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Aplicando para Ayuda Financiera Estudiantil 2019-20
Thank you for coming to our California Cash for College workshop. Today, we will be discussing how to apply for college financial aid for the academic year.
¿Quienes somos? Chris Rosado Estudiantes con appellidos A-E Lesley Carver Estudiantes con appellidos F-L Michele Scribner Estudiantes con appellidos M-Q Michele Berberena Estudiantes con appellidos R-Z
¿Qué Aprenderá Usted en Este Taller?
Los tipos y fuentes de ayuda económica Los formularios requeridos para solicitar ayuda económica Cómo completar la Solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes (FAFSA), la Solicitud de la CA Dream Act y el Formulario de Verificación del GPA de la beca Cal Grant Respuestas a sus preguntas individuales Workshop Agenda At today’s workshop, we will discuss: -the types and sources of financial aid; -the financial aid application forms you will need to complete; and -tips for completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (often referred to as the FAFSA), the CA Dream Act Application, and the Cal Grant GPA Verification Form. Finally, we will provide you with an opportunity to get individual help in completing your FAFSA on the Web and the Cal Grant GPA Verification Form. Each of you should have a copy of the Cal Grant GPA Verification Form for use later in this session. If you do not have copies of this form, please raise your hand so we can get them to you. NOTE TO PRESENTERS: If you are distributing the FAFSA on the Web Worksheet in addition to the GPA Verification Form, please adjust the above statement to reflect that the audience should have two forms. If you decide not to cover the financial aid overview information contained in Slides 4-12, be sure to hide these slides and adjust the text of this slide (3) to delete the reference to “Types and Sources of Financial Aid.”
Tipos de Ayuda Financiera
Ayuda Económica Gratuita - Becas sin costo al estudiante que no tienen que ser ganados ni pagados. Trabajo - Dinero que el estudiante obtiene como sueldo de un trabajo dentro o fuera del campus. Préstamos - Dinero prestado que debe ser pagado, generalmente con intereses. Types of Financial Aid There are three major types of financial aid – grants and scholarships, work-study, and educational loans. Grants and scholarships are gift aid that does not need to be earned or require repayment. Grants are usually based on the student’s demonstrated financial need. Scholarships are generally based on talent and/or merit. While there are a number of grants and scholarships available to California students, the Cal Grant program is one of the most widely available. Cal Grants are an example of gift aid based on need and merit. We will discuss Cal Grants in more detail later in the presentation. While Gift Aid does not need to be earned through employment, you must still earn your financial aid by taking and passing classes and by maintaining good grades. When a college financial aid administrator talks about SAP, they are not being insulting. Rather, SAP is an acronym for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), which requires students to maintain at least a 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale and to pass enough classes to be on track to graduate within 150% of the normal time-frame for the degree, such as within 6 years for a 4-year degree and 3 years for a 2-year degree. Work programs provide opportunities for students to earn money to help pay for school expenses. Both students and parents can borrow from a variety of low interest educational loan programs designed to help with the educational expenses of the student. Student loans usually do not require repayment until the student is no longer in school. Parent loans may require payment while the student is still in school.
Quienes demuestren necesidad financiera.
Becas Cal Grant Cal Grant A Cal Grant B Para estudiantes del último año de secundaria, los recientemente graduados, y estudiantes de transferencia. Para estudiantes del último año de secundaria y los recientemente graduados. Con un promedio de calificaciones de al menos 3.0 para estudiantes de secundaria y 2.4 para estudiantes de transferencia. Con un promedio de calificaciones de al menos 2.0 para estudiantes de secundaria y 2.4 para estudiantes de transferencia. Ingresos y bienes familiares bajo el límite máximo estatal. De familias de bajos recursos económicos. Quienes demuestren necesidad financiera. Cal Grants Let’s talk about Cal Grants – an important source of grant funds provided by the State of California for California students. Students planning to attend a California college or university may be eligible to receive one of the following Cal Grants. Grade Point Average (usually referred to as the GPA) is an important eligibility criterion for these grants. Awarded grants may be renewed if students and their families continue to meet all eligibility requirements. Please note: for purposes of the Cal Grant A and B Entitlement Awards, a “recent high school graduate” is defined as a student who is applying for a Cal Grant within 18 months of high school graduation. Cal Grant A - To be eligible, students need a minimum 3.0 GPA as a high school student or recent high school graduate or 2.4 GPA as a transfer student. Transfer students are defined as students attending a California Community College and planning to attend a Bachelor Degree Granting Institution. Their families must have income and assets that are lower than the state-established ceilings and must demonstrate financial need. This grant currently covers system-wide fees at the California State University and University of California campuses and up to $9,084 of tuition and fees at independent California colleges and universities. Cal Grant B - This grant is for students who have a minimum 2.0 GPA as high school students or a 2.4 GPA as a transfer student. These students are low income disadvantaged families, who meet state income and asset ceilings and demonstrate financial need of at least $700. This grant provides a small stipend of about $1,670 per year for up to four years to help with living expenses at all schools. In addition, the grant covers system-wide fees at California public 4-year institutions and up to $9,084 of tuition and fees at independent 4-year California schools. Students attending for-profit career colleges currently receive grants between $4,000 and $9,084 per year. In most cases, the tuition and fee portion of the Cal Grant B is available to students in their 2nd through 4th years only.
Becas Cal Grant (cont.) Becas Cal Grant Competitivas A y B
Para estudiantes elegibles: Quienes demuestran una necesidad económica. De familias de bajos recursos económicos. Ingresos y bienes familiares bajo el límite máximo estatal. Becas Cal Grant C - Para estudiantes de familias de bajos recursos económicos en programas de capacitación vocacional (formación profesional) Cal Grants (Continued) Competitive Cal Grants are awarded to students who don’t meet the entitlement criteria of being a recent high school graduate or transfer student. The Commission is mandated to award 25,875 students but students still have to meet eligibility requirements. Cal Grant C - This grant is for students from low-income families attending occupational or vocational schools including community college programs of less than 24 months in length. The Cal Grant C may be renewable for one additional year if the student and family continue to meet state-established income and asset ceilings. Priority for Cal Grant C is now given based on Occupational Goals that meet two of the following: High employment need or demand High employment growth or industry cluster High salary and wage projections Economic Security Additionally, long-term unemployed students who have been unemployed for 26 weeks or more will be given special consideration for an award.
Elegibilidad para Cal Grants
Para ser elegible para Cal Grant, el estudiante también debe: ser un ciudadano de los EE.UU., o un no ciudadano elegible, O elegible para exención bajo la ley (AB) 540 incluyendo estudiantes (AB) 540-elegible bajo Acción diferida por los llegados en la infancia (DACA). ser residente de California. asistir a un colegio o universidad elegible y acreditada de California por lo menos medio tiempo en el año escolar Additional Cal Grant Eligibility Requirements To be eligible for a Cal Grant, the student must also: be a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen as defined in the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If a student qualifies under Assembly Bill (AB) 540, he/she may qualify for Cal Grant funding. This includes Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals (DACA) who are AB540 eligible. (We’ll talk more about what this means later in the session as well as which application the students should complete); be a California resident; and attend an accredited California college or university at least half-time in the academic year and each subsequent term the student is enrolled.
2019-2020 Cal Grant Requisitos de la Aplicación
A más tardar el 2 de marzo 2019, llene y envíe: La solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes (FAFSA) Si es elegible bajo AB540, o DACA, los estudiantes deben completar la Aplicación de California Dream Act: Formulario de Verificación del GPA de Cal Grant Cal Grant Application Requirements In order for a student to be considered for a first-time Cal Grant, the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) requires that he/she submit both the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and the Cal Grant GPA Verification Form by March 2, We encourage all applicants for federal and state aid to file as soon as possible after October 1, 2017. Students who may be eligible for Cal Grants under AB540 should complete the California Dream Act application at instead of the FAFSA. This includes AB540 eligible DACA students. The Cal Grant GPA Verification Form is also required. Students with a Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status should also check with the colleges and universities to which they apply for admission to see if they should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or other forms, but should complete the California Dream Act Application first. Most high schools submit student grade point averages directly to CSAC on behalf of their students. Others require that students complete the student section of the Cal Grant GPA Verification Form. (The student section of the form asks simple information such as the student’s name, address and Social Security Number). If the paper form is required by the student’s current school, it is important to submit it as soon as possible to the high school counselor or registrar because it may take a few days to certify the student’s grade point average. The student can download a Cal Grant GPA Verification Form at: The GPA Verification Form must be postmarked no later than March 2, 2018. Check with the student’s high school Counseling Office/Guidance Center to see if he/she needs to submit the paper Cal Grant GPA Verification Form or if the high school will submit the GPA electronically on the student’s behalf. If the high school submits the Cal Grant GPA Verification Form electronically, the student may have to authorize the release of his/her Social Security Number. We urge students to file these forms as soon as possible. Don’t wait for the March 2nd deadline and miss out on a valuable grant that, like other grants, does not have to be repaid. Students who have qualified and received a Cal Grant for the previous school year should complete the FAFSA as soon as possible after October 1, 2017 and check with the financial aid office at the school they will attend for any other requirements. The GPA Verification Form is not required.
Becas Máximas Posibles Bajo Los Programas Federales Pell y Cal Grants en 2018-19
Si califica para una beca Cal Grant, las becas varían dependiendo de la escuela que usted asista, su necesidad económica y su estado de asistencia en el colegio o la universidad (medio tiempo, o tiempo completo). Si califica para una beca Federal Pell, la beca varía dependiendo de la contribución de la familia y su estado de asistencia en el colegio o la universidad (medio tiempo o tiempo completo). Otros requisitos de elegibilidad también aplican. Cal Grant* (Desde $5,472 a $12,630) ☑ FAFSA o - para estudiantes AB540 - Aplicación de Dream Act de California ☑ Su GPA verificado ☑ Aplicar a más tardar el 2 de Marzo de 2018 Beca Federal Pell (hasta $6,095) FAFSA = $11,837 a $18,725 anualmente dependiendo en el colegio o universidad que el estudiante asiste y la necesidad financiera. * Verifique las escuelas elegibles en: Possible Cal Grant and Federal Pell Grant Maximum Awards Received during Academic Year The chart to the right on the slide shows that a student who qualifies for both a Cal Grant A and a Federal Pell Grant, may receive from $11,392 to $18,550 depending on the college or university attended. If students qualify for a Cal Grant, amounts vary depending on the California college or university the student attends, demonstrated financial need, year in college, and enrollment status (full- or part-time). If the student qualifies for the Federal Pell Grant, amounts vary depending on family contribution and enrollment status (full- or part-time). Remember that other eligibility requirements may apply. Discuss this with the college or university where you are accepted.
Becas para la Clase Media (MCS)
Los estudiantes universitarios de familias con ingresos de hasta $171,000 y un valor neto de bienes de hasta $171,000 quienes: Envíen la Solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes (FAFSA) o solicitud para la CA Dream Act para el año a más tardar el 2 de marzo de 2019. Asistan a una UC o CSU. Son ciudadanos estadounidenses, residentes permanentes o con exención bajo la ley AB 540, y son residentes de California Cantidad del premio anual: Será determinado por la Comisión de Ayuda Estudiantil de California. Middle Class Scholarship The Middle Class Scholarship (MCS) is designed to assist new and continuing UC and CSU undergraduate students with family incomes up to $156,000 and net worth of assets up to $156,000. To apply for the MCS for , students must submit, by March 2, 2018, the: FAFSA - For AB540 students, the California Dream Act Application MCS awards vary based on the number of eligible students, the institution, and state funding allocated. In , maximum awards ranged up to $3,690 for UCs and $1,644 for CSUs . Amounts are determined after Federal Pell Grants, Cal Grants and institutional grants are awarded. Students cannot receive both federal and/or state grant aid and the MCS. Qualifying students will be notified by CSAC. CSAC will also determine the maximum awards. The MCS does not automatically renew; therefore, students must reapply for the MCS each year.
Becas Chafee de California
El programa de becas Chafee de California proporciona hasta $5,000 anualmente a jóvenes que están o estuvieron en un hogar adoptivo temporal, para la universidad o capacitación vocacional en cualquier universidad acreditada en los Estados Unidos dependiendo de los fondos disponibles. Para ser elegibles, jóvenes tienen que estar actualmente o anteriormente viviendo en hogares adoptivos temporales como dependiente o tutela del tribunal y pasar por lo menos un día bajo custodia adoptivo temporal entre los 16 a 18 años de edad y no cumplir los 22 años de edad antes del 1 de julio del año de concesión. Los jóvenes en hogares adoptivos temporales son alentados a aplicar durante su último año de escuela secundaria a partir del 1 de Octubre. Para aplicar, los jóvenes en hogares adoptivos temporales deben llenar: FAFSA para el año La solicitud del Programa de Becas Chafee de California. Los estudiantes AB540 también pueden ser elegibles. Chaffee Grant If the student is a current or former foster youth, the California Chafee Grant may provide some additional financial aid for college. If you are the foster parent or know a foster youth, tell him/her about this special program for foster children. The California Chafee Grant program provides up to $5,000 annually to current and former foster youth for college or vocational training at any accredited college in the U.S. The continued availability of this grant is dependent on available funding. To be eligible, current or former foster youth must have been in California foster care on their 16th birthday and may not have reached their 22nd birthday before July 1, 2018. Students are encouraged to apply during their senior year of high school, as soon as possible on or after October 1. To apply, the foster youth must complete: FAFSA - AB540 students should complete the California Dream Act Application in place of the FAFSA. This includes AB540 eligible DACA students - California Chafee Grant Program Application To learn more about the Chafee Grant, go to Para aplicar para una beca Chafee, visite:
FAFSA Información & Sugerencias
Preséntela con anticipación a más tardar el 2 de marzo de 2019, para ser considerado para una beca Cal Grant. Aproxime los ingresos del 2017 si la declaración de impuestos no ha sido tramitada al momento de presentar la FAFSA. La mayoría de personas han presentado sus declaraciones de impuestos federales del antes del 1 de Octubre del 2018. No utilice información de ingresos o declaraciones de impuestos del año 2018. El estudiante y al menos un padre cuya información sea reportada deben llenar y firmar la FAFSA. FAFSA Information and Tips It is important to submit the FAFSA as early as possible after October 1, 2017, but no later than March 2, 2018, to be considered for a Cal Grant. Remember, families should report estimated 2016 student and parent income information if their 2016 federal income tax forms have not been completed at the time they submit the FAFSA. Most people will have filed their 2016 federal income tax returns by October 1, 2017. Do not use 2017 income and tax information. Appeal to the college for a professional judgment review if 2017 income is lower. The student and at least one parent whose information is reported on the FAFSA must complete and sign the FAFSA. This parent is often referred to as the custodial parent.
Parte 2 Selección de la Universidad
La FAFSA en Internet permite al estudiante anotar hasta 10 colegios y universidades que recibirán la información del alumno y padre. La lista de las universidades no será compartida con las instituciones educativas señaladas en la FAFSA. Es, sin embargo, compartida con las agencias de becas del estado los cuales pueden dar derecho a las becas estatales dependiendo si una universidad estatal aparece en el primer lugar en el formulario. El estudiante debe anotar en la lista primero las escuelas de California que él / ella tiene más probabilidades de asistir. El estudiante puede volver a reordenar sus opciones de escuelas. A continuación listar las escuelas restantes a las que el estudiante está solicitando admisión. School Selection In Section 2 of the FOTW, students may list up to ten schools and/or scholarship programs to which they want their information sent. If students want to send their information to more than ten schools, they can delete and add schools when they receive their electronic SAR Acknowledgement or paper SAR. The list of colleges will not be shared with the colleges listed on the FAFSA. It is, however, shared with state grant agencies who may base eligibility for state grants on whether a state college is listed first on the form First, list the California school the student is most likely to attend, and then list others to which he/she is applying for admission. If the student is awarded a Cal Grant, the student’s award at that college or university will be determined by the California Student Aid Commission. After entering schools on FOTW, the student may change the order of the schools by following the simple directions found in this section. There are some additional features in this section of FOTW that allow students to find more detailed information about each school they list in this section.
IRS Recuperación de Datos
IRS Data Retrieval Tool (IRS DRT) Note to Presenters: Check to ensure you have internet access before beginning this presentation. Assuming you do, click on this link: to show the 2-minute video on how to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool from UCSB to your session attendees. If you do not have access to the internet and sound, hide and skip this slide.
Parte 5 - Padre Trabajador Desplazado
Se le preguntará al estudiante comprobar si el padre 1 y / o padre 2 son trabajadores desplazados. Un trabajador es considerado como desplazado, si él o ella: Perdió su trabajo. ha sido despedido o ha recibido un aviso de despido de su trabajo. recibe beneficios de desempleo porque fue despedido o perdió su trabajo y es poco probable que regrese a trabajar en una ocupación pasada. trabaja por cuenta propia, pero está desempleado debido a las condiciones económicas o desastre natural. es el cónyuge un miembro en servicio activo de las Fuerzas Armadas y ha experimentado una pérdida de empleo por la reubicación debido al cambio permanente de el lugar de destino. Es un amo/a de casa desplazado. Un amo/a de casa desplazado es generalmente una persona que anteriormente prestaba servicios no pagados a su familia (por ejemplo, una mamá o un papá que se queda en casa), es decir, ya no es apoyado por el marido o esposa, está desempleado, y está teniendo problemas para encontrar o mejorar el empleo. Parent Dislocated Worker The student will be asked if Parent 1 and/or Parent 2 is a dislocated worker. A parent may be considered a dislocated worker if he or she: lost his/her job; has been laid off or received a layoff notice; is receiving unemployment benefits due to being laid off or is losing a job and is unlikely to return to a previous occupation; is self-employed but is unemployed due to economic conditions or natural disaster; is the spouse of an active duty member of the Armed Forces and has experienced a loss of employment because of relocating due to permanent change in duty station; or is a displaced homemaker. A displaced homemaker is generally a person who previously provided unpaid services to the family (e.g., a stay-at-home mom or dad), is no longer supported by the husband or wife, is unemployed, and is having trouble finding or upgrading employment These definitions will be available on FOTW, so don’t worry about remembering all this information
Circunstancias Especiales
Póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Ayuda Financiera si hay circunstancias que afectan la capacidad de la familia para pagar la universidad, tales como: Una pérdida o reducción de los ingresos o bienes del padre o del estudiante. Una muerte o una enfermedad grave. Los desastres naturales que afectan los ingresos o bienes de los padres tales como los recientes incendios, tormentas de vientos, inundaciones, y deslaves en California. Los gastos médicos o dentales inesperados no cubiertos por el seguro. Reducción de la manutención para los hijos u otros beneficios no sujetos a impuestos. Costos altos no reembolsados para un dependiente con necesidades especiales. La responsabilidad financiera de sus abuelos, o Cualquier otra circunstancia que afecte la posibilidad de la familia para contribuir a la educación superior. Special Circumstances Many families have special circumstances not reflected by the questions on the FAFSA. Families are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office at each of the schools to which they are applying for admission and financial aid if there are significant changes in their circumstances such as: A loss or reduction in parent or student income or assets A death or serious illness Natural disasters that affect parent income or assets – this is especially true for any family adversely affected by the recent California wind storms, wildfires, floods, or mudslides Unusual medical or dental expenses not covered by insurance Reduction in child support or Social Security benefits High unreimbursed dependent costs for a special needs child Financial responsibility for elderly grandparents, or Any other unusual circumstances that affect a family’s ability to contribute to higher education. If the family feels there are special circumstances that may affect their ability to contribute to college, it is important that they present their case in a way that helps the financial aid office understand their unique challenges. Some schools will provide special forms to help the family provide the appropriate new information. Families are encouraged to: Contact the financial aid office for guidance Write a detailed explanation of circumstances Include student’s name, college or university ID#, and date of birth Give specific financial details including the reasons why the circumstances affect the family’s ability to contribute Attach supporting documentation Send to the financial aid office at each school to which the student is applying for admission and financial aid Each financial aid office will make its own decision about the effect the special circumstances have on a student’s need. Not all aid offices will be able to provide additional funds if there are special circumstances, but they might be able to suggest other options.
Reporte de Ayuda para Estudiantes (SAR)
Después de que el estudiante complete la FAFSA en internet, se le enviará un SAR. Se le enviará un SAR de reconocimiento electrónico si el estudiante proporciona una dirección de correo electrónico. Se le enviará un SAR impreso en papel por correo, si no proporciona una dirección de correo electrónico. El estudiante debe llamar al depto de procesamiento al FED-AID ( ) si el SAR no ha sido recibido dentro de dos semanas. Una copia electrónica de los datos serán enviadas a cada colegio o universidad enumeradas por el estudiante en la Parte 2. Guarde una copia del SAR con otros documentos de ayuda financiera. Student Aid Report (SAR) Now, let’s look at the Student Aid Report. A SAR Acknowledgement will be sent electronically if the student provides an address on the FAFSA on the Web. If the student does not provide a valid address, a paper SAR will be mailed to the student at the address entered on the FAFSA. If the student does not receive the SAR within two weeks, he/she should contact the federal processor to check on the status of the FAFSA. Call FED AID (that’s ) or check on the status of your FAFSA by going to using the student’s FSA ID. The student can make corrections on the electronic or paper SAR as well as add additional colleges that will then be sent the student’s information. Each college or university the student lists in Section 2 on the FAFSA will receive an Institutional Student Information Report or “ISIR.” This is an electronic record of all the information the family reported on the FAFSA. Students should make sure to keep a copy of the SAR with the rest of their financial aid documents. Private scholarship agencies may require a copy of the SAR as part of their application materials.
¿Qué Sucede Después? Los estudiantes y las universidades que enumeró el estudiante reciben reporte de ayuda financiera (SAR) del procesador federal. ↓ Los estudiantes que llenen la FAFSA y el Formulario de Verificación del GPA de Cal Grant reciben un Reporte de Ayuda de California (CAR). Los estudiantes y las familias revisan el SAR y el CAR para obtener información importante y verifican que contengan los datos correctos. Las universidades comparan los registros de admisión con la FAFSA y con otras solicitudes de ayuda financiera y determinan la elegibilidad para la ayuda. Las universidades mandan notificaciones de elegibilidad a los estudiantes admitidos que hayan llenado todos los formularios de ayuda financiera. Contacte la universidad a la que planea asistir para información sobre fechas importantes e información adicional. What Happens Next Shortly after completing the FOTW, the student should receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) from the federal processor. The SAR summarizes the information the family provided on the FAFSA. Each school listed on the SAR will also receive the information electronically. When the California Student Aid Commission evaluates the student’s FAFSA and Cal Grant GPA Verification Form, the student will receive a California Aid Report (CAR) that will provide the student with information about his/her Cal Grant eligibility. Students who complete the CA Dream Act Application will be able to view their CalSAR immediately upon submitting their application. Once each school receives the electronic SAR and all other required financial aid forms, and confirms the student’s admission status, the financial aid office will determine the student’s financial aid eligibility. Some schools may request that the student submit income documentation such as student and parent 2016 federal income tax returns (including W-2s,1099s, and all schedules and attachments) or Federal IRS Tax Transcripts, before sending the student a final determination of eligibility. The school will use these and any other requested information to verify the accuracy of the data provided on the FAFSA. Schools understand that many families have used estimated data. A financial aid notification (commonly referred to as an award letter) describing the amounts and sources of aid the student has been awarded will be prepared for the student when the student’s financial aid application is complete. Most schools will wait until the student has been accepted for admission to notify him or her about financial aid eligibility. Some schools will mail a paper notification to the student; others may provide the award letter electronically. In some cases, the student will be required to sign and return a copy of the financial aid notification, indicating whether he/she accepts or declines each source of aid. If family circumstances change after the student completes the FAFSA and other required financial aid documents, make sure to contact the financial aid office at each school as soon as possible.
Verifique Su Cal Grant Al abrir una cuenta WebGrants el estudiante puede: Revisar el estado de su Cal Grant 24/7. Confirmar su graduación de la escuela secundaria según sea necesario. Realizar cambios en opciones de escuelas Cal Grant. Ver el valor de una beca de Cal Grant en diferentes colegios y universidades de California. Ver su historial de pagos de Cal Grant. Crear una cuenta de WebGrants en: Check Your Cal Grant Students are encouraged to open a WebGrants account to manage their Cal Grant. After doing so, they can Check their Cal Grant application and award status 24/7 Confirm their high school graduation as is required to receive a Cal Grant payment Make changes to their Cal Grant school choices View how much their Cal Grant may be worth at different California colleges and universities as well as View their Cal Grant payment history In addition, they can click on links to other financial aid information and web sites. Students can create a WebGrants account at:
Mantener la Ayuda Financiera
Para conservar la elegibilidad para recibir ayuda financiera en los años siguientes, es necesario: Generalmente mantener al menos un promedio de calificaciones de 2.0 en una escala de 4.0; Mantener estudios de por lo menos medio tiempo para recibir préstamos estudiantiles federales (Federal Pell se prorratea por el estado académico); Mantener progreso académico adecuado para graduarse dentro de un tiempo de 150 por ciento de un plazo normal para el curso. Tenga en cuenta que al tomar 12 créditos se considera el tiempo completo para los propósitos de la FSA, pero para graduarse a tiempo comúnmente se necesita tomar 15 créditos cada término. Keeping Your Aid While Gift Aid does not need to be earned through employment, you must still earn your financial aid by taking and passing classes and by maintaining good grades. To retain eligibility for financial aid in subsequent years, in addition to demonstrating financial need, students must maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP). Students must generally maintain at least a 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale and be passing enough classes to graduate within 150 percent of the normal time-frame for the degree. For example, a student in a Bachelor’s degree program that normally requires four years of study is considered to be making satisfactory academic progress if the student’s progress is consistent with completion the requirements for a Bachelor’s degree within six years. Note that while taking 12 credits is considered full-time for Federal student aid purposes, to graduate on-time you'll need to take 15 credits each term
Si Necesita Ayuda en Cualquier Momento
FAFSA en la Red – Ayuda en vivo. Teléfono FED-AID ( ) o TTY (personas con discapacidad auditiva): Problemas FSAID: Mande un correo electrónico al Departamento de Educación: If You Need Help at Any Time The U.S. Department of Education is always willing to provide assistance to students and families completing the FAFSA and to answer questions relating to federal financial aid. The FOTW has help buttons right on the electronic form as you go through the application. In addition, you can use the following: FAFSA on the Web – Live Help; Phone FED-AID (that’s ) or TTY (hearing impaired): FSAID problems: ; or the U.S. Department of Education at:
Talleres de Aplicación
Cada miercoles en octubre y noviembre Career Center (Centro de Carrera) 2 – 3 pm 24 y 31 de octubre 7, 14 y 28 de noviembre WIN en sábado, 3 de noviembre from 8a-12p 30 de noviembre – TODO EL DÍA Permítanos ayudar con las aplicaciónes de colegio y FAFSA/ Solicitud Dream Act de California.
Preguntas Q & A ? Questions and Answers
We hope you have found this workshop helpful. We will now be glad to answer any general questions you and your family might have. After a brief question and answer period, volunteers will be available to help you complete the FAFSA on the Web, the Cal Grant GPA Verification Forms, and answer any questions about other financial aid documents.
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