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Adjective/Noun Agreement

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Presentación del tema: "Adjective/Noun Agreement"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Adjective/Noun Agreement
It all has to match!

2 Number and Gender Adjectives are words which describe nouns or pronouns. In Spanish, all adjectives must agree in number and gender with the nouns they describe. Gender : nouns are either masculine or feminine Number: nouns are either singular or plural.

3 So what is a “masculine” noun anyway?
Masculine nouns usually end with the letters L-O-N-E-R-S. Feminine nouns usually end in the letters D-ion-Z-A. To make nouns or adjectives plural add “s” to words ending with vowels, add “es” to words ending with consonants. Ex. El chico ---- Los chicos el papel ---- Los papeles

4 Examples of maculine and feminine nouns :
Masculine Feminine L – el papel D – la ciudad O – el amigo ion – la televisión N – el jardín Z – la actriz E – el cine A – la amiga R – el borrador S – el sacapuntos

5 Are these nouns masculine or feminine?
Lección Tinta Universidad Edificio dedo

6 How to use adjectives Unlike English, in Spanish, adjectives usually follow the nouns they describe. Ex. Un chico trabajador Unos chicos trabajadores Un chica trabajadora Unas chicas trabajadoras

7 How would you say the following?
The short girl A fat dog The pretty shirt Some ugly pants

8 Exceptions: When a noun or adjective ends in “Z” the z is changed to a “c” before making it plural The following are common exceptions to gender rules: El agua La mano El problema (and other words ending with “ma”) La flor La sal

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