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The day of the water Agustina Foa. Lucia Diaz. Candelaria Celuce.

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2 The day of the water Agustina Foa. Lucia Diaz. Candelaria Celuce.

3 THE DAY OF THE WATER The Day of the Water was proposed in a conference of the United Nations for the environment. There was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on the fortnight that went from June 3rd to June 14th, 1992. The National Assembly of the United National declared the 22th of March of each year as “The World Water Day”. This topic is interesting to be investigating because it is not in the students syllabi and now there is a chance to learn about it. El Día Mundial del Agua fue propuesto en la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo efectuada en Río de Janeiro, Brasil del 3 al 14 de junio del año Después de la cual, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas declaró el 22 de marzo de cada año como el Día Mundial del Agua. Elegimos este tema porque nos pareció algo interesante para investigar y conocer mas.

4 THE WATER Nowadays a large number of people around the world level that don’t get access to the water millions people suffer from this terrible problem that leads to a number of mortal diseases such as The water suitable to be consume by humans is a little part of the water which is in our planet. Water shortage is proportionately increasing as population raises. Which actions are done to preserve water? People do different activities to help other people to realize the importance of the quality of the water people who raise awareness on this topic want to make it known in all of the world. At schools teachers do activities for kids to help them to learn how kids can save water because this is a natural asset. El valor del agua Hoy en día existen un gran número de poblaciones a nivel mundial que tienen difícil acceso al agua potable culpable de numerosas enfermedades y pobreza para más de millones de personas. El agua de buena calidad y apta para el uso humano es una parte pequeña de toda el agua que se encuentra en el planeta tierra. Su escasez aumenta drásticamente por el aumento de la población, el despilfarro y la contaminación. ¿Qué se hace? Se realizan diversas actividades para que los ciudadanos se den cuenta de la importancia que tiene la calidad de agua y que pueda llagar a todos los lugares del mundo. En los colegios se realizan actividades para que los niños aprendan cómo ahorrar agua, puesto que es un bien natural.

5 Save the water There are many of solutions that each person can do in their houses and lives to contribute to the problem of water shortage and consumption, for example: Existen un gran número se medidas que cada persona puede llevar a cabo en su casa y en su vida diaria para contribuir al problema de la escasez y ahorrar agua, como por ejemplo: To use ecologic detergent, without phosphate. To put a saver devise in the shower and in the water tap. To use native plants which need little water. To maintain the plumbing and the piping in good conditions and without dripping. To use the wardrobe and the dishwasher fully loaded. Not to keep the water tap open when it is not necessary. Take a shower instead a bath, you will save 150 liters of water. Utilizar detergentes ecológicos, sin fosfatos. Colocar dispositivos de ahorro en duchas y en grifos. Utilizar plantas autóctonas que necesiten poca agua. Mantener las cañerías y tuberías en buen estado y sin goteos. Al poner la lavadora y el lavavajillas hacerlo con la carga llena. No mantener el grifo de agua abierto cuando no sea necesario. Realizar una ducha en vez de un baño ahorrará 150 litros de agua. Descongelar los alimentos a temperatura ambiente y no bajo el grifo, se ahorrará de este modo 15 litros.

6 Argentina and New Zeland
Argentina – Colegio Nacional Arturo U. Illia New Zealand - Mission Heights Junior College Here we dont do too much to save water in the school, but in Mar del Plata there are some organisations that are taking care about this problem. In a smallish group of schools there are some programs to save the water , but they are not so common. They didn’t celebrate the day of the water. They save water in theirs schools in big takns of water. In New Zealand rains a lot so they can store water for all the school. Last year we used this water only for the toilets and this year we have invested $ for the drinking water. 

7 Conclution The world have to save the water because it is important for health, the care and the people’s well-being. Is necesary saving water for a healthy future, if we don’t do it lot of people will suffer water shortage and pollution. But the most important thing is that without drinking water we can’t live. El mundo debe cuidar el agua ya que es importante para la salud, el cuidado y bienestar de las personas. Es necesario ahorrarla para un futuro saludable, mientras no lo hagamos muchas personas van a sufrir su escases y su contaminacion. Pero lo mas importante es que sin agua potable no podriamos vivir.

8 Glossary: United Nations: The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the League of Nations, to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue. Syllabi: A short statement preceding a report on an adjudged case and containing a summary of the court's rulings on each point involved. Quality of the water: the leves of the goodness of the water. Raise: to put forward for consideration:  Awareness: having knowledge; cognizant: Drinking water: the water that is able to drink.

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