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The preterite and the imperfect. THE PRETERITE TENSE The preterite tense is a past tense that situates an action or change of state prior to the time.

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Presentación del tema: "The preterite and the imperfect. THE PRETERITE TENSE The preterite tense is a past tense that situates an action or change of state prior to the time."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 The preterite and the imperfect

2 THE PRETERITE TENSE The preterite tense is a past tense that situates an action or change of state prior to the time of speaking. The emphasis is on the following: 1.either a one time occurrence or something that happened a limited number of times, e.g. once, twice, three times. 2. the fact that the action either began or ended in the past. 3.the fact that the action or change in state happened at a specific time, e.g. last Tuesday at 7:35 a.m. (even though the time may not be mentioned)

3 THE PRETERITE TENSE Use of the preterite ALWAYS indicates that a change in the state of affairs has occurred. Your car was fine, but then it wasn’t. You weren’t at school but then you were (although late). Ayer yo tuve un accidente y llegué tarde a la escuela.

4 THE IMPERFECT TENSE The imperfect tense is characterized by a lack of change simply describing what was, what was happening, or what generally happened over long periods of time. This is just a descriptive state of what life was like when I was ten. Cuando yo tenía diez años, vivía en Texas con mi familia.

5 USES OF THE PRETERITE TENSE 1.Actions over and completed in the past. I went shopping yesterday. Fui de compras ayer. 2.Actions begun or ended in the past. The movie began at 8 pm. La película empezó a las ocho de la noche. She turned out the light when she left. Apagó la luz cuando salió

6 3.Actions repeated a specific number of times I called her three times last week. La llamé tres veces la semana pasada. 4.To narrate a series of past actions. I got up, cleaned the house and went to the movies. Me levanté, limpié la casa y fui al cine.

7 5. Changes of mental or physical states. I became tired at the party. Estuve cansado en la fiesta. Tuve mucho miedo. I got scared.

8 1. To express habitual past actions I always came home after school. Siempre venía a casa después de la escuela. USES OF THE IMPERFECT TENSE I used to like to play soccer on Sundays. Me gustaba jugar al fútbol los domingos.

9 2. Actions that were happening in the past. We were singing out loud. Cantábamos en voz alta. 3. Mental, physical, and emotional states in the past. I was afraid of the snake. Tenía miedo de la culebra. We were sad when our friend left. Estábamos tristes cuando salió nuestro amigo.

10 4.Description in the past. The house was red and had a white door. La casa era roja y tenía una puerta blanca. 5. To tell time and dates and talk about seasons. It was 8:30 am. Eran las ocho y media de la mañana. It was fall when we went back to school. Era el otoño cuando regresamos a la escuela.

11 The preterite and imperfect used together: To describe what was happening in the background or what was going on when it was interrupted by another action. While I was studying (While I studied) the fire alarm went off. Mientras estudiaba, sonó la alarma contra incendios.

12 Me levanté de un salto y miré el reloj. I jumped up and looked at the clock Eran las 11:30. Salí corriendo de mi cuarto. It was 11:30. I left running from my room. En el pasillo había más estudiantes. In the hall there were more students. La alarma seguía sonando. The alarm continued ringing.

13 Bajamos las escaleras, y, al llegar a la calle, We went down the stairs and, on arriving on the street, me di cuenta de que hacía un poco de frío. I realized that it was a little cold. No tenía un suéter. De repente, la alarma dejó de I didn’t have a sweater. Suddenly, the alarm sonar. No había ningún incendio. stopped ringing. There was no fire.

14 QUERER, PODER, SABER, CONOCER have different meanings when used in the preterite or imperfect: QUERER I wanted to go with you. (description of desire) Quería ir contigo. I tried to go with you (but failed) (preterite) Quise ir contigo. I refused to go with you. (preterite) No quise ir contigo.

15 PODER Ann could do it. (general ability) Ana podía hacerlo. Ann could not do it. (referring to specific event) Ana no pudo hacerlo. Ann succeeded in doing it. (specific event) Ana pudo hacerlo

16 SABER Ernesto knew the truth. (description of knowledge) Ernesto sabía la verdad. Ernesto finally found out the truth. (change of state) Por fin Ernesto supo la verdad.

17 CONOCER I already knew Andrew. (description of knowledge) Ya conocía a Andrés. I met Andrew at the party. (change of state) Conocí a Andrés en la fiesta.

18 Adverbios que generalmente coinciden con el pretérito y el imperfecto. Preterito De repente inmediatamente Por fin Imperfecto Todos los días A veces A menudo Con frecuencia Una vez

19 PRÁCTICA Completa las siguientes oraciones con el pretérito o el imperfecto: 1.Cuando yo era niño nunca_____________(querer) limpiar mi cuarto quería 2.Mi amigo____________(poder) pasar la aspiradora cuando _____________(tener) siete años. podía tenía 3.Mi profesor________________(conocer) el mejor supermercado en la ciudad. conocía

20 4.El mes pasado, Ana______________(saber) que no sería aceptado. 5.Anoche_______________(querer) ir de compras al centro comercial, pero___________(ser) muy tarde. 6.Finalmente, alguien_____________(poder) ayudarme a cambiar el foco de la cocina. supo, sabía quería, quise era pudo 7.Mi hermano_____________(saber) la receta de mi abuela. sabía, supo

21 8.Ayer, Fernando no_______________(querer) contestar el teléfono. 10.Mi hermana_______________(conocer) al nuevo cartero. conocía, conoció quería, quiso 9.No______________( poder) venir a ayudarte anoche porque_____________(estar) muy enferma. pude estaba

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