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Calentamiento give 3 statements of advice regarding how to do well in this class 2 using the subjunctive & impersonal expressions & 1 using the indicative.

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Presentación del tema: "Calentamiento give 3 statements of advice regarding how to do well in this class 2 using the subjunctive & impersonal expressions & 1 using the indicative."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Calentamiento give 3 statements of advice regarding how to do well in this class 2 using the subjunctive & impersonal expressions & 1 using the indicative Es importante que estudies todos los días. Es bueno que tú vayas a clase todos los días Es preciso que tú escuches a la profesora. Es importante que vaya a las tutorías. Es importante que tú estudies todas las noches. Es mejor que preguntes por/ pidas ayuda si lo necesitas Es malo que no hagas la tarea. Es seguro que el español es difícil.

2 In search of employment En busca de empleo

3 Objective & Big Picture: Understanding employment- searching vocabulary will help student when looking for a job related to Spanish. TSWBAT: write three postive sentences describing yourself for a cover letter to apply for a job you want.

4 Lo básico El aspirante La directora La carta de recomendación El contrato La solicitud de empleo

5 Más sobre la búsqueda de empleo Los anuncios/los avisos clasificados The want/classified ads La carta de presentación The cover letter El curriculum vitae (CV) The resume El despacho The office La empresa The company/firm La entrevista The interview El expediente The dossier/profile/file El formulario/la planilla The form/application La vacante The vacancy

6 Los beneficios (the benefits) El aumento The raise La bonificación anual The yearly bonus El plan de retiro The retirement plan El seguro médico The health insurance

7 Los verbos Acabar de (+ infinitive) To have just (done something) Acabo de comer I have just eaten Ascender (ie) To promote, move up, ascend Contratar To hire/contract Dejar (el trabajo) To quit (the job) Despedir (i-i) To fire/say good-bye Jubilarse/retirarse To retire Rellenar To fill out/to fill completely Completar/llenar (syn)

8 adjetivos Capaz Capable Entusiasta Enthusiastic Honrado/a, honesto/a Honest Justo/a fair

9 Una carta comercial (a business letter) Saludos Salutations, greetings Estimado/a señor-a Dear (esteemed) Sir/Madam, Mr./Mrs. Despedidas Closings (saying good-byes) Atentamente, Attentively/Sincerely yours Cordialmente, Cordially yours Lo(s)/La(s) saludo/a atentamente, Greeting you attentively, Very truly yours,

10 Calentamiento Choose 7 vocabulary words from page 367 you truly don’t know and create a correct Spanish sentence for each. You will read them out loud in 10 minutes!!!

11 Participate/Personalize: come up with 5 positive adjectives about yourself create 3 self-building statements using those adjectives that you could use in a cover letter. Apply that adjective to the job (state the job) Practice: Complete p 374-375 (11-16, 11- 17) pre-write 377 for Friday

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