La descarga está en progreso. Por favor, espere

La descarga está en progreso. Por favor, espere

Matching: 1. I like to walk. 2. We like ice cream. 3. They like dogs. 4. She likes the dog. 5. You like ice cream. 6. She and I like to walk. Nos gusta.

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Presentación del tema: "Matching: 1. I like to walk. 2. We like ice cream. 3. They like dogs. 4. She likes the dog. 5. You like ice cream. 6. She and I like to walk. Nos gusta."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Matching: 1. I like to walk. 2. We like ice cream. 3. They like dogs. 4. She likes the dog. 5. You like ice cream. 6. She and I like to walk. Nos gusta el helado. Les gustan los perros. Le gusta los perros. Nos gusta caminar. Me gusta caminar. Les gusta caminar. Le gusta el perro. Les gustan el perro. CINCO MINUTOS

2 Hoy es martes, el tres de noviembre de dos mil nueve Fecha de hoy

3 Objetivo TSWBAT differentiate the usage of the two forms of the verb to be in Spanish (ser and estar).

4 Agenda Topic: Verbs ser and estar Cinco Minutos: Matching on verbo gustar Teacher Instruction: Go over homework; slideshow and video on the differences in the usage of the verb to be/ discuss a few possible graphic organizers to express the contrast between ser and estar Guided Practice: create a graphic organizer as a group to display similarities and differences between verbs ser and estar Closure: Review objective for the day and have students present 1 sample per group to the class





9 Following are examples of the main uses of the verb estar: To express location: Estoy en California I am in California. To express the condition of something: Las muchachas están felices. The girls are happy.



12 Graphic organizers

13 Review objective for the day and have students present 1 sample per group to the class

Descargar ppt "Matching: 1. I like to walk. 2. We like ice cream. 3. They like dogs. 4. She likes the dog. 5. You like ice cream. 6. She and I like to walk. Nos gusta."

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