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Proyecto: La rutina diaria de mi familia

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Presentación del tema: "Proyecto: La rutina diaria de mi familia"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Proyecto: La rutina diaria de mi familia

2 Objective: You will discuss the several daily habits of your family using ser and estar and reflexive pronouns and verbs.

3 Each slide must contain the following: 1 subject 1 reflexive pronoun 1 reflexive verb 1 form of ser or estar you must have a total of 8 slides Also include a Title slide and a “Fin” slide (10 slides in all)

4 Example/modelo Yo soy muy perezoso, por eso nunca me afeito.

5 Example/modelo Mi primo está muy cansado, por eso se cepilla los dientes lentamente.

6 Possible subjects: yo, tú, nosotros, Mis primos, Mi mamá y mi hermana, Mi abuela y yo, mi familia, Mi tío brandon, Pablo y cynthia, samuel, etc.

7 Possible Reflexive Pronouns: me, te, se, nos Possible reflexive verbs: ducharse, bañarse, cortarse el pelo, pintarse las uñas, afeitarse, despertarse, acostarse, levantarse, cepillarse el pelo, cepillarse los dientes, arreglarse el pelo, lavarse la cara, ponerse, prepararse, secarse, vestirse

8 Major grade due Monday 17th of November Drop box instructions: 1
Major grade due Monday 17th of November Drop box instructions: 1. First save to your N: Drive and close 2. open it up again and click Save as and save to the desktop and close again 3. Open folders icon on bottom menu bar 4. click on studentshare or s: drive 5. click on campus_hildebrandt 6. click on teachers and then Cue_N 7. Click on drop box and click on your period number 8. click and drag your assignment from the desktop to the drop box it is now saved to the drop box!

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