan y tiene 25 años. ¿Belén, tienes hermanos? Can you tell when the verb ends in ‘as’ or ‘es’? When you are talking to someone else! ¿Tienes hermanos? – Do you have any brothers or sisters? Can you tell when the verb ends in ‘a’ or ‘e’? When you are talking about someone else! Mi hermano se llama Juan. – My brother is called Juan. Juan tiene veinticinco años. – Juan is 25 years old.

29 Simple verb endings 3 Look at the sentences!
Mis padres se llaman Carlos y Conchita. Mis padres tienen 50 y 52 años. What endings might you have if you are talking about more than one other person? ‘en’ or ‘an’! Mis padres tienen 50 y 52 años. – My parents are 50 and 52 years old. Mis padres se llaman Carlos y Conchita. – My parents are called Carlos and Conchita.

30 Simple verb endings 4 The verb endings are the most important part of the verb as they indicate who is doing the action. There are 3 types of verbs that each have different endings. Verbs that end in – ar e.g. hablar – to speak Verbs that end in – er e.g. comer – to eat Verbs that end in – ir e.g. vivir – to live Unfortunately, you need to learn the endings for each verb!

31 Simple verb endings 5 QUIZ
1. Which part of the verb tells you who is doing the action? the ending 2. What is the ending if you want to talk about yourself? o 3. What is the ending if you are talking directly to someone else? as/es Quiz on verb endings. Questions and answers appear on mouse click. 4. What are the endings if you want to say he/she? a/e 5. What are the endings if you want to talk about more than one other person? an/en

32 Simple verb endings 6 Here is hablar, an -ar verb.
Learn the endings, then try to remember them as they are covered up one by one! hablar – to speak (yo) hablo – I speak (tú) hablas – you speak (él/ella) habla – he/she speaks (nosotros/as) hablamos – we speak (vosotros/as) habláis – you (plural) speak (ellos/as) hablan – they speak Each ending is covered on mouse click, then revealed as the next is covered.

33 Simple verb endings 7 Comer is an -er verb! Which endings are different to the ones you just met with hablar? comer – to eat (yo) como – I eat (tú) comes – you eat (él/ella) come – he/she eats (nosotros/as) comemos – we eat (vosotros/as) coméis – you (plural) eat (ellos/as) comen – they eat They are all different, except for the first – como and hablo both end in ‘o’. Can you learn these endings now?

34 Simple verb endings 8 Vivir is an -ir verb!
Now try to learn these endings! vivir – to live (yo) vivo – I live (tú) vives – you live (él/ella) vive – he/she lives (nosotros/as) vivimos – we live (vosotros/as) vivís – you (plural) live (ellos/as) viven – they live

35 Simple verb endings 9 Can you fill in the table, using what you have learnt? hablar comer vivir (yo) habl com viv (tú) habl com viv (él/ella) habl com viv (nosotros/as) habl com viv (vosotros/as) habl com viv (ellos/as) habl com viv Pupils decide where the endings should go on the grid. Answers can be written in with the pen tool. amos áis as éis e es ís emos a o o es imos an o en en e

36 Simple verb endings 10 Some verbs are irregular which means that they don’t follow these patterns exactly. You have already met the first part of two irregular verbs. Can you remember what they are? soy – I am tengo – I have Here they are in full! ser – to be soy – I am eres – you are es – he/she is somos – we are sois – you are son – they are tener – to have tengo – I have tienes – you have tiene – he/she has tenemos – we have tenéis – you have tienen – they have Pupils try to work out which the 2 irregular verbs are and the answer (soy/tengo) appears on mouse click. Verb conjugations then appear on mouse click.

37 Simple verb endings 11

38 Simple verb endings 12 menu

39 The possessive 1 What do you think the following sentences mean? 1. Mi tío es el hermano de mi padre. 2. Mi abuelo paterno es el padre de mi padre. 3. El dormitorio de mis padres. In English we would say ‘my parents’ bedroom’ as it is shorter than ‘the bedroom of my parents’.You cannot say this in Spanish but have to say ‘the bedroom of my parents’.

40 The possessive 2

41 The possessive 3 menu

42 Prepositions 1 La silla está detrás de la mesa.
Drag the items into the white rectangle to illustrate each of the five sentences. La silla está detrás de la mesa. El libro está encima de la mesa. La silla está al lado del sofá. La silla está delante del sofá. La bolsa está debajo de la mesa.

43 Why do we sometimes say del and sometimes de la?
Prepositions 2 La silla está al lado del sofá. El libro está encima de la mesa. Why do we sometimes say del and sometimes de la? del goes before masculine nouns e.g. del sofá de la goes before feminine nouns e.g. de la mesa

44 Prepositions 3 menu

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