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Salvador Dalí Un poco más… Dal í – parte II Figure at a Window, 1925 Comenta la obra…

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Presentación del tema: "Salvador Dalí Un poco más… Dal í – parte II Figure at a Window, 1925 Comenta la obra…"— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 Salvador Dalí Un poco más… Dal í – parte II

3 Figure at a Window, 1925 Comenta la obra…

4 Esta obra destaca el paisaje del pueblo donde vivía cuando era niño en el norte de España.

5 The Endless Enigma - 1938

6 Otra característica importante de las obras de Dalí es el uso de imágenes escondidas o imágenes dobles.

7 Grayhound - perro cara

8 Una mesa Un plato de fruta


10 One Second Before Awakening from Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate - 1944

11 The tigers pouncing upon an exquisite dish - Gala - are the image of the bee in the dream; the rifle with bayonet is a clear allusion to the bee's menacing bite. Eroticism appears again in Dalí's work as a violent banquet.

12 The Last Supper - 1955 Comenta la obra…

13 Portrait of Artist’s Father - 1925

14 Venus with Cupid - 1925

15 Girl’s Back - 1926

16 Surrealist Composition - 1928

17 The Enigma of Desire: My Mother - 1929

18 Accomodation of Desire - 1929

19 Illuminated Pleasures - 1929

20 The Ship - 1934

21 Sleep - 1937

22 Apparition of Face and Fruit Dish on Beach - 1938

23 Enchanted Bread with Three Fluid Faces - 1923

24 Ballerina in a Death’s Head - 1939

25 Geopoliticans Child Watching the Birth of New Man - 1943

26 Melancholy - 1945

27 Raphaelesque Head Exploding - 1955

28 Crucifixion - 1954

29 Maximum Speed of Rafael’s Madonna - 1954

30 The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus - 1948

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