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Using Verbs to Talk About What You Like to Do

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Presentación del tema: "Using Verbs to Talk About What You Like to Do"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Using Verbs to Talk About What You Like to Do
Español 1 Unidad 1 Etapa 1 Sra. Lear

2 When you want to talk about what you like to do, use the phrase:
Me gusta + infinitive The infinitive is the basic form of a verb. All INFINITIVES end in –ar, -er, or -ir

3 Verb Infinitives bailar leer cantar nadar
comer patinar escribir trabajar









12 Other helpful phrases to talk about what people like:
Te gusta correr You like to run. Le gusta correr. He/She likes to run. ¿Te gusta correr? Do you like to run? ¿Le gusta correr? Does he/she like to run? Arturo would say: -Me gusta correr.

13 Indirect Object Pronouns
me nos te os le les

14 tu vosotros yo nosotros él, ella, usted ellos, ellas, ustedes
Subject Pronouns yo nosotros tu vosotros él, ella, usted ellos, ellas, ustedes

15 To say someone doesn’t like something, use no before the phrase
To say someone doesn’t like something, use no before the phrase. -No me gusta correr. I don’t like to run.

16 When you have 2 verbs back to back, only conjugate the 1st one.
RULES OF CONJUGATING…. When you have 2 verbs back to back, only conjugate the 1st one. Ex: Me gusta correr. gustar-to like

17 Mario: comer (sí) 2. tú: escribir (no) 3. Susana: patinar (no)
p.37 ACT Le gusta modelo: Marisol: correr (sí) Le gusta correr. tú: trabajar (no) No te gusta trabajar. Mario: comer (sí) 2. tú: escribir (no) 3. Susana: patinar (no) 4. yo: cantar (sí) 5. él: nadar (sí) COMPLETE QUESTIONS 1-5.

18 TAREA: Write 5 sentences saying what you and others like to do.
Me gusta leer. nos te le les

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