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2.1 Jeopardy VocabularioPresent Tense Reflexives ImperfectPossessive Adjectives Imperfect Irregulars 20 40 60 80 100 Compliments of the James Madison Center,

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Presentación del tema: "2.1 Jeopardy VocabularioPresent Tense Reflexives ImperfectPossessive Adjectives Imperfect Irregulars 20 40 60 80 100 Compliments of the James Madison Center,"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 2.1 Jeopardy VocabularioPresent Tense Reflexives ImperfectPossessive Adjectives Imperfect Irregulars 20 40 60 80 100 Compliments of the James Madison Center, JMU

2 El bisabuelo – 20 points

3 El juguete– 40 points

4 Tener cuidado– 60 points

5 generalmente– 80 points

6 Cada dia- 100 points

7 Bañarse (ella)– 20 points

8 Peinarse (tu)- 40 points

9 Sentirse (tu)– 60 points

10 Cepillarse (nosotros)– 80 points

11 Caerse (yo)– 100 points

12 Jugar (ellos). – 20 points

13 Vivir (ella) – 40 points

14 Salir (nosotros) – 60 points

15 Estar (nosotros) – 80 points

16 Vender (usted)– 100 points

17 La pelota (ella) ________– 20 points

18 La cuerda (yo) __________– 40 points

19 Los amigos (nosotros) _______ – 60 points

20 Los compañeros (tu)_________ – 80 points

21 El agua (ellos)_________– 100 points

22 Ser (yo)– 20 points

23 Ir (tu)– 40 points

24 Ver (ellos)– 60 points

25 Ser (nosotros)– 80 points

26 Ir (ellos)– 100 points

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