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 We already know how to use one form of the future in Spanish:  Near Future: ir + a + infinitive (going to verb)

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Presentación del tema: " We already know how to use one form of the future in Spanish:  Near Future: ir + a + infinitive (going to verb)"— Transcripción de la presentación:


2  We already know how to use one form of the future in Spanish:  Near Future: ir + a + infinitive (going to verb)

3  A present tense form of the verb ir (to go) plus the preposition a plus an infinitive is often used as a substitute for the future tense in Spanish. The same phenomenon also occurs in English:  ¿Vas a estudiar mañana? Are you going to study tomorrow?  No voy a hacer nada. I'm not going to do anything.

4  The endings for all verbs are:  -é-emos  -ás-éis  -á-án  Note that every one except nosotros form requires a written accent The endings are the same for –ar, -er, and –ir verbs

5  Stem: Normally, infinitive is used as the stem  Ejemplos  Hablar: Hablar é hablaremos Hablaráshablaréis hablaráhablarán

6 Comerécomeremos comeráscomeréis comerácomerán viviréviviremos vivirásviviréis vivirávivirán

7  Saquen el libro azul  Completen pga 461, act 14

8  1. entenderán  2.serán  3.resultará  4. ayudarán  5. estarán  6. necesitaremos  7. visitarán  8. tratarán

9  decir: dir- to say (diré, dirás, dirá, diremos, diréis, dirán)  haber habr- there will be [impersonal] (habrá)  hacer har- to make, do (haré, harás, hará, haremos, haréis, harán)  poder podr- to be able (podré, podrás, podrá, podremos, podréis, podrán)  poner pondr- to put, place, set (pondré, pondrás, pondrá, pondremos, pondréis, pondrán)

10  querer querr- to want, love (querré, querrás, querrá, querremos, querréis, querrán)  saber sabr-_ to know [a fact], know how [+ infinitive] (sabré, sabrás, sabrá, sabremos,sabréis, sabrán)  salir saldr- to leave, go out (saldré, saldrás, saldrá, saldremos, saldréis, saldrán)  tener tendr- to have (tendré, tendrás, tendrá, tendremos, tendréis, tendrán)  valer valdr-to be worth (valdré, valdrás, valdrá, valdremos, valdréis, valdrán)  venir vendr- to come (vendré, vendrás, vendrá, vendremos, vendréis, vendrán)

11  Enrique nos dirá la verdad. Enrique will tell us the truth.  ¿Quiénes vendrán conmigo? Who will come with me?  Pondré la mesa en seguida. I'll set the table right away.

12  There are two main ways in which the future tense is used in Spanish:  I. It indicates future time, the same as in English. ◦ Mañana saldremos para Madrid. Tomorrow we will leave for Madrid. ◦ El lunes iré al hospital. I'll go to the hospital on Monday.

13  II. The future tense is also used to indicate conjecture or probability in the present time. In English, expressions such as “probably”, “must”, “I/you think” are usually used rather than the future tense. ◦ ¿Dónde estará María? Where do you think Mary is (right now)? ◦ Estará en casa. She is probably at home. ◦ Serán las ocho. It must be 8:00. (Or: It is probably 8:00, I think it's 8:00, etc.)

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