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Publicada porPino Avitia Modificado hace 10 años
¿ Recuerdas? COMPLEMENTO DIRECTO Is a noun or a noun phrase that receives the action of the verb directly. It answers the questions ¿qué? (what?) or ¿quién? (whom?) after the verb. –¿Compraste los lápices? You bought what?... los lápices –No conozco a la novia de Pedro. I don’t know whom? …la novia de Pedro
Direct Object Pronouns replace the direct object noun or noun phrase and they must agree in gender and number with the noun they replace. The direct object pronouns are: menos teos lo/lalos/las ¿Compraste los lápices? Sí, los compré ayer. No conozco a la novia de Pedro. La podrás conocer esta tare en la fiesta.
COMPLEMENTO INDIRECTO The indirect object of a sentence is a noun or a noun phrase that receives the action of the verb indirectly. It indicates to whom something is given or done or to/for whom an action is carried out. It answers the questions ¿a quién? (to whom?) or ¿para/por quién? (for whom?) after the verb.
La profe nos dio mucha tarea. The techer gave (a lot of homework) to whom? To us Nosotros le hablamos a la profe. We talked to whom? to the teacher Traje este regalo para ti. I brought (this gift) for whom?...para ti. ¿Le hablaste al director? You spoke to whom? …el director.
Indirect object pronouns agree only in number with the noun they refer to. Indirect object pronouns menos teos leles Direct object pronouns menos teos lo/lalos/las
¡LAS REGLAS! 1.Pronouns always go BEFORE a conjugated verb. ¿Compraste los lápices? Sí, los compré ayer. DOP conjugated verb La profe nos dio mucha tarea. IOP conjugated verb
2.Pronouns can be ATTACHED at the end of an infinitive. ¿Compraste los lápices? No, pero voy a comprarlos mañana. infinitive DOP HOWEVER! Since an infinitive will always be preceded by a conjugated verb in a sentence, you may always put the pronoun before the conjugated verb (rule 1.) No, pero los voy a comprar mañana. DOP conjugated verb
3.Pronouns can be ATTACHED at the end of the gerund (-ando; -iendo) (remember that you need to add an accent in ándo and iéndo) La profe está hablándonos. gerund IOP Again, since the gerund is preceded by a conjugated verb, you can follow rule 1. (notice that no accent is needed in the gerund in this case) La profe nos está hablando. IOP conjugated verb
4.Pronouns MUST be ATTACHED at the end of the affirmative commands. (remember that you need to add an accent in this case.) ¿Quiere Ud. el menú? Sí, por favor tráigame el menú. affirmative command IOP
5.Pronouns MUST go BEFORE the verb in negative commands. ¿Quieres que prepare pastel para el postre? No, no lo prepares para el postre. DOP negative command
Pronombres dobles (double object pronouns) As there are sentences with no direct or indirect object, there are also sentences with both. When both pronouns are used the rules of placement continue to be the same as for the individual pronouns
Two very important additional rules for double object pronouns: 1.When there are two pronouns, Indirect ALWAYS goes before Direct. 2.Both pronouns must ALWAYS be placed together in the same part of the sentence (they cannot be separated.)
–La profe nos dio mucha tarea. –La profe nos la dio. IOP DOP –Cómprame ese regalo a mi. –Cómpramelo. IOP DOP –No, no te lo voy a comprar. IOP DOP –Sí, voy a comprártelo. IOP DOP
When attaching two pronouns to the end of an infinitive you must add an accent on the 3 rd syllable from the end (counting the pronouns.) –Me va a dar el regalo. –Va a dármelo. –Tienen que entregarme la tarea hoy. –Tienen que entregármela hoy. IOPDOP IOP
When attaching two pronouns to the end of the gerund or the affirmative command, the accent will remain in the same syllable as it was with one pronoun. –La profe está dándonos las notas. –La profe está dándonoslas. –Cómprame ese regalo. –Cómpramelo. IOPDOP IOPDOP
Two 3 rd person pronouns The indirect object pronouns le and les will change to SE when followed by the direct objects pronouns lo, la, los or las. –Les regalé unos pendientes a las chicas. –Se los regalé. –Le voy a dar mi tarea a la profe. –Voy a dársela. IOPDOP IOPDOP lo le, les +la selos las
One of the most important things to remember about direct and indirect object pronouns is that they will NEVER be the subject of a sentence! ¿Hiciste la tarea? Sí, (yo) la hice.La fue muy fácil. subject DOP verb La tarea fue muy fácil. subject verb
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