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Presentación del tema: "Pronouns."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Pronouns

2 Subject Pronouns Yo Nosotros Ustedes Él Ella Ellos Ellas

3 Los pronombres reflexivos
Me = Myself Te = Yourself Se = himself/herself/itself Nos = ourselves Os = yourselves Se = themselves (both masculine and feminine.)

4 Me Se Nos Os Te Se

5 Myself Themselves Itself Ourselves Herself Himself Yourself

6 Direct Object Pronouns
Tengo un lápiz Lo tengo. Tengo una computadora -- La tengo. Tengo unos bolígrafos -- Los tengo. Tengo unas camisetas -- Las tengo.

7 ¿Tienes el lápiz? Sí, lo tengo.

8 ¿Tienes el lápiz? No, no lo tengo.

9 ¿Tienes las tijeras? No, no las tengo.

10 ¿Tienes las tijeras? Sí, las tengo.

11 ¿Tienes el móvil? Sí, lo tengo.

12 ¿Tienes la lámpara? Sí, la tengo.

13 I buy you a belt. te compro un cinturón

14 I buy you a belt. Te compro un cinturón.

15 We buy them a pot. compramos les una olla

16 We buy them a pot. Les compramos una olla.

17 She gives me the money. el dinero me da

18 She gives me the money. Me da el dinero.

19 They give us the present.
el regalo nos dan

20 They give us the present.
Nos dan el regalo.

21 I give you a ring. un anillo te doy

22 I give you a ring. Te doy un anillo.

23 Los pronombres directos e indirectos
As you read the following sentences, compare the form and position of the direct and indirect object pronouns which replace the nouns in brackets. DIRECT INDIRECT (Carlos) ¿Lo invitas? Do you invite him? ¿Le escribes? Do you write (to) him? (tus amigos) ¿Los invitas? Do you invite them? ¿Les escribes? Do you write (to) them?

24 (to or for) him, her, it, you
DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS me (to or for) me te you (to or for) you lo la him, it, you her, it, you le (to or for) him, her, it, you nos us (to or for) us los las them, you them, you les (to or for) them, you

25 In general, object pronouns come before the verb
Le hablo. I am speaking to him. Les escribo. I am writing to them. Le compro un regalo. I am buying her a gift. In general, object pronouns come before the verb

26 However, there are 3 instances when the pronoun goes after the verb
Infinitive "Qué vas a hacer con el pan?" “Voy a comerlo." However, there are 3 instances when the pronoun goes after the verb

27 However, there are 3 instances when the pronoun goes after the verb
Command "Qué hago con el pan?" “¡Cómelo!" However, there are 3 instances when the pronoun goes after the verb

28 However, there are 3 instances when the pronoun goes after the verb
Present participle “¿Qué estás haciendo con el pan?" “Estoy comiéndolo." However, there are 3 instances when the pronoun goes after the verb

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