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[C] Notas: Verbos Reflexivos p. 84

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1 [C] Notas: Verbos Reflexivos p. 84

2 I. Formas Pronombres reflexivos: (esconderse)
me escondo nos escondemos te escondes se esconde se esconden p. 82 *Reflexive Verbs that express emotion

3 II. El uso de verbos reflexivos
To describe the actions of a person that involve himself or herself. Person doing the action is recipient of that same action. (The person does action to him/herself) Often to express emotions, feelings, reactions. Ejemplo: Marta se cepilló los dientes. (Marta brushed her teeth.) Vs… Ella cepilló los dientes de Juan.

4 Conjugar los verbos reflexivos
1) Pronoun goes before conjugated verb. Ejemplos: Me esconderé en el sótano. Nos hemos peleado mucho. 2) If there’s an infinitive, pronoun goes either before conjugated verb or after and attached to infinitive verb. Ejemplo: Tienes que animarte. Te tienes que animar.

5 Verbos reflexivos comunes
Lavarse = to wash oneself Bañarse = to bath oneself Ducharse = to shower oneself Afeitarse = to shave oneself Secarse = to dry off onself Despertarse = to wake up oneself Sentarse = to sit (oneself) down

6 Verbos reflexivos de emociones
Animarse- to become encouraged Dedicarse a- to dedicate oneself Desanimarse- to get discouraged Entusiasmarse- to get excited Oponerse a- to oppose Ponerse nervioso(a)- to get nervous Sentirse frustrado(a)- to feel frustrated

7 III. Ejemplos 1. Juan se despierta a las seis y media todos los días.
2. Anoche me duché con agua bien caliente. 3. Mañana nos bañaremos en el río.

8 II. Reflexives Used Reciprocally
Expresses idea of “each other.” Action of verb is expressed (transferred) to both people involved. Can add “uno al otro” for emphasis. Reflexive verbs used reciprocally will always have plural endings, i.e. will have as subjects either nosotros or ellos/ellas.

9 Ejemplos 1) Mi amigo y yo nos ayudamos.
2) Los estudiantes se conocen bien. 3) Mariella y Pepe se perdonan. 4) Javier y yo nos telefoneamos siempre.

10 III. Impersonal Construction “Se”
When the subject is not specified or identified. * Se venden tacos. = Tacos sold here. Always in the third person (sing./pl.). Often used for advertisements or to express the idea of what “one” does. * Se aprende más por la mañana = One learns more in the morning.

11 To Form the Impersonal ‘Se’
1) If the noun following the verb is singular, use the él/ella form: * Se alquila casa. = House for rent. 2) If the noun following the verb is plural, use the ellos(as) form: * Se alquilan videos. = Videos for rent.

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