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La dimensión global en la clase de Inglés de ES Interculturalidad y pensamiento crítico 38/11 N/C Presencial Inglés Media PF, /4F 37 Hs. Reloj Dict: 8720.

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Presentación del tema: "La dimensión global en la clase de Inglés de ES Interculturalidad y pensamiento crítico 38/11 N/C Presencial Inglés Media PF, /4F 37 Hs. Reloj Dict: 8720."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 La dimensión global en la clase de Inglés de ES Interculturalidad y pensamiento crítico 38/11 N/C Presencial Inglés Media PF, /4F 37 Hs. Reloj Dict: 8720 Res: 3095/11 Punt: 0,48 La dimensión global en la clase de Inglés de ES Interculturalidad y pensamiento crítico 38/11 N/C Presencial Inglés Media PF, /4F 37 Hs. Reloj Dict: 8720 Res: 3095/11 Punt: 0,48 Dirección de Capacitación Provincia de Buenos Aires Capacitador ETR Oscar Marino 2012

2 C:\Documents and Settings\Inbox Technology\Mis documentos\Mis vídeos What does it mean to be literate in the 21st century?

3 Dimensión Global de la educación = Temas globales La inclusión de la competencia intercultural El desarrollo del pensamiento crítico Recursos digitales para la selección de material

4 De la teoría a la practica De la Competencia intercultural A la práctica para desarrollar el pensamiento crítico.

5 Sinergia Contexto global Contexto local El docente crea la interacción y la interconexión entre ambos contextos

6 “Think globally and act locally”

7 Temas globales Desarrollo de materiales y planificaciones Los alumnos desarrollan competencias LingüísticaSocio-lingüísticaDiscursivaIntercultural

8 Material auténtico Cultura Otras culturas Contexto global Contexto local

9 El rol de la interdisciplinariedad Para desarrollar la competencia intercultural El pensamiento crítico C L I L

10 From UNCOVERING CLIL by Marsh, Mehisto and Frigols (2008) Core features of CLIL methodology (p. 29-30) Multiple focus supporting language learning in content classes supporting content learning in language classes integrating several subjects organizing learning through cross-curricular themes and projects supporting reflection on the learning process Safe and enriching learning environment using routine activities and discourse displaying language and content throughout the classroom building student confidence to experiment with language and content using classroom learning centres guiding access to authentic learning materials and environments increasing student language awareness Authenticity letting the students ask for the language help they need maximizing the accommodation of student interests making a regular connection between learning and the students' lives connecting with other speakers of the CLIL language using current materials from the media and other sources Active learning students communicating more than the teacher students help set content, language and learning skills outcomes students evaluate progress in achieving learning outcomes favouring peer co-operative work negotiating the meaning of language and content with students teachers acting as facilitators Scaffolding building on a student's existing knowledge, skills, attitudes, interests and experience repackaging information in user-friendly ways responding to different learning styles fostering creative and critical thinking challenging students to take another step forward and not just coast in comfort CO-operation planning courses/lessons/themes in co-operation with CLIL and non-CLlL teachers involving parents in learning about CLIL and how to support students | involving the local community, authorities and employers

11 Dimensión del contenidoDimensión cultural  Lengua para participar en la cultura  Lengua para aprender cultura Alfabetización digital del siglo XXI

12 La clase de inglés se presenta como el ambiente propicio para el desarrollo de la competencia intercultural y el pensamiento crítico para adquirir conocimientos sobre distintas culturas

13 Objetivos ayudar a los docentes a adquirir un mejor entendimiento conceptual de la competencia intercultural ayudar a los docentes a mejorar sus métodos de enseñanza para el desarrollo de la competencia intercultural brindar a los docentes el marco conceptual para el desarrollo de pensamiento crítico y los criterios prácticos para incluir instancias de pensamiento crítico en las planificaciones de clase. brindar a los docentes criterios para la selección de material auténtico y para el desarrollo de tareas en base a ese material brindar a los docentes los lineamientos para planificar y desarrollar secuencias didácticas desde un enfoque interdisciplinario brindar a los docentes los conocimientos sobre las distintas formas de utilizar las netbooks para la selección de material y para el desarrollo de tareas para los alumnos.

14 C:\Documents and Settings\Inbox Technology\Mis documentos\Mis vídeos What does it mean to be literate in the 21st century?

15 Problem 1 How can you introduce the global dimension in your English classes?

16 Global education is an approach to education developed in the 1970s and 1980s which aims to promote students´ knowledge and awareness of world peoples, countries, cultures and issues. As an approach to language teaching, it involves integrating a global perspective into classroom instruction through a focus on international themes, lessons built around global issues (peace, development, the environment, human rights …), classroom activities linking students to the wider world and concepts such as responsibility and world citizenship. Advocates of this approach see the foreign language as a window to the world and global education as a way to bring educational relevance to the classroom through meaningful content based on real-world topics. Global education has been defined as education which “promotes the knowledge, attitudes and skills relevant to living responsibly in a multicultural, interdependent world (Fisher and Hicks, 1985) and as education which aims to bring about “change in the content, methods and social context of education in order to better prepare students for citizenship in a global age” (Kniep, 1985). Cates (1990) describes global education as an approach to language teaching which aims at enabling students to effectively acquire and use a foreign language while empowering them with the knowledge, skills and commitment required by world citizens for the solution of global problems. Maley (1992) sees global education as a way to solve the perennial problems faced by language teaching: the gulf between classroom activities and “real life”, the separation of language teaching from mainstream educational ideas, and the lack of a content as subject matter. Handout

17 What is global education? Choose a definition and discuss about it.

18 1. Globalization has led to growing interdependence and increased contacts with people from different countries; 2. Our planet faces serious world problems which require international cooperation to solve; 3. Surveys show that modern youth is often ignorant of world peoples, cultures and issues; 4. Current education systems fail to prepare young people adequately to cope with these challenges due to traditional schooling based on rote memorization, passive learning and examination pressures Give your opinion Do you agree? Handout

19 The goals of global education are divided into the four domains of knowledge, skills, attitudes and action Knowledge knowledge about world countries and cultures, and about global problems, their causes and solutions; Skills skills of critical thinking, cooperative problem solving, conflict resolution, and seeing issues from multiple perspective; Attitudes attitudes of global awareness, cultural appreciation, respect for diversity, and empathy; Action the final aim of global learning is to have students “think globally and act locally”

20 “Think globally and act locally”

21 Why global education? Look at your handout and choose one of the three reasons to share with your mates. Advocates of global education typically criticize the narrow focus of much traditional language teaching with its emphasis on linguistic form, trivial content (shopping, tourism, pop culture), its avoidance of controversial issues, and its textbook stereotypes. Global language teachers strive to design language lessons around world regions (e.g. Africa), social issues (e.g. AIDS), international themes (e.g. the Nobel Peace Prize), and global problems (e.g. landmines, tropical rainforests). They see e-mail and the Internet as ways to promote global awareness and inter-cultural communication, and arrange overseas visits and exchanges to promote international understanding. Handout

22 Global education, through its emphasis on meaningful communication about real-world topics, has promoted interest in content-based instruction and communicative language teaching. It has also led language educators to reach out for teaching resources to global issue organizations such as Amnesty International, Oxfam and UNICEF, and to experiment with teaching ideas, activities and materials from such disciplines as peace education and environmental education. It has further led to new thinking about the social responsibility of the language teaching profession in a world of social inequality and linguistic imperialism.

23 Global education has had its biggest impact with teachers of English, who argue that the status of English as a global language (see Crystal, 1997) makes the EFL classroom ideal for global education. These teachers see English less as the language of native speakers, and more as a language for learning about the world and communicating with world peoples.

24 What is Citizenship ? The concept of citizenship has had a varied history reflecting the changing contexts in which it has been used. In the city-states of the Ancient World the status of citizen was reserved for a minority of the population with political influence but also with responsibilities towards the rest of society. In revolutionary times, citizenship as a concept was used to demand an increasing involvement in political and civil society for previously excluded sectors of the population. As the world was divided into distinct political territories, citizenship was closely associated with belonging and the status of citizen of a particular state or empire was used to claim rights (e.g. freedom, security, political participation and residence). Recent globalising trends are promoting a new form of citizenship that encourages a sense of belonging and of rights and responsibilities that transcend national and cultural boundaries. What rights and responsibilities do you now have as a citizen that your ancestors might not have had 300 years ago? Do you think you and your fellow citizens are better off through having these rights and responsibilities? What resources or reasons can history provide for intercultural communication?

25 By definition, Global Citizenship involves engaging with distant places and different cultures, but this is never undertaken in isolation from our own lives and communities. The focus is rather on exploring what links us to other people, places and cultures, the (e)quality of those relationships, and how we can learn from, as well as about, those people, places, and cultures. All this might result in a very localized expression of Global Citizenship, such as the challenging of a racist remark in the school break.



28 Reflection point Review the Curriculum Design for English, and identify how it can contribute to develop knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes as listed below. OXFAM How do these elements relate to Byram´s model of intercultural communicative competence? Oxfam activitiesactivities OXFAN

29 A model of intercultural competence Attitudes and feelings Acknowledging the identities of others: noticing how others have different identities and accepting their values and insights. Respecting otherness: showing curiosity about others and being willing to question what is usually taken for granted and viewed as ‘normal’. Having empathy: being able to take someone else’s perspective, to imagine their thoughts and feelings. Identifying positive and negative emotions and relating them to attitudes and knowledge. Behaviour Being flexible: adapting one’s behaviour to new situations and to what other people expect. Being sensitive to ways of communicating: recognising different ways of speaking and other forms of communication that exist in other languages or other ways of using the same language. Knowledge and skills Having knowledge about other people: knowing facts about people whom one meets, and knowing how and why they are what they are. Discovering knowledge: using certain skills to find out about people one meets, by asking questions, seeking out information, and using these skills in real-time encounters. Interpreting and relating: understanding people or places or things by comparing them to familiar people, places, things in one’s own environment, seeing similarities and differences. Being critical: noticing how other people think and act and distancing oneself from one’s own ways of thinking and acting, and being able to explain one’s judgements about both. Becoming aware of one’s own assumptions, preconceptions, stereotypes and prejudices. Action Taking action: as a consequence of all the rest, being willing and able to become involved with other people in making things different and better. Handout


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