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Days, Months, Seasons, and Weather 1.2 Understand and interpret both written and spoken forms of the target language on a variety of topics.

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Presentación del tema: "Days, Months, Seasons, and Weather 1.2 Understand and interpret both written and spoken forms of the target language on a variety of topics."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Days, Months, Seasons, and Weather 1.2 Understand and interpret both written and spoken forms of the target language on a variety of topics.

2 Days

3 Monday

4 -lunes

5 Tuesday

6 -martes

7 Wednesday

8 -miércoles

9 Thursday

10 -jueves

11 Friday

12 -viernes

13 Saturday

14 -sábado

15 Sunday

16 -domingo

17 El lunes y El martes, miércoles y jueves, viernes y sábado, Y domingo Son los dias! Son los dias, Son los dias De la semana!

18 Months

19 January

20 -enero

21 February

22 -febrero

23 March

24 -marzo

25 April

26 -abril

27 May

28 -mayo

29 June

30 -junio

31 July

32 -julio

33 August

34 -agosto

35 September

36 -septiembre

37 October

38 -octubre

39 November

40 -noviembre

41 December

42 -diciembre

43 Enero y febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre Y el año se acabó !

44 Phrases to use when talking about dates 1.1 In the target language, engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

45 ¿Qué dia es hoy?

46 -What day is it?

47 Mañana

48 -tomorrow

49 ¿Cuántos dias hay en…?

50 -How many days are in?

51 ¿Cuál es la fecha?

52 What is the date?

53 Use primero when it is the first of the month. For all other days, just say “Es el (number) de…”

54 Seasons

55 primavera

56 -Spring

57 verano

58 -Summer

59 otoño

60 -Fall

61 invierno

62 Invierno -winter

63 Let’s do some Geography 3.1 Reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.

64 Many Spanish speaking countries are in the Southern hemisphere, where seasons are opposite

65 If it is Summer in Tennessee, it is _________________ in Argentina?

66 If it is Summer in Tennessee, it is Winter in Argentina?

67 If it is Spring in Tennessee, it is ________ in Argentina?

68 If it is Spring in Tennessee, it is Fall in Argentina?

69 If it is Spring in Tennessee, it is ___________ in Russia?

70 If it is Spring in Tennessee, it is Spring in Russia?

71 If it is Spring in Tennessee, it is Spring in Russia? This is because Tennessee and England are both in the Northern Hemisphere. On being in the Western Hemisphere and the other being in the Eastern Does not matter

72 Hace Sol

73 It’s Sunny

74 Hace Calor

75 It’s Hot

76 Hace Frio

77 It’s Cold

78 Hace Viento

79 It’s Windy

80 Llueve

81 It’s Raining

82 Nieva

83 It’s Snowing

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