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Demonstrative Adjectives Show where things are. This (the one I have) That (the one close to the person I am talking to) That (the one far from both of.

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Presentación del tema: "Demonstrative Adjectives Show where things are. This (the one I have) That (the one close to the person I am talking to) That (the one far from both of."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 Demonstrative Adjectives Show where things are. This (the one I have) That (the one close to the person I am talking to) That (the one far from both of us) What do you think about this white suit. I think that white suit you have is awesome. Thanks. But look at that one. That suit is ugly!

3 Like all adjectives in Spanish, demonstratives agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. MASCULINOFEMENINO thisesteesta theseestosestas that (near)eseesa those (near)esosesas that (far)aquelaquella those (far)aquellosaquellas

4 Demonstrative Adjectives Show where things are. This (the one I have) That (the one close to the person I am talking to) That (the one far from both of us) ¿Qué te parece este traje blanco? Me gusta ese traje blanco que tienes. Gracias. Pero mira aquel. Aquel traje es muy feo.

5 _________ pantalones están muy flojos. MASCULINOFEMENINO thisesteesta theseestosestas

6 _________ pantalones son muy flojos. MASCULINOFEMENINO thisesteesta theseestas Estos

7 ¿De quién es __________ falda? MASCULINOFEMENINO that (near)eseesa those (near)esosesas

8 ¿De quién es __________ falda? MASCULINOFEMENINO that (near)ese those (near)esosesas esa

9 ¡____________ ropa de España está de moda! MASCULINOFEMENINO that (far)aquelaquella those (far)aquellosaquellas

10 ¡____________ ropa de España está de moda! MASCULINOFEMENINO that (far)aquel those (far)aquellosaquellas Aquella

11 Which would I choose for this sentence? I like ________ scarf you are wearing. this (near to speaker) these (near to speaker) (near to person spoken to) those (near to person spoken to) that (far from both) those (far from both) that

12 Me gusta ________ libro que tienes en la mano. Me gusta ____________ bufanda que tengo. Mira ______________ vestidos que están por la entrada. Me gusta ________ libro que tienes en la mano. Me gusta ____________ bufanda que tengo. Mira ______________ vestidos que están por la entrada. ese aquellos esta

13 “This” and “these” have “t’s” MASCULINOFEMENINO thisesteesta theseestosestas

14 “That” and “those” don’t. (have “t’s”) MASCULINOFEMENINO that (near)eseesa those (near)esosesas

15 And for “far away” you use an “a” MASCULINOFEMENINO that (far)aquelaquella those (far)aquellosaquellas

16 “This” and “these” have “t’s” “That” and “those” don’t. And for “far away” you use an “a” “This” and “these” have “t’s” “That” and “those” don’t. And for “far away” you use an “a” MASCULINOFEMENINO thisesteesta theseestosestas that (near)eseesa those (near)esosesas that (far)aquelaquella those (far)aquellosaquellas

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