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100 200 400 300 400 Aeropuerto Tiempo libre Preterito: “car, -gar, - zar” Preterito: “irregular” 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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Presentación del tema: "100 200 400 300 400 Aeropuerto Tiempo libre Preterito: “car, -gar, - zar” Preterito: “irregular” 300 200 400 200 100 500 100."— Transcripción de la presentación:



3 100 200 400 300 400 Aeropuerto Tiempo libre Preterito: “car, -gar, - zar” Preterito: “irregular” 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 La persona que te trae la comida o la bebida en un avion. Auxiliar de vuelo / azafata

5 1,2 Un juego de mesa con fichas Blancas y negras El ajedrez

6 1,3 Conjuga: Llegar (yo) Llegué

7 1,4 Conjuga: Conducir (ella) Condujo

8 2,1 Cuando subes al avion Abordar

9 2,2 Practicar Tae-Kwon-Do Artes marciales

10 2,3 Traduce: I started the homework Yo comence la tarea

11 2,4 Traduce: I walked in the park (NO USES CAMINAR) (Type the question for 2,4 here.)?

12 3,1 Type the answer for 3,1 here. (Type the question for 3,1 here.)?

13 3,2 Type the answer for 3,2 here. (Type the question for 3,2 here.)?

14 3,3 Type the answer for 3,3 here. (Type the question for 3,3 here.)?

15 3,4 Type the answer for 3,4 here. (Type the question for 3,4 here.)?

16 4,1 Type the answer for 4,1 here. (Type the question for 4,1 here.)?

17 4,2 Type the answer for 4,2 here. (Type the question for 4,2 here.)?

18 4,3 Type the answer for 4,3 here. (Type the question for 4,3 here.)?

19 4,4 Type the answer for 4,4 here. (Type the question for 4,4 here.)?

20 5,1 Type the answer for 5,1 here. (Type the question for 5,1 here.)?

21 5,2 Type the answer for 5,2 here. (Type the question for 5,2 here.)?

22 5,3 Type the answer for 5,3 here. (Type the question for 5,3 here.)?

23 5,4 Type the answer for 5,4 here. (Type the question for 5,4 here.)?

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