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Estructura Tomen apuntes

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Presentación del tema: "Estructura Tomen apuntes"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Estructura Tomen apuntes
Capítulo 10 Estructura Tomen apuntes

2 Repaso We have already studied the past tense of regular –AR verbs
SUBJECT ENDING CONJUGATION Yo Compré -aste Compraste Él, Ella, Ud. Compró Nosotros -amos Compramos Ellos, Ellas, Uds -aron Compraron

3 Pretérito de los verbos en -ER e -IR
In this chapter we are going to study the preterite form of –er and –ir verbs. The preterite endings of regular –er an –ir verbs are the SAME.

4 Pretérito de los verbos –ER e –IR
SUBJECT ENDINGS COMER Yo Comí -iste Comiste Él, Ella, Ud. -ió Comió Nosotros -imos Comimos Ellos, Ellas, Uds -ieron Comieron

5 Let’s Practice Conjugate Subir to all subject forms

6 Anwers Subject Conjugations → Subir Yo Subí Tú Subiste Él, Ella, Ud
Nosotros Subimos Ellos, Ellas, Uds. Subieron

7 More Practice Conjugate Volver to all subject forms

8 Answers Subject Conjugations → Volver Yo Volví Tú Volviste
Él, Ella, Ud Volvió Nosotros Volvimos Ellos, Ellas, Uds. Volvieron

9 REMEMBER!!!!! The preterite is used to tell about an event that happened at a specific time in the past. Ellos salieron anoche. Ayer no comí en casa. Comí en el restaurante.

10 Preterite Form of Dar and Ver
The preterite forms of the verbs DAR and VER are the same of those of regular –ER and –IR verbs

11 Conjugating DAR and VER
SUBJECTS DAR VER YO Di Vi Diste Viste Él, Ella, Ud Dio Vio Nosotros Dimos Vimos Ellos, Ellas, Uds. Dieron Vieron

12 Recap Now you know how to conjugate –ER and –Ir verbs to the preterite form. Also you know to use the regular –ER and –IR preterite chart when conjugating Dar and Ver to the past tense.

13 Workbook Page 121-122 Due at the end of class
Assignment Workbook Page Due at the end of class

14 Estructura Tomen apuntes
Capítulo 10 Estructura Tomen apuntes

15 Hoy vamos aprender Complementos le, les Telling what you do for others

16 Complementos le, les You have already learned the direct object pronouns lo, la, los, and las. La madre lee el libro. La madre lo lee.

17 Complementos le, les In this chapter, you will need to be able to determine the direct object and the indirect object in each sentence. The quaterback throws the ball to the reciever. What is the direct object? What is the indirect object?

18 Complementos le, les The indirect object pronoun Le is both masculine and feminine singular. The indirect object pronoun Les is both masculine and feminine plural.

19 Complementos le, les Juan lanzó la pelota.
Juan le lanzó la pelota a Carmen. La pelota is the direct object because it is the direct reciever of the action of the verb lanzó. Carmen is the indirect object because it indicates “to whom” the ball was thrown.

20 Juan lanzó la pelota a Carmen.
Más ejemplos: María le dio un regalo a Juan. María les dio un regalo a sus amigos.

21 Assignment Workbook Due today.

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