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El Verbo “Doler (oue)”

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Presentación del tema: "El Verbo “Doler (oue)”"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El Verbo “Doler (oue)”
En español doler significa “to be hurt/painful”

2 Los verbos como Gustar Gustar Encantar Disgustar Fascinar Interesar
Molestar Parecer Faltar Doler (oue) To be pleasing, like To love To disgust/displease/upset To fascinate/be fascinated by To be interested in To bother To seem To lack To hurt/be painful/cause sorrow

3 Repaso: Doler Me duele Nos duele Te duele Os duele + singular noun
Le duele Les duele Me duelen Nos duelen Te duelen Os duelen plural nouns Le duelen Les duelen

4 DOLER is conjugated just like the verb GUSTAR. There are only 2 forms!
Doler is conjugated based on what’s being hurt. Duele (refers to one body part / singular) 2. Duelen (refers to more than one body part / plural)

5 Por ejemplo: In English we say: “My arm hurts”
En español decimos: “The arm hurts me.” me duele el brazo iop + verb + subject

6 The word order is actually “backwards”:
En Español…: The word order is actually “backwards”: The indirect object comes first: Me (Who is hurt) Then the verb: duele Finally the subject of the verb: el brazo. (What body part hurts) Make it negative by adding “no” at the beginning.

7 Who is hurt or in pain? Who is being affected?
Indirect Object Pronouns: Me- me Te – you Le – him/her You formal Nos – us Os – You guys - plural(informal) Les – Them, You guys (plural)

8 Frases de clarificación or emphasis:
Put the “personal a” in front of the name or pronoun that refers to the person in pain . Nos = a nosotros Os = a vosotros Les = a ellos a ellas a Uds. (a Roberto y a Luis) (a Lola y a Carmen) (a mis amigos) Me = a mí Te = a ti Le = a él a ella a Ud. (a Roberto) (a Lola) (a tu hermano)

9 DOLER is conjugated based on what’s being hurt.
¡Cuatro partes! Follow the pattern… A (name or pronoun) Indirect Object + Pronoun who is being affected Duele (n) + verb The noun (sing/pl) subject or what body part is causing the pain las piernas le duelen A Maria Maria’s legs hurt. The legs hurt Maria. DOLER is conjugated based on what’s being hurt.

10 ¿Cómo se dice? My head hurts (me). (A mí) Me duele la cabeza.

11 ¿Cómo se dice? Your arm hurts. (A ti) Te duele el brazo.

12 ¿Cómo se dice? Our legs hurt. (A nosotros) Nos duelen las piernas.

13 ¿Cómo se dice? Her ankle hurts. (A ella ) Le duele el tobillo.

14 ¿Qué te duele? 1 Me duele la pierna. 6 Me duele la garganta. 2 2 3
Me duele la mano. 5 4 Me duele la cabeza. 1 5 Me duele el estómago. 4 Me duele el brazo. 3 Simple matching exercise. 6

15 ¿Qué te duele? 1 Me duelen los pies. 5 2 Me duelen las manos. 3
Me duelen los ojos. 1 Me duelen las piernas. 4 3 Me duelen las orejas. 2 Pupils note difference between me duele and me duelen, and complete a simple matching exercise. 4 5

16 1 2 Escribe doce frases. 3 4 5 6 8 7 Stimulus for writing, now including both me duele and me duelen. 9 10 11 12

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