C OMMANDS Informal Tú Affirmative and Negative. I NFORMAL T Ú COMMANDS - A FFIRMATIVE The affirmative informal (tú) commands are formed the same way as.

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Presentación del tema: "C OMMANDS Informal Tú Affirmative and Negative. I NFORMAL T Ú COMMANDS - A FFIRMATIVE The affirmative informal (tú) commands are formed the same way as."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 C OMMANDS Informal Tú Affirmative and Negative

2 I NFORMAL T Ú COMMANDS - A FFIRMATIVE The affirmative informal (tú) commands are formed the same way as the present indicative Él/ ella/Ud. form or the present tense tú form without the s: hablar ¡habla!speak! comer ¡come!eat! escribir ¡escribe!write! jugar ¡juega!play! dormir ¡duerme!sleep!

3 I NFORMAL T Ú COMMANDS - A FFIRMATIVE Habla (tú) más lentamente. (You) Speak more slowly. Come (tú) la cena. (You) Eat the dinner. Escribe (tú) la carta. (You) Write the letter.

4 P RONOUN P LACEMENT WITH C OMMANDS The pronoun is attached to the end of affirmative commands. Tráemelo. Bring it to me. Búscala. Look for her. Bébelos Drink them. Dime. Tell me. Remember your direct and indirect object pronouns!! Indirect comes before Direct

5 I NFORMAL T Ú IRREGULAR C OMMANDS decirdecir to say, telldi hacerhacerto do, makehaz irir to gove ponerponer to put, placepon salirsalir to leave, go outsal serser to besé tenertenerto haveten venirvenir to comeven

6 I NFORMAL T Ú IRREGULAR C OMMANDS Dime la verdad.Tell me the truth. Hazlo mañana.Do it tomorrow. Vete.Leave/ go Ponlo aquí.Put it here. Sal en sequida.Leave immediately. Sé bueno.Be good. Ten cuidado.Be careful. Ven acá.Come here.

7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOxnDWlYguI Watch the video try and write down everything they say to make the recipe Use any space on your notes

8 I NFORMAL N EGATIVE C OMMANDS Informal Negative Commands are formed by taking the stem of the present tense indicative YO form, dropping the ending and adding the opposite present tense tú form. hablar hablo – o + es = no hables don't speak! comer como – o + as = no comas don't eat! escribir escribo – o + as = no escribas don't write! venirvengo – o + as = no vengas dont come! salirsalgo – o + as = no salgas dont leave!

9 I NFORMAL N EGATIVE C OMMANDS No me hables así. Don't talk to me like that. No hagas nada. Don't do anything. ¡No vengas! Don't come!

10 CAR, GAR, ZAR V ERBS CAR: Conjugate to present tense YO, drop the O, change c to qu and add -es Sacar saco saqu saques No saques don't take out

11 CAR, GAR, ZAR VERBS GAR: Conjugate to present tense YO, drop the O, change g to gu and add -es Jugar juego juegu juegues No juegues don't play

12 CAR, GAR, ZAR V ERBS ZAR: Conjugate to present tense YO, drop the O, change z to c and add -es almorzar almuerzo almuerc almuerces No almuerces don't eat lunch

13 I RREGULAR T Ú N EGATIVE C OMMANDS decir no digas hacer no hagas ir no vayas poner no pongas salir no salgas venir no vengas ser no seas

14 P RONOUN P LACEMENT WITH N EGATIVE C OMMANDS The pronoun goes before the conjugated verb and after the no No me mires. Don't look at me. No la/lo escuches. Don't listen to it. No te muevas. Don't move.

15 PRACTICAR!! Conjugate each infinitive in parenthesis to both the affirmative and negative command for each phrase. Include the direct object pronoun when needed. You may not need an direct object pronoun for some. Example: (Comer) su manzana. AffirmativeNegative Cómela No la comas

16 Affirmative Negative (Sacar) un lápiz. Sácalono lo saques (Limpiar) la cocina. (Lavar) los platos. (Hacer) tu tarea. (Salir) por esta puerta.

17 AffirmativeNegative (Abrir) tu libro. (Escribir) un ensayo. (Tener) cuidado. (Hablar) con tu compañero. (Dar) una vuelta.

18 AffirmativeNegative (Poner) tu proyecto en la mesa. (Estudiar) mucho esta noche. (Ir) a la oficina. (Decir) tu memoria favorita. (Tocar) la guitarra.

19 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOxnDWlYguI

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