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Get the best grade you can in GCSE Spanish speaking

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Presentación del tema: "Get the best grade you can in GCSE Spanish speaking"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Get the best grade you can in GCSE Spanish speaking
Session 1 Opinions, reasons and descriptions

2 Grade changers Vary your adjectives (don’t repeat ‘interesante / aburrido’!) Extend and justify opinions with ‘porque’ Refer to others (s/he – we – they) Compare then and now Describe things with 5 details Use 5 different verbs in the past (Hice muchas cosas…por ejemplo…) Link and narrate (De primero…luego…un poco más tarde…por último…) Use ‘para’ to extend (Fui a Londres para ir de compras) Use ‘I wanted but I couldn’t, so I…’ (Quería ir al cine pero no pude, entonces vi la tele) Refer to the future (Voy a…/quiero…/me gustaría…/tengo la intención de…/espero…) Just a visual reminder of the focus on the session. No need to spend time describing all this as it will be much better to be active!

3 ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?
Your answer must contain EXACTLY 8 words! Give students a few moments to try this out in pairs (the 8 word version) Take answers from students. Focus on ways to ensure you get 8 – e.g extra details – con mis amigos, en casa, en el parque, en la ciudad 2. time phrase – a menudo, siempre, todos los días, 3. hesitator – bueno, pues, 4. include a set phrase – lo más importante para mí es el fútbol OR Lo que más me gusta es el tenis OR Cuando tengo tiempo (libre) me gusta ir al cine (me gusta leer) Write these up and then give them a couple of minutes to practise these. The introduce the new directive – more than 16 words How can you achieve this? 1. give reasons 2. join sentences together with ‘and’ or ‘but’ – if you use ‘but’ you need to make the 2nd part negative 3. use a longer phrase e.g. one of the ‘set phrases’ to start you off and gain you extra words or extend your reason. Your answer must contain more than 16 words! 3

4 Avoiding ‘porque es interesante’
1 Just use another adjective (NB: need to use es/son + adj. endings correctly) gracioso divertido fascinante genial guay mágico sensacional inolvidable fenomenal óptimo 2 Just use a verb in the same way as ‘gustar’ me interesa(n) me encanta(n) me chifla(n) me divierte(n) me relaja(n) me hace(n) reír siempre me ha(n) interesado 3 Use a longer phrase These are in the students’ booklets so they can refer to them when practising but they need to build up to one 16+ answer they can deliver without looking Reinforce the idea with them that these sorts of things can be used in any topic – and that particularly the phrases should be learnt as chunks so that they can be used to start sentences off or finish off with a general flourish – anything memorised like this that you can use in different situations buys you time to focus on building your next spontaneous sentence. Lo más importante para mí es el/la… porque… Lo que más me gusta es (el/la)… porque… Cuando tengo tiempo (libre) me gusta … porque es algo que… es bueno/a para … a toda mi familia le gusta a mis amigos les gusta también

5 ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?
Your answer must contain EXACTLY 7 words! Your answer must contain more than 16 words! 5

6 Descripciones ¡Di algo diferente! Made in Chelsea es muy bueno porque la historia es divertida El tenis no es un deporte de equipo El chocolate me gusta mucho porque es delicioso pero no es bueno para la salud Downton Abbey no me gusta pero los actores son muy buenos Me gusta Jake Bugg porque canta bien y toca bien la guitarra Supported sentence-building. Students have to change at least one detail, which can be the name of the programme or person, sport or food or one of the other details. Model the first one. Take one answer and move to the next student, who needs to change one detail about the one s/he’s heard. After doing about 4-5 examples with the first phrase, give them time to work in 4s to do the other 4. They need to try to keep going with each phrase as long as possible.

7 ¿De qué deporte se habla aquí?
1. Es el deporte más popular en Inglaterra y en España. 2. Es un deporte individual que es popular en Inglaterra, que se hace cerca del agua. En mi opinión es despacio y aburrido. 3. Es un deporte de equipo que se juega con una pelota y se puede jugarlo en la playa. Es un deporte olímpico y de verano. 4. Es un deporte acuático y olímpico. Rebecca Adlington ganó una medalla de oro en este deporte en Beijing en 2008. 5. Es un deporte de equipo que originó en Inglaterra. Es bastante agresivo y no es un deporte olímpico. 6. Es un deporte que es como una mezcla entre el fútbol y el baloncesto. After students have completed this activity in pairs, correct it, but then use the text to pull out key vocabulary and perhaps also elicit from them simple sentences that they build by adapting words from the text. E.g. como se dice… 1. It is an olympic sport. 2. It is a popular sport. 3. It is a team sport. 4. It is not an olympic sport. 5. It’s an individual sport. 6. It’s a boring sport. 7. It’s a water sport. 8. It’s an aggressive sport. Try to slot in ‘de invierno’ and ‘de verano’ too to keep these fresh. The idea is that students should see how easy it is to create very different meanings by varying the adjective, and that they reinforce the pattern of adjective position after the noun. This primes them for the listening activity that follows. el rugby el voleibol la natación la pesca el fútbol el balonmano

8 Es un deporte que se juega/se hace....
It’s a sport Es un deporte que se juega/se hace.... It’s a sport that you play/do... de equipo/individual team/individual con una pelota with a ball de combate combat en una cancha/pista on a court acuático water con ...jugadores with....players olímpico Olympic sobre/en el agua on/in the water popular (en/con) popular (in/with) Es algo que... It’s something that... muy caro/barato very expensive/ cheap (no) me gusta porque... I (don’t) like because... emocionante/aburrido agresivo/brutal exciting/boring aggressive/brutal Es como una mezcla entre y.. It’s like a mixture between.... and.... Students in pairs are going to describe 16 different sports as quickly as they can, without saying the sport name on the card. To help students prepare for their taboo game. They can spend a few minutes looking through the cards and consulting the definitions prompts and practising, but need to speak spontaneously without notes when playing the game. They are working with a partner with half the cards each trying to get through the whole set of 16 cards in the quickest amount of time. They should practise several times and then can try against the clock, perhaps put them into groups of 6 ( 3 x pairs) with a stop watch for each group. Time allowing, the winners from each group could go forward into the next round and so on until we get to winners? Or to speed things up the 2nd and subsequent rounds could be done using 1 minute as the time allowed and seeing how many are successfully defined.

9 Grade changers p Vary your adjectives (don’t repeat ‘interesante / aburrido’!) Extend and justify opinions with ‘porque’ Refer to others (s/he – we – they) Compare then and now Describe things with 5 details Use 5 different verbs in the past (Hice muchas cosas…por ejemplo…) Link and narrate (De primero…luego…un poco más tarde…por último…) Use ‘para’ to extend (Fui a Londres para ir de compras) Use ‘I wanted but I couldn’t, so I…’ (Quería ir al cine pero no pude, entonces vi la tele) Refer to the future (Voy a…/quiero…/me gustaría…/tengo la intención de…/espero…) p Just a visual reminder of the focus on the session. No need to spend time describing all this as it will be much better to be active!

10 ¿Qué deportes les gustan a ellos?
¿Qué deporte le gusta a Chris Hoy? A Chris Hoy le gusta ……………… Teacher to use the slide to model and elicit language – stress ‘le’

11 ¿Qué deportes le gustan a tu familia?
Vocabulario: varied = variado to run = correr A mi padre le gusta jugar al golf. A mi hermana menor le encanta hacer la gimnasia. A mi abuelo le gusta ver el fútbol en la tele.

12 2. My younger sister loves doing gymnastics because it’s exciting.
1. My granddad likes watching Match of the Day because he loves football. 2. My younger sister loves doing gymnastics because it’s exciting. 3. My mum likes doing athletics because it’s varied. 4. My granny loves cycling because it’s fun. 5. My dog loves doing athletics because he loves running.

13 2. My younger sister loves doing gymnastics because it’s exciting.
1. My granddad likes watching Match of the Day because he loves football. 2. My younger sister loves doing gymnastics because it’s exciting. 3. My mum likes doing athletics because it’s varied. 4. My granny loves doing cycling because it’s fun. 5. My dog loves doing athletics because he loves running. A mi abuelo le gusta ver MOTD porque le encanta el fútbol. A mi hermana menor le encanta hacer la gimnasia porque es emocionante. A mi madre le gusta hacer el atletismo porque es variado. A mi abuela le encanta hacer el ciclismo porque es divertido. A mi perro le encanta hacer el atletismo porque le encanta correr.

14 Grade changers p Vary your adjectives (don’t repeat ‘interesante / aburrido’!) Extend and justify opinions with ‘porque’ Refer to others (s/he – we – they) Compare then and now Describe things with 5 details Use 5 different verbs in the past (Hice muchas cosas…por ejemplo…) Link and narrate (De primero…luego…un poco más tarde…por último…) Use ‘para’ to extend (Fui a Londres para ir de compras) Use ‘I wanted but I couldn’t, so I…’ (Quería ir al cine pero no pude, entonces vi la tele) Refer to the future (Voy a…/quiero…/me gustaría…/tengo la intención de…/espero…) p p Just a visual reminder of the focus on the session. No need to spend time describing all this as it will be much better to be active!

15 was = ? era is = ? es Antes y ahora…
Model this in the target language, eliciting the answers from students as much as possible. Do this for the next 3 slides too. Mi colegio antes (ser) pequeño, pero ahora (ser) muy grande. was = ? era is = ? es

16 Antes y ahora… Antes mis profesores (ser) muy simpáticos, pacientes…
pero ahora casi todos (ser) estrictos.

17 hay había Antes y ahora… there is/are = ? there was/were = ?
Antes no (haber) mucha tecnología… pero ahora (haber) muchos ordenadores. había hay there is/are = ? there was/were = ?

18 Antes y ahora… Antes no (haber) uniforme en el colegio,
Ahora (haber) uniforme y no me gusta mucho porque…

19 Mi barrio: antes y ahora
Change of context. Students have the next 2 x slides in their booklets and should work in pairs to say things about Cambridge then and now. There is vocabulary for them to refer to here, as the context may be newish. They should take it in turns to say something.

20 Hace un siglo, había unas tiendas en esta calle.
Cambridge, Petty Cury 2009 Hace un siglo, había unas tiendas en esta calle. Hoy hay muchas tiendas aquí.

21 había = there was/there were (used to be) hay = there is/there are
vivía = I used to live vivo = I live tenía = I used to have tengo = I have iba = I used to go era(eran) = it was (they were) voy = I go es(son) = it is (they are) antes = before ahora = now mucho/a/os/as = a lot / many tanto/a/os/as = so much/ so many poco/a/os/as = little / not much más/menos = more/less un centro comercial = a shopping centre tiendas = shops divertido = fun contaminación = pollution una bolera = a bowling alley instalaciones = facilities monumentos = historic buildings marcha = night life

22 Grade changers Vary your adjectives (don’t repeat ‘interesante / aburrido’!) Extend and justify opinions with ‘porque’ Refer to others (s/he – we – they) Compare then and now Describe things with 5 details Use 5 different verbs in the past (Hice muchas cosas…por ejemplo…) Link and narrate (De primero…luego…un poco más tarde…por último…) Use ‘para’ to extend (Fui a Londres para ir de compras) Use ‘I wanted but I couldn’t, so I…’ (Quería ir al cine pero no pude, entonces vi la tele) Refer to the future (Voy a…/quiero…/me gustaría…/tengo la intención de…/espero…) This is the culmination of the session and the opportunity to put it all together.

23 Adjetivo – Opinión – Razón – Referencia a otra persona – Antes y ahora
Describe tu instituto. Describe tu ciudad/pueblo. Describe una persona famosa. Describe un deporte. Model the first one with the class. Take suggestions and write them up. Then give them a few moments to prepare and practise. They will need to speak without notes when they report back, but they can refer back to the work done in this session and make brief notes.

24 el fútbol el boxeo la natación el hockey la gimnasia el ciclismo
el atletismo el triatlón el rugby la vela la pesca el decatlón la fórmula 1 el esquí el snowboard el judo This is the template for the taboo cards. Cut up into cards and students take one and have to describe it not using the word.

25 Get the best grade you can in GCSE Spanish speaking
Session 1 Opinions, reasons and descriptions

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