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celebrar el cumpleaños tener miedo

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Presentación del tema: "celebrar el cumpleaños tener miedo"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 celebrar el cumpleaños tener miedo
La vida de los niños inocentes en la peli sufrir la violencia celebrar el cumpleaños tener miedo reír huír Aspectos positivos de la infancia bailar estudiar esconderse One of the most effective aspects of this film is the constant contrast between children enjoying moments of typical childhood activity and the sudden crashing in of harsh war-time reality that destroys these moments. In this activity students need to use first their existing vocabulary, their ability to spot cognates and make educated guesses to divide these 18 verbs into positive and negative aspects of childhood. There is a glossary of vocabulary at the back of the student booklet and of course they can use dictionaries, but encouage them first to do all they can without referring. bañarse en el río asumir responsabilidades ser reclutado por el Ejército ser feliz Aspectos negativos de la infancia hacer amigos enamorarse defender la patria ser ‘hombre de la casa’ 1

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