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Publicada porPiedad Florin Modificado hace 11 años
Publicidad, promoción de ventas y relaciones públicas
Marketing Octava edición Philip Kotler y Gary Armstrong Capítulo 15 Publicidad, promoción de ventas y relaciones públicas
¿Qué es la publicidad? Cualquier forma no personal de presentar y promover ideas, bienes o servicios por un patrocinador identificado. En EEUU los anunciantes gastan más de $175,000 millones de dólares al año. Usan publicidad: Empresas de negocios Organizaciones sin fines de lucro Profesionales Organismos sociales
Principales decisiones en publicidad
Fijar objetivos Principales decisiones en publicidad Major Decisions in Advertising This CTR corresponds to Figure 15-1 on p. 451 and relates to the material on pp Instructor’s Note: This CTR and Notes provide an overview of advertising decisions. Each decision area is covered in greater detail on subsequent CTRs. Decisiones presupuestarias Major Decisions in Advertising Setting Objectives. Advertising objectives are specific communications tasks to be accomplished for a specific target audience during a specified time period. Advertising objectives can be to inform (build primary demand), persuade (selective demand), or remind (brand loyalty). Advertising objectives are often linked to specific sales objectives. Budget Decisions. Advertising budgets are set for each product consist with the advertising objectives. The details of budget decisions are covered in greater detail on the following CTR. Message Decisions. Advertisers must construct their messages carefully to reach target markets. The details of message decisions are covered in greater detail on a subsequent CTR. Media Decisions. In selecting media for ads, advertisers must consider the several factors to reach consumer when, how, and how often it takes to reach promotional objectives. The details of media decisions are covered in greater detail on a subsequent CTR. Campaign Evaluation. Measures of communication effects and sales effects should be employed. Discussion Note: You might wish to tell students of the controversy involved in measuring campaign effectiveness. Traditionally, advertisers measured effectiveness in terms of recall or recognition. Management wants a behavioral change in purchases. Marketers who successfully merge the two have a bright career ahead of them. Decisiones de mensaje Decisiones de medios Evaluación de campañas
Fijar objetivos Objetivos de publicidad
Tarea de comunicación específica Realizada con un público meta específico Durante un periodo específico Publicidad informativa Crea demanda primaria Publicidad persuasiva Crea demanda selectiva Publicidad comparativa Compara una marca con otra Publicidad recordatorio Mantiene el producto en la mente de los consumidores
Fijar el presupuesto de publicidad
Setting the Advertising Budget This CTR relates to the discussion on pp Métodos presupuestarios en publicidad Costeable, porcentaje de ventas, paridad competitiva y objetivo-tarea Etapa en el ciclo de vida del producto Diferenciación de productos Budget Decisions Advertising budgets are set for each product consist with the advertising objectives. To implement objectives, budgets must be set in consideration of the products position in terms of: Stage in the Product Life Cycle. New product usually require larger advertising budgets to build awareness and induce product trial. Mature brands may have large dollar amounts in their budgets, but are lower in terms of advertising as a ratio of sales. Market Share. High share products need more advertising as a percent of sales than do low-share brands. Competition and Clutter. Highly competitive markets with high spending rivals require more advertising expenditures than other markets. Advertising Frequency. The greater the frequency needed to reach the target consumer, the higher the advertising budget. Product Differentiation. Brands that closely resemble other brands in a product class (like soft drinks) require high advertising budgets to create product differentiation. Frecuencia de la publicidad Participación en el mercado Factores para establecer el presupuesto publicitario Competencia y abigarramiento
Estrategia publicitaria
Planear una estrategia de mensaje Mensaje general que se comunicará a los clientes Click to add title Estrategia publicitaria Creación de mensajes publicitarios Crear un mensaje Concentrarse en los beneficios para el cliente Concepto creativo “Gran Idea” Visualización o frase Combinación de ambas Llamados publicitarios Importantes Creíbles Distintivos
Estrategia publicitaria Ejecución del mensaje
Advertising Strategy Message Execution This CTR relates to the discussion on pp Convertir la “Gran Idea” en un anuncio real que capture la atención y el interés del mercado meta. Testimonios Segmento de vida Message Decisions Advertisers must construct their messages carefully to reach target markets. Three areas are important: Estilos típicos de ejecución del mensaje Pruebas científicas Estilo de vida Message Generation. This consists of creative brainstorming to generate several alternative ways of communicating to the target market. Message Evaluation and Selection. This process ranks and then chooses among messages on the how meaningful, distinctive, and believable they are. Message Execution. Execution involves determining how to best communicate with the target market. Typical message styles include: Slice of Life. This shows people using the product in a normal setting. Lifestyle. This matches product use to a targeted lifestyle. Fantasy. This creates an escape or flight of fancy with the product. Mood or image. Here a specific mood or image is suggested as an outcome of or experience similar to product use. Musical. This uses music to promote the product. Personality Symbol. This style creates a character (animated or real) to represent the product. Technical Expertise. This style emphasizes the company’s successful experience as making it better able to offer a superior product. Scientific Evidence. This offers survey or scientific study as proof that the product outperforms others. Testimonial Evidence. This uses a likely or highly believable source to endorse the product. Conocimientos técnicos Fantasía Símbolo de personalidad Estado de ánimo o imagen Musical
Estrategia publicitaria Selección de los medios
Paso 1. Decidir el alcance, la frecuencia y el impacto Estrategia publicitaria Selección de los medios Advertising Strategy Selecting Advertising Media This CTR relates to the discussion on pp Paso 2. Escoger entre los principales medios Medios que suelen percibir los consumidores meta Naturaleza del producto Tipo de mensaje Costo Paso 3. Seleccionar vehículos específicos Medios específicos dentro de cierto tipo; p.ej. revistas. Equilibrar el costo y los factores de los medios: Calidad y atención del público, calidad editorial Selecting Advertising Media In selecting media for ads, advertisers must consider the factors that will influence reception of the message. Not all such factors are under the control of the marketer. Of those that are, the following concepts are important: Reach. Reach is a measure of the percentage of people in the target market who are exposed to the ad campaign during a given period of time. Frequency. Frequency is a measure of the how many times the average person in the target market is exposed to the message. Media Impact. Impact refers to the qualitative value of a message exposure through a given medium. Media Vehicles. Vehicles are specific media within a general category. Thus, “The Tonight Show” is a media vehicle on television, whereas a single magazine, The Economist, is a media vehicle in magazine print media. Media Timing. Timing involves the how and when of presenting a campaign. Advertisements should support strategic decisions based upon such factors as peak seasons and demand. Also, the pattern of the ads while shown must be considered: Continuity. This schedules ads evenly within a given period. Pulsing. This schedules ads unevenly within a given period. Paso 4. Escoger los tiempos de los medios Programar la publicidad a lo largo de un año Patrón de anuncios: continuidad o pulsación
Evaluación de la publicidad
Evaluación de programas publicitarios Evaluación de la publicidad Efectos de comunicación ¿El anuncio se comunica bien? Efectos de ventas ¿El anuncio está aumentando las ventas?
Cómo manejar la publicidad
Departamentos de ventas en empresas más grandes Departamentos de ventas en empresas pequeñas Agencia publicitaria Ayuda a las empresas a planear, preparar, implementar y evaluar sus programas publicitarios.
Decisiones de publicidad internacional
Adaptación de publicidad global Decisiones de publicidad internacional Costos y disponibilidad de los medios publicitarios Regulación de prácticas publicitarias
¿Qué es la promoción de ventas?
What is Sales Promotion? This CTR relates to the material on pp ¿Qué es la promoción de ventas? Técnica de comunicación masiva que ofrece incentivos a corto plazo para fomentar la compra de un producto o servicio. Se ha logrado un crecimiento rápido en la industria porque: Los gerentes de producto enfrentan una mayor presión para aumentar sus ventas actuales Las empresas enfrentan más competencia La eficacia de la publicidad ha bajado Los consumidores buscan más gangas Sales Promotion Sales Promotion. Sales promotion consists of short term incentives to encourage purchase or sales of a product or service. Areas of sales promotion include: Rapid Growth of Sales Promotion. Key factors contributing to the use of sales promotion include: Top management acceptance of sales promotion as an effective element in the marketing mix. Increased competition and decreased differentiation. Decreased advertising effectiveness has also put pressure on companies to shift more emphasis to sales promotion. Consumers have become more deal oriented and retailers are demanding more deals from manufacturers.
Herramientas de promoción para consumidores
Consumer Promotion Tools This CTR relates to the discussion on pp Incentivos a corto plazo para fomentar la compra de un producto o servicio. Objetivos de promoción para consumidores Herramientas de promoción para consumidores Consumer Promotion Tools A number of tools are used by marketers to reach consumers directly, including: Samples. Samples offer consumers a trial amount of a product. Coupons. Coupons give buyers a savings on specified products. Rebates. Rebates consist of cash back after the purchase. Price Packs. Price packs offer reductions in price for special combinations of products or quantities of the product. Premiums. Premiums are goods offered free or at low cost as an incentive to buy the product. Advertising Specialties. Advertising specialties are useful items imprinted with the advertiser’s name or logo. Patronage Rewards. Patronage rewards are cash or prizes offered for the regular use of the product or service. Point-of-Purchase. Point-of-purchase promotions include displays and demonstrations at the retail level. Contests, Sweepstakes, and Games. These give consumers a chance to win something and draw attention to the product. Muestras Especialidades publicitarias Incitar a los consumidores a probar un nuevo producto Cupones Atraer clientes de la competencia Recompensas a clientes Patronage Rewards Reembolsos Hacer que los consumidores “se surtan” de un producto Concursos Precio global Sorteos Retener y recompensar a los clientes leales Bonificaciones Juegos Forjar relaciones con los consumidores Promociones de punto de compra
Herramientas de promoción comercial
Trade - Promotion Tools This CTR relates to the discussion on pp Incentivos a corto plazo dirigidos a los detallistas y mayoristas. Objetivos de promoción comercial Herramientas de promoción comercial Rebajas Bonificaciones Convencer a detallistas mayo- ristas de trabajar una marca Trade Promotion Tools. A discount is a reduction in the price from the manufacturer to a member of the channel of distribution. An allowance is an authorized reduction in the amount paid to the manufacturer in return for performing one or more marketing channel functions. Complementos Dar a una marca espacio en anaqueles Patronage Rewards Exhibidores Garantías de recompra Promover una marca en publicidad Descuentos Apoyos Impulsar una marca hacia los consumidores Mercancía gratuita Especialida- des de publicidad Concursos
Herramientas de promoción comercial
Business - Promotion Tools This CTR relates to the discussion on pp Incentivos a corto plazo dirigidos a clientes industriales. Objetivos de promoción comercial Herramientas de promoción comercial Generar prospectos Convenciones Business Promotion Tools. Conventions and trade shows provide a stage for showing products and meeting the salesforce. Sales contests provide the salesforce with incentives for performance over a given period. Estimular compras Ferias comerciales Recompensar clientes Concursos de ventas Motivar vendedores
Desarrollo del programa de promoción de ventas
Developing the Sales-Promotion Program This CTR relates to the material on p. 468. Decidir la magnitud del incentivo Fijar condiciones para participar Evaluar el programa Determinar cómo promover y distribuir el programa de promoción Determinar la duración del programa Developing the Program Incentives. All sales promotions must recognize that a certain minimum level of incentive is needed to have any effect. Conditions of Participation. These may be both legally mandated in some areas and/or linked to specific goals. Sweepstakes may restrict some participants or be linked to other behaviors such as prior purchases or bulk buys. How to inform participants must also be considered, for example, direct mailing of coupons or placing them on the package. Length of Time. Time considerations must be weighed between too short to have much effect or penetration of the market versus too long so as to lose any sense of immediacy to "act now." Budget . Sales promotion budgeting suffers from the same organizational problems faced by marketers in other areas. Percentage of sales approaches do not see promotion as a cause of sales. Objective-based budgeting often fails to consider cost effectiveness. Pretesting and Implementation Sales promotion tools benefit from pretesting their effectiveness prior to implementation. Unfortunately, pretesting is seldom done. You may challenge students to come up with suggestions about how to do a "mini pretest" that managers might use within the time constraints of sales promotion deadlines. Implementation requires coordinating effective lead time and sell off time resources to manage the sales promotion effectively. Evaluating the Results A key part of evaluation is determining whether the promotion affected the total demand for the product or only its timing. Consumers may be surveyed or experiments conducted to ascertain the long-term impact of the promotion.
¿Qué son relaciones públicas?
What is Public Relations? This CTR relates to the material on pp Forjar buenas relaciones con los diversos públicos de la empresa obteniendo publicidad favorable, fomentando una buena “imagen corporativa” y manejando o anulando los rumores, reportajes y sucesos desfavorables. Sus principales funciones son: Relaciones con la prensa o agentes de prensa Publicidad de productos Asuntos públicos Cabildeo Relaciones con inversionistas Desarrollo Press Relations is an on-going process of establishing and maintaining good relations with the news media reporters and editors to help place newsworthy information about company products or objectives in their vehicles. Product Publicity. Product Publicity seeks news coverage of specific products usually in conjunction with other promotional efforts. Public Affairs/ Investor Relations. Public Affairs and Investor Relations involves creating and managing internal and external communications promoting understanding the of company and its objectives. Counseling of management on public issues may be included in corporate communications functions in some companies. Lobbying. Lobbying involves dealing with legislators and government administrators. Discussion Note: Lobbying has justly earned a bad reputation for the “special interest” favors awarded some companies. But it is also true that a great deal of lobbying is ethical and fair -- a point not typically found in the popular press. Also, federalism is designed precisely so that “special interests” can be taken into consideration. Not all “special interests” are bad for society as a whole.
Herramientas de relaciones públicas
Major Public Relations Tools This CTR relates to the material on pp Sitio Web Actividades de servicio público Noticias Key tools of Public Relations include: News and Speeches. Finding or creating favorable news stories about the company or products. Giving talks at trade association meetings or sales meetings. Special Events. Special Events consist of public service activities sponsored and controlled by public relations in-house. Written and Audiovisual Materials. Materials include written information for reporters, and audio-visual information such as slide, sound programs, and videos on corporate identity. Corporate spokespersons also make public speeches to promote the views important to the company. Public Service Activities. Public Service Activities include contributions of time and money for community projects and programs. Discussion Note: Many companies donate land and equipment to towns and cities for parks and recreational areas as part of PR. Materiales de identidad corporativa Discursos Materiales audio- visuales Eventos especiales Materiales impresos
Principales decisiones de relaciones públicas
Click to add Establecer objetivos de relaciones públicas Escoger los mensajes y vehículos de relaciones públicas Implementar el plan de relaciones públicas Evaluar resultados de relaciones públicas Principales decisiones de relaciones públicas Major Public Relations Decisions This CTR relates to the discussion on pp Public Relations Decisions Objectives. Objectives are the first order of public relations business. PR must determine what it wants to accomplish and how these objectives support the overall promotion objectives. Messages. Messages require that the PR department creates the "story" it wants to tell about the company and finds the appropriate media for transmitting it. Teaching Tip: Students may wonder if editors will be angry that PR people are trying to manipulate them. If PR is open and honest, editors are willing to consider the merits of the message. Of course the company has its point of view -- but that’ legitimate and PR people can provide sources of information that save reporters time and are unavailable elsewhere. Implementation. Implementation relies as much on the personal working relationships the PR people have with media editors as the content of the stories themselves. Good relations are built on trust over time thus implementation is but one step in the on-going process of media relations. Teaching Tip: In short, PR people have to do something for editors if they expect editors to do something for them. Evaluation. Evaluation of PR efforts is difficult because so much PR is designed to support other promotion efforts. Traditional evaluation includes clippings books counting the number of media exposures.
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