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Presentación del tema: "LOS JUEGOS OLÍMPICOS LONDRES 2012"— Transcripción de la presentación:



3 https://www. facebook. com/pages/Londres-Olimpicos/131670320269674


5 GET SET LONDON 2012 en français

6 GET SET FRENCH AND SPANISH https://getset. london2012

7 GET SET SPANISH https://getset. london2012


9 Juegos Judo Lucha: Lucha grecorromana, Lucha libre Piragüismo
Pentatlón moderno Remo Softbol Taekwondo Tenis Tenis de mesa Tiro con arco Tiro olímpico Triatlón Vela Voleibol: Voleibol, Voleibol de playa Atletismo Bádminto Baloncesto Balonmano Béisbol Boxeo Ciclismo: BMX , Montaña, Pista, Ruta Deportes acuáticos: Natación, Natación sincronizada, Saltos, Waterpolo Equitación Esgrima Fútbol Gimnasia: Gimnasia artística, Gimnasia rítmica, Trampolín Halterofilia Hockey sobre césped

10 Hay 38 deportes en los Juegos Olímpicos ¿pero cuáles son?
la cama elástica el balonmano el hockey el judo el pentatlón moderno el remo la vela el tiroteo la natación la natación sincronizada

11 ¿Qué deporte practica cada persona?
la gimnasia la natación el ciclismo el boxeo el atletismo el buceo la equitación el tenis

12 Adapting the picture story idea
2 1 3 5 4 6 ¿Qué es? 7 8 Use this puzzle template to guess the sport behind the jigsaw. Possibly use in conjunction with questions to win the right to choose a number` 12 9 11 10

Fill in the blanks with the transcript Number the alphabetically listed sports in TL as you see them on screen Hold thumbs up or down acc to if you think it is in the Olympics

14 Pilla al intruso. El hockey, el remo, el tenis de mesa o el baloncesto
Pilla al intruso. El hockey, el remo, el tenis de mesa o el baloncesto. El remo porque es el unico que necesita agua? El remo porque los otros tienen pelotas? El tenis de mesa porque es el unico deporte individual – los otros son deportes de equipo?



17 Map of world


19 TOP TRUMPS Any number of people can play. Shuffle and deal all the cards. Each player holds their cards in the palm of their hand, face up, in a pile. Players can only look at their top card. The player to the dealer’s left starts by reading out an item from the top card (eg Tore 22). The other players then read out the same item. The one with the best or highest value wins and places all the top cards including their own to the bottom of their pile. It is then their turn to choose an item from the next card. For age, the oldest player wins. If 2 or more cards share the same top value then all the cards are placed in the middle and the same player chooses again from the next card. The winner of the hand takes the cards from the middle as well. The person with all the cards at the end is the winner.



22 Jobs available Sales assistants Events services inc security
Cleaning and maintenance Hotels and catering Collaborative companies to provide services to summer job staff Opening and closing ceremonies Long texts about the jobs, various options- Reading comprehensions, blankfills, True or False, complete the grid. I am going to have a sorting activity with the job categories in Spanish on separate pieces of paper, and the information scrambled, to sort into the different categories. Tarsia?

23 LOS VALORES OLÍMPICOS The principle of the task is the same whether it is used at KS3 or KS4.

24 The principle of the task is the same whether it is used at KS3 or KS4.


26 Olympic & paralympics Values:
Respect Excellence Amitié Inspiration Détermination Egalité Courage Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage Respeto Excelencia Amistad Inspiración Determinación Igualdad Coraje

27 Olympic & paralympics Values: TRIPTICO


29 CHAMPION OF OLYMPIC VALUES http://www. olympic
Derek Anthony Redmond didn’t win a medal at the Barcelona Olympics. In fact, the British 400m runner didn’t even make it past the semi-final stage. But it was his determination to finish that will live forever in the minds of millions. Injury forced the Briton to withdraw from the 1988 Seoul Games just ten minutes before the start of his 400m heat, so Redmond felt he had everything to prove in Barcelona four years later. Not to his peers, that is but, as he later admitted, to himself. Mid-race Injury Redmond wanted a medal whatever the colour and he started well, qualifying for the semi-finals by clocking the fastest time in his heat. As the gun signaled the start of his semi-final, Redmond charged out of the blocks, making good speed over his first 250m. At that point his right hamstring snapped. The one time British 400m record holder pulled sharply up as the rest of his field ran away from him, leaving Redmond on his knees and crippled, his Olympic dream over. Never give up What followed, however, is one of the most memorable moments in Olympic history. Redmond got back to his feet and tried to finish the race. In an act of true courage against adversity, Redmond could only hop on one leg towards the finish line. Pain etched on his face as each step became more painful than the last, Redmond would not give up. He had promised himself and his father, that he would finish the race ‘no matter what,’ and he would keep that promise.  On one leg Half way to the finish line on one leg and crying with desperation, Derek was joined by his father Jim. The moment Redmond crossed the finish line brought sixty-five thousand spectators to their feet in a standing ovation, many also in tears. Few can remember that Steve Lewis of the USA won the semi-final in a time of But no one who saw it will ever forget Derek Redmond’s courage on the day he defined the essence of the human and Olympic spirit.

30 MASCOTS Match the text to the photos, which run in order, Column 1 then Column 2

31 MATCHING ACTIVITY Centro de Emisión Internacional y Centro de Prensa
Olympic Village  The Mall  Wembley Stadium  Comienzan a amueblar la Villa Olímpica




35 THEN AND NOW 1908, 1948, 2012 Rachel Hawkes ‘Antes y ahora’

36 THEN AND NOW 1908, 1948, 2012 Rachel Hawkes ‘Antes y ahora’

37 INVOLVE OTHER STAFF Contact staff re Olympic sports
Possibilities of different activities inc: Pupils will match the sentences to the photos True or false I sent an round our staff to see what Olympic sports they had done and to what level. I then wrote a series of statements and took photos of the staff involved. Pupils will match the sentences to the photos.




Get older pupils to record the interviews and make up questions for younger pupils to answer

42 Running dictation You will work in teams
One at a time you will come to the text and have approximately 30 secs to memorise a section of it Return to your group and add it to your sheet. I will then ask you some questions about the text which you will only be able to answer if you have successfully completed the task! ¡Buena suerte! The principle of the task is the same whether it is used at KS3 or KS4.

43 Running dictation Los Juegos Olímpicos 2012:
Me llamo Ben Ainslie. Nací en Soy de Lymington en Ingleterra y mi deporte olímpico es la vela. Así, estoy en forma: como mucha fruta y verduras y casi nunca como comida rápida. No fumo y nunca fumaré porque es muy malo para la salud. A los 19 años, gané mi primer medalla de plata en los Juegos Olímpicos en Atlanta et a los 23 años gané la medalla de plata en Sydney. En los Juegos Olímpicos de Beijing en 2008, gané la medalla de oro dos veces y la medalla de plata una vez. En el futuro,me gustaría ganar más medallas, continuaré a comer sano y a hacer mucho deporte para mantenerme en forma.  The principle of the task is the same whether it is used at KS3 or KS4.

44 Running dictation Questions: ¿Cuántos años tiene Ben Ainslie?
¿ Dónde nació? ¿Es un buen marinero? ¿Qué dice Ben de su salud? ( 4 cosas) ¿ Qué le pasó a los 19 años? ¿ Cuántos años tenía cuando ganó la medalla de oro en Sydney? ¿ Tuvo mucho éxito en Beijing? ¿ Qué planes tiene para el avenir? ¿ Qué va a hacer en el futuro para mantenerse en forma? (2 cosas) The principle of the task is the same whether it is used at KS3 or KS4.

45 ¿Qué apuestas? Marca con / o x las frases correctas y las frases con errores Apuesta entre 1 y 10 puntos Escucha al profesor para ver si las frases son correctas o no Si has escrito / o x en el lugar correcto ganas los puntos. Si no, pierdes los puntos Escribe tu total en la casilla Frase / x Apuesto Gano Pierdo 1 Me gusto jugar al rugby 2 Juan es una persona deportista 3 No me gusta hacer el tenis 4 Yo amor el rugby 5 Londres es peligrosa 6 ¿Cuándo vas a visitar Londres? 7 A mis amigos no les gusta hacer la natación 8 Me chifla el balocesto 9 Hay un montón de deportes en los Juegos Olímpicos 10 ¿Dónde es el estadio olimpico? 11 Jugaba al fútbol cuando tenía doce años 12 Veo la tele en el cuarto de salón 13 Creo que el balonmano es interessante 14 A mi padre le encanta el remo 15 Pienso que participar es más importante que ganar 16 El año pasado fui al estadio de Wembley con me padre 17 El athletismo es abburido 18 Hacer deporte es importante en mi opinión 19 Mi hermana juega conmigo en el equipo de hockey 20 Odio ver el deporte en la tele subtotal Gano - pierdo = Total

46 CALL MY BLUFF Curiosidades : Habrá alrededor de 510 vallas regulables en los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres 2012. En Londres 1948 el estadounidense Guinn Smith se convirtió en el último saltador de pértiga en ganar una medalla de oro con una caña de bambú. - El estadounidense Ray Ewry ganó 10 medallas de oro entre 1900 y 1908 en Salto de longitud, Salto de altura y Triple salto. Cuando era pequeño estaba en una silla de ruedas debido a la polio, entrenó sus piernas hasta que pudo caminar y las fortaleció mediante saltos.

47    X X ¿Qué piensas? ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué? Porque... Porque...
¡Yo también! ¡Yo tampoco! ¿Qué piensas? ¡(No) me gusta! X ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué? ¡Sí, es verdad! ¡No, no es verdad! X Porque... Porque... Prefiero.. porque Pienso que... porque mejor que.. peor que.. más..que.. menos..que. Talking frame for Group Talk Sí, tienes razón No, no tienes razón ¡Ni hablar! ¡Qué va! (no) estoy de acuerdo X ¿Qué piensas? Greg Horton 47


49 EXTENDED TALKING “Very simply, each student had to give their uninterrupted presentation and then the others had to jump in with any of the above so that we had a very varied conversation and students were really working hard in order to interact in lots of different ways whilst at the same time trying to get a column, then row and finally a full house. This was an incredibly rich source of feedback from students in the form of how agile their thinking in French was and also how rich their vocabulary is” Chris Harte

50 Opinion Present Future Reason Time expression Comparison Complexity
Past Reference to others Given a specific topic to talk about (or a set of questions if appropriate), students have to try to include each thing from the Bingo grid. When they do, they cross off the box and in their pairs, it’s the first person to cross everything off who wins (full house). Rachel Hawkes

51 HEADLINERS http://www. guardian. co

52 Solo hexagons

ir – to go jugar – to play estar – to be (temp, position) Time words voy I go vas you go va he/she/you goes/go (pol.sing) vamos we go vais you go ( van they/you go ( juego I play juegas youplay juega he/she is/you play(s) (pol.sing) jugamos we play jugáis you play ( juegan they/you play ( estoy I am estás you are está he/she is/you are (pol.sing) estamos we are you are ( están they/you are ( ahora – now antes – before después – after otra vez - again siempre – always a menudo – often a veces – sometimes nunca – never este verano – this summer el verano que viene – this summer este julio/agosto – this July/August a finales de julio –at the end of July a principios de agosto – at the start of August Asking questions Making links Saying what you will do Opinion vocab ¿Por qué? – why? ¿Qué? – what? ¿Cuándo? – when? ¿Dónde? – where? ¿Quién? – who? ¿Cuánto(s)? – how much/many? ¿Cómo? – how? y – and o – or también – also pero – but porque – because con – with sin - without iré– I will go haré – I will do veré – I will see jugaré – I will play comeré– I will eat beberé– I will drink ¡será genial! ¡será guay! ¡será fantástico! ¡será estupendo! ¡será maravilloso! ¡será fenomenal! Opinions Pienso que – I think that Creo que – I believe that Me parece que – it seems that.. Diría que – I would say that En mi opinión – In my opinion Referring to places aquí – here allí - there Sentence building puedo/puede I can/he,she can quiero/quiere I want to/he,she wants to… tengo que/tiene que I have to/he has to… voy a/va a + inf I’m going to/he is going to… (no) me (le) gusta I (don’t) like to/he doesn’t like to me (le) encanta I love to/he loves to… me (le) gustaría I/he/she would like to… suelo/suele I usually/he,she usually tiendo/tiende a I tend to/he,she tends to… acabo /acaba de I have just/he, she has just… necesito/necesita + inf I need/ he, she needs to Tengo/tiene la intención de I intend/he, she intends to antes de Before (doing) .. después de After (doing).. Adapted from Rachel Hawkes 53

54 ¡Pensar y hablar! The individual thought bubbles are for something that is only applicable to that 1 person and not the other two The starburst in the middle is for something common to all e.g. They are famous and the rectangles between the pairs are for something that pair has in common. With a zillion thanks to Jackie Howis, AST and SSAT LP in Kent for this lovely visual lay-out of this fab task type! > Rachel Hawkes

55 En el verano iré a Londres
con mi familia con mis amigos sólo/a en un hotel en un camping en un apartamento cómodo. acogedor. muy bien equipado. Me alojaré y será el museo británico el museo de historia natural el museo de ciencias haré excusiones en autocar iré de compras visitaré el palacio de Buckingham Veré y/e el atletismo el tenis la natación el remo el fútbol la vela Quiero ver pero no me apetece Anna calls this Trapdoor and it’s brilliant for a) memory and b) speaking (repetition with a reason!) It’s a competitive game in pairs. Each chooses and option for each sentence in their head. One starts reading out loud, trying to anticipate the other’s choices. Each time they make a choice, the partner either nods or shakes his/her head. If the choice is wrong, play passes to the partner who starts the same process. If it is the right choice, the student gets to continue. The aim is to get to the end first. Answers don’t change, so this is also a great memory developer. Los Estados Unidos China Rusia Creo que va a ganar más medallas

Role the dice each time and move left to right through the boxes. Say your phrase out loud. Your partner will use the whiteboard to translate what you are saying. Take it in turns to produce these speeches. A B C 1 Este verano 2 El verano que viene 3 A finales de julio 4 A principios de agosto 5 Durante las vacaciones 6 El veinticinco de julio 1 iré a Londres 2 iré a Inglaterra 3 iré a la capital 4 iré a los Juegos Olímpicos 5 viajaré a Londres 6 viajaré a los Juegos Olímpicos 1 con mis amigos. 2 con mi familia. 3 con mis padres. 4 para dos semanas. 5 para una semana. 6 para un mes. Durante mi visita, 1 nadaré en la piscina 2 visitaré monumentos 3 descansaré 4 iré al Palacio de Buckingham 5 iré al estadio olímpico 6 visitaré el estadio de Wembley 1 el atletismo 2 el voleibol 3 el remo 4 la vela 5 la natación 6 la gimnasia Creo que 1 ¡será genial! 2 ¡será guay! 3 ¡será fantástico! 4 ¡será estupendo! 5 ¡será maravilloso! 6 ¡será fenomenal! En el futuro, cuando sea mayor 1 voy a ……. 2 me gustaría.. 3 quiero.. 4 tengo ganas de.. 5 tengo pensado.. 6 espero.. 1 visitar 2 participar en 3 ir a 4 ver 5 volver a 6 competir en 1 Los Juegos Olímpicos 2 la competición de natación 3 el partido de fútbol 4 la gimnasia rítmica 5 la halterofilia 6 el tiro con arco Tengo ganas de ver D E F Speaking & memory lesson – instructions for teacher 1 Explain and ‘sell’ the concept of the lesson – students are going to aim to memorise one level 5 speech as a minimum by the end of the lesson. They are going to improve their Spanish speaking AND their memory skills in this lesson. (5 mins) 2 Show the sheet – for most groups the first step will be to take them through the meanings. Allow students to writing in the English meanings by the side of the Spanish if desired. (8 mins) 3 Next model a speech using the dice – display the sheet on the whiteboard as you do so and underline each part as you roll, emphasising the Spanish and repeating the whole speech from the beginning each time you roll so that by the end of 9 boxes you have said the first box part 9 times! This is excellent repetition practice and they will do this without noticing if you model it clearly as you show them what to do. (5 mins) 4 Elicit the English meaning from the students of the speech you have given (either taking oral contributions or on whiteboards) – this is what the partner will do when they do this is pairs so is important to model this part too. (3 mins) 5 Make clear that this is just the first activity and that they have 6 minutes to make as many sentences as they can, taking it in turns each time. (6 mins) Speaking & memory lesson – instructions for teacher cont’d Now explain that you want them to use the scaffolding sheet to write their own 30-second marathon sentence. All will write using a phrase from each of the 9 boxes. (5 mins) Now the challenge is to use some memory strategies to learn it off by heart. Explain that the first 6 boxes are compulsory (will make about 20 seconds) and adding in the final 3 boxes will be exceptionally good and will be about 30 seconds. Suggest that one strategy (chunking) is already provided by the sheet itself and that building up the speech ‘chunk by chunk’ repeating each bit that they learnt before should help them to memorise. Suggest also that they might split their page into 9 boxes. Write each bit out with just the first letter to prompt in each box Draw a picture instead of the words in each box Use look, cover, say, check Work in pairs to test each other (5 mins) Give them 14 minutes to work on their speeches – circulate to support Plenary – hopefully there will just be time to hear 2 or 3 students ‘perform’ their speeches – plenty of praise at this point. For homework, set them to work their speech into their longer term memory by repeating some of the activities that have worked for them in the lesson. Say you will begin next lesson by hearing and recording their speeches. G H I

57 i jugar al comer hacer siempre beber a veces nunca porque porque
normalmente a veces nunca i sano malsano delicioso bueno malo picante dulce salado amargo Mind mapping activity. Aim to practise generating longer sentences about sports and food/drink and likes/dislikes. Here we are looking for something like: Me gusta jugar al baloncesto a veces con mis amigos porque es divertido = I like playing basketball at times with my friends because it’s fun. Tell them that mind-mapping helps memory because it’s about elaboration – working the knowledge you’re trying to remember so that it sticks (like the activity about the elephant knowledge in Everlasting 1). It’s good to use pictures, words & lots of colour and have a logical order with arrows etc… In this one you start with an opinion in the middle and you then go either left or right, to talk about food or sports. Then you add in a time expression and extra detail and a reason. The pyramid on the next slide is just a different way to portray this visually. After they have made their mind map they should practise saying some sentences referring to it. divertido cómico guay interesante emocionante aburrido con = with sin = without en = in porque 57

58 Map from memory El lunes, voy a ver el triatlón en el Parque Hyde
El martes, voy a ver la natación en el centro acuático EL miércoles, voy a ver el tenis en Wimbledon El jueves, voy a ver el baloncesto en el Parque Olímpico El viernes, voy a ver la gimnasia en la Arena Wembley El sábado, voy a ver el remo en Eton Dorney El domingo, voy a ver la halterofilia en el estadio Excel

59 Profiles
Apellido :________________________________________________ Nombre : ____________________________________________________ Cumpleaños: _________________________________________________ Lugar de nacimiento: _________________________________________________ Nacionalidad: _____________________________________________ Deporte: ________________________________________________________ Equipo: ____________________________________________________ Medallas ya ganados: ________________________________________ Estatura: ________________________________________________________ Peso: ________________________________________________________ Color del pelo: ____________________________________________________ Color de los ojos: _____________________________________________________ Personalidad: ____________________________________________ Aficiones: _______________________________________________________ Familia: _________________________________________________________ Traum für die Olympischen Spiele 2012:_______________________________



Rachel Hawkes ‘Collective memory’


64 GET SET BLOGGING FOR SCHOOLS https://getset. london2012
For two weeks, the MFL department at Wyvern has held the Olympic flame, so to celebrate this, years 7, 8 and 9 have been taking part in lots of Olympic activities. Firstly each child has been given a country, and then has to design a picture or flag for that country for it to be used in bunting. Another activity is to choose an athlete and research them to fill in the missing details such as their personal interests and their birthday etc. This is an athlete’s profile. They have also been playing a range of games to use their thinking skills to do with the Olympic sports and to learn a greater variety of vocabulary in the languages taught at Wyvern.


66 PROMOTIONAL VIDEO Get the pupils to make a promotional video of the sports in school, either as videos or photos made into a video using Animoto or Photostory


68 PROCESO Se va a seleccionar a la sede de Los Juegos Olímpicos de 2020 en Buenos Aires el día 7 de setiembre de 2013.

69 PROYECTO Imaginad que van a seleccionar un colegio. Vuestra meta es hacer una campaña para promover vuestro colegio como la sede posible de los Juegos Olímpicos.

70 PROYECTO Tenéis que crear un eslógan un logotipo
un método visual de promover el deporte en vuestro colegio por ejemplo, Glogster, Animoto, Prezi, vídeo con cámara FLIP

71 INFORMACIÓN Tenéis tres semanas para completar este proyecto.
Tendréis aceso a dicionarios, Internet, ordenadores Vuestra profesora también estará allí ¡pero no de forma dicionario ambulante! Podéis hacer trabajo en casa y llevarlo a clase


The World Games Cali, Columbia, 2013 Football World Cup,  Brazil 2014 Commonwealth Games, Glasgow 2014 Rugby World Cup, England 2015 The World Games, first held in 1981, are an international multi-sport event, meant for sports, or disciplines or events within a sport, that are not contested in the Olympic Games


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