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Indirect Commands When to use Conjugation in the present subjunctive

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1 Indirect Commands When to use Conjugation in the present subjunctive
Typical verbs In this section of the tutorial, you will learn about indirect commands. You will learn when to use indirect commands; you will recall how to conjugate verbs in the present subjunctive mood (which is used for indirect commands), and you will learn the verbs that are used to give indirect commands (cc) / dok1 (cc) george_eastman_house

2 Using Indirect Commands
When to Use Indirect Commands I want you to study. Study! An indirect command is used when a request to do something is softened. For instance, a softened command would be “I want you to study.” Yo quiero que tú estudies. Yo quiero que tú estudies. (cc) / dok1 (cc) george_eastman_house

3 Using Indirect Commands 2
When to Use Indirect Commands She must attend class. I want her to attend class. Another example of a softened command is “I want her to attend class.” Yo quiero que ella asista a clase. Yo quiero que ella asista a clase. (cc) / dok1 (cc) george_eastman_house

4 When to Use Indirect Commands
Subjunctive Mood Subjunctive Mood When to Use Indirect Commands 1 2 3 4 Indirect Commands You should have already learned about the use of the subjunctive mood. Indirect commands relate to one of the four uses of the subjunctive mood.

5 Subjunctive Mood 2 Subjunctive Mood Indirect Commands Emotion Doubt
Indefinite/Unknown Verbs of Volition Indirect Commands As you’ll recall, there are four instances when the subjunctive mood is used: To express emotion, to express doubt, to refer to something indefinite or unknown, and with verbs of volition. Indirect commands are associated with verbs of volition. In order to understand the use of indirect commands, let’s review the conjugation rules for the subjunctive mood.

6 Subjunctive Conjugation
Subjunctive Conjugation present tense estudiar -AR Yo estudi o + ending Yo estudi e estudi es Él / Ella / Usted estudi e You’ll recall that to conjugate verbs in the present subjunctive, the –o is dropped from the stem and the appropriate ending is added. Review the endings for –AR verbs. Nosotros / Nosotras estudi emos Vosotros / Vosotras estudi éis Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes estudi en

7 Subjunctive Conjugation 2
Subjunctive Conjugation present tense beber -ER Yo beb o + ending Yo beb a beb as Él / Ella / Usted beb a Review the endings for –ER verbs. Nosotros / Nosotras beb amos Vosotros / Vosotras beb áis Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes beb an

8 Subjunctive Conjugation 3
Subjunctive Conjugation present tense vivir -IR Yo viv o + ending Yo viv a viv as Él / Ella / Usted viv a Review the endings for –IR verbs. Nosotros / Nosotras viv amos Vosotros / Vosotras viv áis Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes viv an

9 Irregular Verbs Irregular Verbs 1 2 conocer (to know)
Verbs with irregular first person Stem changing verbs conocer (to know) volver (to return) tener (to have) pensar (to think) salir (to leave) dormir (to sleep) 3 4 Verbs that change based on spelling Irregular verbs in subjunctive You’ll recall that there are approximately twenty irregular verbs in the subjunctive. They fall into four categories: verbs with an irregular first person, stem-changing verbs, verbs that change orthographically (or based upon their spelling), and a special group of verbs that need to be memorized because they are always irregular in the subjunctive. Let’s look at some examples of each of these four categories. buscar (to look for) ir (to go) dar (to give) escoger (to choose) estar (to be) saber (to know) dirigir (to direct) ser (to be) haber (to have)

10 Verbs with irregular first person
1 conocer (to know) Yo conozco c > zc Yo conozca conozcas Él / Ella / Usted conozca Nosotros / Nosotras conozcamos Conocer is an example of a verb with an irregular first person in the present indicative. Review the changes to conjugation in the subjunctive. Vosotros / Vosotras conozcáis Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes conozcan Deseo que conozcas a mis padres. I want you to meet my parents.

11 Verbs with irregular first person 2
1 tener (to have) Yo tengo n > ng Yo tenga tengas Él / Ella / Usted tenga Nosotros / Nosotras tengamos Tener is another example of a verb with an irregular first person. Vosotros / Vosotras tengáis Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes tengan Es bueno que tengas tantos amigos. It is good that you have so many friends.

12 Es bueno que tú vuelvas a hablar con tu consejero.
Stem Changing Verbs Stem Changing Verbs 2 volver ( to return) Yo vuelvo o > ue Yo vuelva vuelvas Él / Ella / Usted vuelva Nosotros / Nosotras volvamos Volver is an example of a stem changing verb. Review the changes to conjugation in the subjunctive. Vosotros / Vosotras volváis Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes vuelvan Es bueno que tú vuelvas a hablar con tu consejero. It’s good that you talk again with your advisor.

13 Te aconsejo que duermas ocho horas.
Stem Changing Verbs 2 Stem Changing Verbs 2 dormir (to sleep) Yo duermo o > ue or u Yo duerma duermas Él / Ella / Usted duerma Nosotros / Nosotras durmamos Dormir is another example of a stem changing verb. Vosotros / Vosotras durmáis Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes duerman Te aconsejo que duermas ocho horas. I advise you to sleep eight hours.

14 Verbs that change orthographically
3 buscar (to look for) Verbs ending in -car c > qu before e Yo busqu e busqu e s Él / Ella / Usted busqu e Nosotros / Nosotras busqu e mos Buscar is an example of a verb that changes based on its spelling. Review the changes to conjugation in the subjunctive. Vosotros / Vosotras busqu é is Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes busqu e n Mi madre quiere que busque el correo electronico en el directorio. My mother wants me to look up the address in the directory.

15 Verbs that change orthographically 2
3 dirigir (to direct) Verbs ending in -gir g > j Yo dirij a dirij as Él / Ella / Usted dirij a Nosotros / Nosotras dirij amos Dirigir is another example of a verb that changes orthographically. Vosotros / Vosotras dirij áis Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes dirij an Buscamos a alguien que dirija la obra de teatro. We are looking for somebody to direct the theatre play.

16 Always irregular in present subjunctive
4 Always Irregular in Present Subjunctive ir ( to go) saber ( to look for) Yo vaya sepa vayas sepas Él / Ella / Usted vaya sepa Nosotros / Nosotras vayamos sepamos Several verbs are always irregular in the subjunctive mood. You will need to memorize their conjugations. Vosotros / Vosotras vayáis sepáis Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes vayan sepan Es importante que los estudiantes vayan a clase. It is important that the students go to class.

17 Always irregular in present subjunctive 2
4 Always Irregular in Present Subjunctive estar (to be) ser (to be) Yo esté sea estés seas Él / Ella / Usted esté sea Nosotros / Nosotras estemos seamos Vosotros / Vosotras estéis seáis Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes estén sean Mis compañeros de clase no piensan que el curso sea difícil. My classmates do not think that the course is difficult.

18 Always irregular in present subjunctive 3
4 Always Irregular in Present Subjunctive dar (to give) haber (to have) Yo haya des hayas Él / Ella / Usted haya Nosotros / Nosotras demos hayamos Vosotros / Vosotras deis hayáis Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes den hayan Ellos quieren que les demos el dinero ahora. They want us to give them the money now.

19 impersonal expressions
Conjugation Conjugation of Verbs personal commands impersonal expressions used in indirect commands used to soften commands Now that we’ve reviewed the rules of conjugation for verbs used in indirect commands, let’s examine the verbs which are typically used to soften commands. We’ll look at a group of verbs that are often used in personal indirect commands. In addition, we’ll see that a number of expressions are typically used in impersonal expressions.

20 preferir que querer que Personal Commands to prefer that to want that
These two verbs are used very frequently in personal indirect commands. to want that

21 Personal Commands 2 aconsejar que dejar que pedir que rogar que
to advise that dejar que to allow that pedir que personal commands to ask, request that rogar que to beg, plead that mandar que to command, order that Review several other verbs that are used in personal indirect commands. exigir que to demand, require that desear que to desire, wish that

22 Personal Commands 3 esperar que permitir que prohibir que
to expect, hope that permitir que to permit that prohibir que personal commands to prohibit, forbid that recomendar que to recommend that sugerir que to suggest that decir que to tell that instar a que to urge that

23 Impersonal Expressions
es aconsejable que it is advisable that es mejor que it is better that es bueno que it is good that impersonal expressions es importante que it is important that es imposible que it is impossible that Finally, review some impersonal expressions used in indirect commands. es necesario que it is necessary that es preferible que it is preferable that

24 Next Steps Return to the main menu. Suggested next steps:
Practice : Indirect Commands This completes the section of the tutorial about indirect commands. Return to the main menu to try the practice exercises about indirect commands.

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