Pronouns After Prepositions Page 154 Avancemos 2.

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1 Pronouns After Prepositions Page 154 Avancemos 2

2 Pronouns After Prepositions  Common prepositions:  Para – for  De – of, from  A – to, at (or personal “a”)  Con - with

3 Pronouns After Prepositions  para mí  para ti  para él, ella, Ud.  para nosotros para nosotras  para ellos, ellas, Uds.

4 Pronouns After Prepositions  Clara vive lejos de nosotros.  Clara lives far from us.  Tengo un regalo para ti.  I have a gift for you.

5 Pronouns After Prepositions  With verbs like gustar, use pronouns after the preposition “a” to add emphasis.  A mí no me gusta la ropa de cuadros.  I really don´t like plaid clothes.

6 Pronouns After Prepositions  Certain:  A él le gusta ir a la librería.  It pleases him to go to the bookstore.

7 Pronouns After Prepositions  When you want to say “with me” and “with you,” the preposition “con” is irregular:  conmigo – with me  contigo – with you  (the other forms of “con” are regular.)

8 Pronouns After Prepositions  ¿Vas a la fiesta conmigo o con Jorge?  Are you going to the party with me or with Jorge?

9 Pronouns After Prepositions  No voy con él; voy contigo.  I´m not going with him; I´m going with you.

10  1. Yo voy a la fiesta _____ ______. (with them)  2. La clase quiere ir __________. (with you [sing.])  3. Mi familia recibe un regalo ____ _____. (from me)  4. A ____ me interesa el español.  5. Recibo un regalo ____ _____ ( for you )  6.Mi hermano siempre se ríe____ ____. (at her)  7. Viene a la fieste __________ (with me)

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