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El Poder de la Historia Darrow L. Miller

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Presentación del tema: "El Poder de la Historia Darrow L. Miller"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El Poder de la Historia Darrow L. Miller
Alianza para el Discipulado de las Naciones

2 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes
Introducción Historias Modernas ¿Que es una cosmovisión? Methodologies: Storytelling, Analytical Questioning, Dramatization, Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Stories are very powerful - The concept of story – of the concept of a worldview Illustrations of how powerful our stories are: Jose Kornegay** – American with an American education of nursing. Joined the Peace Corps and went to Sierra Leone and began to teach microbiology in a local university. Her students were very smart, studied hard and all the students passed their exams and Jose was very happy. The last day of class she gave her students an evaluation so she could teach better next time. At the end of the class, her students were thanking her for her course and one student raised her hand and again said, “Miss Jose, thank you for teaching us what the white people believe about how people get sick. Would you like to know how people really get sick?” Jose was disturbed and confused, but said “Yes, please tell me.” Her student explained that “Here in Africa we know about the spirit world and everyone knows that at night the demons come in and bite a person on the back and this is how everyone REALLY gets sick.” What did Jose not consider in her teaching? Her worldview and her student’s worldview. Two very different worldviews with two different stories. Prince Henry the Navigator** – 14th Century man - His nickname was because he loved to explore. Hired a ship to find the sea route to India from Portugal. The ship returned within a week and told Henry that they could not go to India because they “came to the end of the world”. Henry was patient and yet determined and hired another ship and commissioned it to find the sea route to India. The ship came back within a couple weeks and the captain said, “We could not find the sea route because we came to the end of the world.” Henry was not deterred. In the next 10 years he hired 13 ships to sail this mission, but all returned with the same story. So Henry hired a 14th ship and when they set sail, about a week into their journey they encountered a huge storm! This storm blew them totally off course. When the storm passed, what did they find? They were past the end of the world and continued to sail up the East African coast and on to India. Spanish Sahara – a place on the coast that has a HUGE sandbar along the coast. As you approach it, the waters get shallower and shallower and the currents are very strange – what did the people determine from seeing this? They came to the end of the world. What is the end of the world? The map in their mind. They had been taught that if you sail too far to the south or too far to the west, you will come to the end of the world. So what did they conclude when they saw the sandbar? That they were at the end of the world. What limited their discovery? The map in their mind. What is a worldview and how does it work? Worldview is like a set of glasses–glasses for the mind. What do your glasses help you do? See better. Imagine having a set of glasses on your mind. All day you look through your glasses. They determine what you see, how you see the world and that will determine what kind of community you will build. One thing we don’t do is take off our glasses and look at them. Wow – I have nice glasses!! Do you like my glasses? We look through our glasses but rarely look at them – we rarely examine our glasses, our worldview. Object lesson – 2 sets of glasses. Have them explain what they see – have them convince each other to see what they believe the room is like because of what they see. Last updated 7/07

3 Cabo Bojador

4 Historia de la Cosmovisión
Realidad Hombre Naturaleza Historia Última Animismo Teísmo Bíblico Secularismo

5 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes
Romanos 12:2 “No os conforméis a este siglo, sino transformaos por medio de la renovación de vuestro entendimiento, para que comprobéis cual sea la buena voluntad de Dios, agradable y perfecta.” ¿Como se relaciona este pasaje con lo que hemos estado hablando? Romans 12:1-2 Read this around your tables – discuss what this means in relationship to what we are discussing. What is this passage telling you? Give 5 minutes. Have groups discuss this. We must be born again, again. We need a biblical mind. Where does the transformation begin? In the renewing of the mind – if your mind is not renewed, you will not be transformed. Transformation begins with the renewing of our mind. We need to repent We normally think of repenting as a feeling. The Greek word repent is Meta-noia which literally means to change one’s mind or to be re-minded. We need to repent from what we think – to change our mind and be re-minded of the truth. Illustrations**: My culture says – women are inferior The Bible says – Women are made in the image of God. My culture says – work is a curse The Bible says – work gives dignity. I must repent – and call women and work, what God calls them. We need new lenses in our mind: We are made in the image of God. We are made to create history. Things don’t have to be the same as they were with my grandparents; they can be different with my children. We must teach this, but we don’t teach it and our minds have not been renewed – (reminded of what God says). Last updated 7/07

6 Ideas tienen Consecuencias
Fruto = Consecuencias Ramas = Comportamiento Tronco = Valores Raíces = Sistema de Creencias

7 La Propagación de las Ideas
Horizontal Vertical Temporal Las Ideas viajan alrededor del mundo, de una zona a otra. Las Ideas se difunden a las culturas a través de las clases sociales. Las Ideas pasan a las generaciones futuras.

8 Las Ideas se Propagan a través de la Cultura
Los Intelectuales (religión, filosofía) Los Cantantes (música popular, el arte) Los Profesionales (leyes, política, la economía) La Gente Popular

9 Transformando la Sociedad
Sociedades Reconstruidas Culturas Reformadas Almas Arrepentidas Vidas regeneradas Evangelio – Mentes Renovadas – Naciones Discipuladas Consecuencias – Comportamiento – Valores - Creencias

10 El Papel de La Iglesia en la Sociedad
Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes El Papel de La Iglesia en la Sociedad Juan 17:15-19 ¿Que dijo Jesús acerca de la relación entre la iglesia y el mundo? Methodologies: Small Group Discovery Bible Exploration, Summarization Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Read John 17:15-19 Have the small groups answer these questions – Jesus is praying for the Church and He is praying for the role of the Church in society. What did Jesus say is to be the relationship between the Church and the world? Write in one sentence the principle of what Jesus is praying here. This is the High Priestly Prayer – Jesus is praying for the relationship of His disciples with the world. What is Jesus not praying? – Father, take them out of the world. Why? He wants them IN the world. Just as He is IN the world. Last updated 7/07

11 Desconectado En la Iglesia y Fuera del Mundo

12 Alineado/conformado Sin ninguna diferencia con los del mundo

13 Impactando el Mundo En el Mundo pero no del mundo

14 Reunido y Esparcido Reunido para Adorar y para ser equipado
Esparcido para Servir y para el discipulado a las naciones

15 Cultura del Reino Vivido y Proclamado
Metafísica Bíblica VERDAD Estética Bíblica BELLEZA Ética Bíblica JUSTICIA En la tierra así como se hace en el cielo Cultura del Reino

Jerusalén. Judea. Samaria. Lo último de la Tierra (Hechos 1:8) DEMO-GRÁFICO Todas las Naciones o “grupos de gente” (Mateo 28:19) KTIZO-GRAFICO* Toda la Creación (Marcos 16:15) * KTIZO-GRAFICO Es una construcción de dos palabras griegas: KTIZO, la raíz de KTISIS, que significa criatura o creación y GRAPHO, que significa describir o delinear.

17 Tres Dimensiones de la Gran Comisión
GEOGRÁFICO Tu Reino Viene, Será hecho KTIZOGRAPHIC DEMOGRÁFICO En la tierra así como se hace en el cielo En la tierra así como se hace en el cielo

18 La Cultura del Reino y la Gran Comisión
BELLEZA GEOGRAFICO JUSTICIA El Reino viene, será hecho VERDAD KTIZOGRAFICO Reino Cultura DEMOGRÁFICO En la tierra así como se hace en el cielo Infusión Progreso (Isaías 9:7) “lo dilatado de su imperio… no tendrá fin” Tiempo (Mat. 28:20b) “hasta el fin del tiempo”

19 La Perdida de la Cosmovisión Bíblica
Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes La Perdida de la Cosmovisión Bíblica ¿Por que no estamos contando toda la historia de la Gran Agenda de Dios? ¿Como es que hemos perdido el entendimiento acerca de la naturaleza bíblica de la iglesia? Methodologies: Question Asking, Small Group Exercise Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Why don’t we think this way? If time allows, you can have small groups talk about their answer to this question. Last updated 7/07

20 Teísmo Bíblico Dios Creación

21 Dios es Cosmovisión Bíblica Dios es trascendente Está fuera de la
creación Dios es inmanente en Su creación Existencia Historia Encarnación Espìritu Santo

22 Coram Deo: delante el rostro de Dios
Fe Ciencia Negocios Misiones Justicia Arte/Música Devocional Vida Pan Razón Teología Ética Política Evangelismo Naturaleza Comunidad Servicio Evangelio

23 Deísmo Dios Cosmos

24 Secularismo ? Natu-raleza

25 Coram Deo: delante el rostro de Dios
Fe Ciencia Negocios Misiones Justicia Arte / Música Devocional Vida Pan Razón Teología Ética Política Evangelismo Naturaleza Comunidad Servicio Evangelio

26 ¡No te escondas!

27 Iglesia Dividida Iglesia “Liberales” Vieja-Línea Denominaciones
Secularismo Iglesia Reacción “Fundamentalistas” Evangélicos Pentecostales Carismáticos Acomodamiento “Liberales” Vieja-Línea Denominaciones

28 La Dicotomía Griega Fe Teología Ética Misiones Vida devocional Evangelio Más alto Más Importante Domingo GRACIA ESPIRITUAL (sagrado) Razón Ciencia Negocios/economía Política Arte/música Ministerio físico Pan Bajo menos importante Días de la semana FISICO (secular) NATURA-LEZA

29 Gnosticismo Evangélico
Dios Sagrado Secular

30 Gnosticismo Evangélico
Dios Espiritual Moral *Fe *Gracia *Misiones *Etica Sagrado * Teologìa * Evangelísmo * Discipulado * Devociones Natural Disciplinas espirituales Armamento espiritual Domingos Físico * Trabajo * Razón * Negocios * Política Secular * Ciencia * Economía * Medios de co- municación * El Arte Ministerios ‘Físicos’ Justicia Social Días de la Semana

31 Por lo menos . . . Tres cosas se perdieron
Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Por lo menos Tres cosas se perdieron Mente Bíblica La Gran Comisión La Estrategia Samaritana Methodologies: Lecture, Role Play Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: As a result three things have been lost: The Biblical Mind – the Christian mind (don’t ask questions, just believe) Without a Christian mind, we have a mind like our culture. The Great Commission – When we read verses about the Great Commission, we translate what we are reading with these Gnostic glasses to mean “doing spiritual things” – going into all the world and preaching the gospel and saving souls for heaven. We have reduced the Great Commission to these two things. Many can’t even see the words on the paper. The Great Commission is to make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey ALL that I have commanded. The Samaritan Strategy – God wants His people to minister to the broken world. Luke 10 story of the Good Samaritan. Is this my neighbor? OR How can I be a neighbor to people who cross the path of my life who have needs and brokenness? These things are not spiritual, so we don’t care for the physical needs. We may share the gospel but not care for their physical needs. We are entering a new era of history In the Western world (from the Christian era to the modern era to the Post-modern era) This new era is moving around the world. It will come to your home soon if it hasn’t already. This new story says there is no story. The Post-modern story says there is no story. Worldviews are powerful. They will determine the lives we live, The kind of nations we build The kind of Church we will be. WHAT WILL YOU DO? Last updated 7/07

32 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes
Aplicación Toma un tiempo para reflexionar sobre algunos ejemplos de una cosmovisión dividida en tu vida. ¿Como se manifiesta esto en tu persona, o en tu familia, tu trabajo o en tu ministerio? En oración, pídele al Señor que te revele un paso practico que puedas tomar para vivir una vida Coram Deo en esa área. Methodologies: Application Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask participants to take 3-5 minutes at the end of the lesson to reflect on these two questions and then prayerfully ask the Lord to reveal one practical step he/she can take to live Coram Deo in this area of his/her life. Last updated 7/07

33 Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes
El Poder de la Historia Closing Slide Darrow L. Miller Alianza para el Discipulado de las Naciones Last updated 7/07

34 Repaso del Poder de una Historia
Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes Repaso del Poder de una Historia ¿Que es una cosmovisión? ¿Como funciona? ¿Cuales son las tres formas como de esparcen las ideas? ¿Cuales son tres de los elementos primarios de una cultura del Reino? ¿Como ha impactado tu vida la adopción de un sistema de pensamiento dualista? Methodologies: Review - Reflection, Small Group Reviewing, Large Group Testimonies Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Before the next lesson is taught, ask participants to take out their notes on the Power of Story lesson: Look at what has been one meaningful idea for you Share it with the others at your table Have 2-3 share what they have heard with the large group. Review the answers to the content questions for Power of Story lesson review Allow time to share testimonies from the personal applications of this lesson application. Last updated 7/07

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