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Guide Press pause beep First-class passenger Find out later sink journey board spent Hit an iceberg She broke into Sank to the bottom of the ocean Was.

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Presentación del tema: "Guide Press pause beep First-class passenger Find out later sink journey board spent Hit an iceberg She broke into Sank to the bottom of the ocean Was."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 guide Press pause beep First-class passenger Find out later sink journey board spent Hit an iceberg She broke into Sank to the bottom of the ocean Was lucky lifeboats surface A long way down

2 invaded built becamelived Medieval times Are just a wall called myths myth carried prophesybattle

3 1.King Edward _________ (invadió) Wales in 1277 2. He __________ (construyó) 12 castles 3. Caernafon Castle _________ (se convitió) Kind Edward´s Royal Palace 4. In _________ (medieval) times people _________ castles white 5. But Most castles are now I ____ R ______ 6. Wales has a lot of _______ (mitos) and Legends 7. King Arhtur _______ (se convitió) King when he ______ 15. He __________________________ (sacó una espada clavada en un yunque) 8. He ___________ (many battles) and he _________ Guinevere invaded built became Medieval pinted In ruins Myths became was Pulled a stuck sword from an anvil Won/fought married

4 Arturo se convirtió en rey cuando tenía 15 años. Su amigo Merlin que Era mago, le dio una espada mágica Llamada Excalibur. Con Excalibur Arturo ganó muchas Batallas y fue un buen rey. Constru- yo un palacio en Camelot y luego se Casó con la princesa Guinevere. Durante muchos años Arturo y Guinevere fueron felices juntos 1.Arturo became king when he was 15 2.His friend Merlin, a wizard, gave him 3.a magic sword called Excalibur 4.With Excalibur Arthur won many battles and was a good king 5.He built a castle at Camelot 6.And then he married the princess G. 7.For many years, they were happy together The sword Stuck in the Stone/ anvil

5 En el palacio, había una mesa redonda y todos los caballeros de Arturo se reunían allí. La gente les llamaba “Los caballeros de la mesa redonda” y tuvieron muchas aventuras. Lucharon contra dragones, y buscaban el tesoro de el “Santo Grial”. Al final, el malvado sobrino de Arturo mató al Rey. La leyenda dice que Arturo murió en la isla de Ávalon

6 1.Cannon 2.spear 3.Shield 4.Machine gun 5.Arrow 6.Bullet 7.Bow 8.Sword 9.missile

7 - Reigned -Army -Cruel wars -Took place -Fought - Crowne d -To the throne -battle - retired - arrow - heir - soldier s - invade - throne - get Took place Cruel wars crowned heirTo the throne invade getthrone army soldiers foughtbattle arrow surrendered reigned

8 9.The battle ________________________ (tuvo lugar) in 1066 10. It _____________________ (fue una guerra cruel) 11. Harold se coronó rey _______________________ 12. But the real ___________________ (heredero al trono) was William.So he ___________ (invadió) England with an _______ (ejército) of 5000 _________ (soldados) 13. Harold was _________ (muerto) by an _______ (flecha) and they_________________ (se rindieron). William ________ (reinó) for 20 years Took place Was a cruel war Harold was crowned King Heir to the throne invaded armysoldiers killedarrow surrendered reigned




12 Pictures prehistoric people painted C ___ P _____ Mark that a foot makes on the ground = F ______ There wern ´t enough L ____ (botes salvavidas) on the Titanic These are tools and weapons= A ___ / s___ / B ___ and A __ 2 weapons that travel long distances= C ___ / M ___ Franco R ___ (gobernó) Spain, but he was a D ___ (dictador) (Armas) is Arms and W ____ Egyptians didn ´t B ___ (enterrar) their kings There are alot of M ___ (mitos) and legends Metralleta y ballas = M ______ and B ____ He is the H __ =(heredero) to the T ___ (trono) Prince Philip will be C ___ (coronado) in the future Greek people had a lot of (dioses y diosas) = G __ and G ___ The Titanic S ____ (se hundió) 100 years ago The Titanic began its J ____ (viaje) in 1912 Soldiers fought with S ___ and protect themselves with S ____ When soldiers D ____ (derrotan) their enemies, these ones S ____ (se rinden) King Arthur had mates called K ___and a W ___ N ____ ( malvado sobrino ) Cave painting Weapons Gods/ Goddesses Footprint Bury sank Lifeboats Myths journey Axes/spears/b ows/arrows Machine gun/bullets Swords/shield Cannon/m issile Heir/thro ne Defeat/su rrender Ruled/disc tator Crowned Knights/wi cked/neph ew

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