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Adjectives MVCC 191.

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Presentación del tema: "Adjectives MVCC 191."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Adjectives MVCC 191

2 Adjectives Vocabulary
Review Lean los adjetivos siguientes y escriban el significado en inglés si se recuerden!

3 ABURRIDO boring

4 ALTO tall


6 ATLÉTICO athletic

7 ATRACTIVO attractive

8 BAJO short

9 BELLO beautiful

10 BONITO pretty

11 CALVO bald

12 CASTAÑO brown (hair)

13 CELOSO jealous

14 CÓMICO funny

15 DÉBIL weak

16 DELGADO thin

17 ELEGANTE elegant

18 FEO ugly

19 FLACO skinny

20 FUERTE strong

21 GENEROSO generous

22 GORDO heavy

23 HERMOSO beautiful

24 INTELIGENTE intelligent

25 INTERESANTE interesting

26 JOVEN young

27 MEDIO average

28 MODERNO modern

29 MORENO brunette

30 PELIRROJO red-head

31 PEREZOSO lazy

32 RUBIO blonde


34 SOCIABLE sociable

35 TACAÑO stingy, cheap

36 TÍMIDO timid, shy

37 TONTO foolish

38 VIEJO old

39 Adjectives must agree in…
Adjectives Rules: Adjectives must agree in… GENDER the tall woman la mujer ALTA

40 Adjectives must agree in…
Adjectives Rules: Adjectives must agree in… NUMBER the tall women las mujeres ALTAS

41 FOLLOW Adjectives always… the noun! Adjectives Rules: ALTOS
the tall men los hombres ALTOS

42 Adjectives Vocabulary
Review Todos los adjetivos usan el verbo “SER” porque ellos son adjetivos permanentes.

43 Adjective vocabulary Review

44 Adjective vocabulary Review
They (boys) are nice. Ellos son simpáticos.

45 Adjective vocabulary Review
She was strong. Ella era fuerte.

46 Adjective vocabulary Review Nosotros somos jovenes.
We are young. Nosotros somos jovenes.

47 Adjective vocabulary Review
I (female) was short. Yo era baja.

48 Adjective vocabulary Review
He is lazy. Él es perezoso.

49 Demonstrative Adjective Review
This/these este esta estos estas

50 Demonstrative Adjective Review
THAT/THOSE ese esa esos esas

51 Demonstrative Adjective Review
THAT/THOSE (OVER THERE) aquel aquella aquellos aquellas

52 gender NUMBER and Rules: Like adjectives, they must agree in
with the noun they are referring to!

53 Demonstrative Adjective Review
This book… Este libro...

54 Demonstrative Adjective Review
These books… Estos libros...

55 Demonstrative Adjective Review
That pen… Esa pluma...

56 Demonstrative Adjective Review
Those pens… Esas plumas...

57 Demonstrative Adjective Review
That notebook (over there)… Aquel cuaderno...

58 Demonstrative Adjective Review
Those notebooks (over there)… Aquellos cuadernos...

59 Possessive Adjective Review
Possessive Adjectives MI (S) NUESTRO/A (S) TU (S) VUESTRO/A (S) SU (S)

60 gender NUMBER and Rules: Like adjectives, they must agree in
with the noun they are referring to!

61 Possessive Adjective Review
My friends (girls) Mis amigas...

62 Possessive Adjective Review
Our school Nuestra escuela...

63 Possessive Adjective Review
Their car Su carro...

64 Possessive Adjective Review
His books Sus libros...

65 Possessive Adjective Review
Your (informal) house Tu casa...

66 Comparisons The comparative is used to compare or contrast people, things, activities, or ideas to one another.

67 Comparisons of Equality Video Clip + TAN adjective + COMO (AS BIG AS…)

68 She is as smart as her sister.
Example: She is as smart as her sister. + + TAN adjective COMO Ella es tan inteligente como su hermana.

69 Comparisons of Equality (a,os,as) + TANto noun + COMO (as many as)

70 He reads as many books as his sister.
Example: He reads as many books as his sister. + + TANto noun COMO Él lee tantos libros como su hermana.

71 Comparisons of Inequality (More/less than others)
Video Clip + Más/menos adjective + que (More/less than others)

72 She is taller than her friends
Example: She is taller than her friends + Más/Menos + Adjective Que Ella es más alta que sus amigos.

73 Irregular Adjectives mejor bueno peor malo mayor Viejo menor joven

74 My cousin is younger than I.
Example: My cousin is younger than I. + Más/Menos + Adjective Que Mi primo es menor que yo.

75 Superlatives The superlative is used to distinguish one as the most notable among many.

76 + + + Superlatives are expressed with: (the most/least of…)
Video Clip El/la/los/las + Más (menos) + + Adjective de (the most/least of…)

77 He is the least intelligent in the class. el menos inteligente de
Example: He is the least intelligent in the class. + Más/Menos + Adjective de Él es el menos inteligente de la clase.

78 She is the shortest in the class.
Example: She is the shortest in the class. + Más/Menos + Adjective de Ella es la más baja de la clase.

79 ísimo… ísima… ísimos… ísimas…
Absolute Superlative The absolute superlative stresses the adjective in it’s maximum degree. It is formed by the suffix: ísimo… ísima… ísimos… ísimas…

80 altísimo grandísimo facilísimo
Absolute Superlative altísimo alto grandísimo grande facilísimo fácil

81 The test is the easiest: Este examen es el facilísimo
Example: She is the tallest: Ella es la altísima The test is the easiest: Este examen es el facilísimo

82 She is as nice as your sister. Ella es tan simpática como tu hermana.
Comparisons Review: “Equality” She is as nice as your sister. Ella es tan simpática como tu hermana.

83 Nosotras somos tan simpáticas como tus hermanas.
Comparisons Review: “Equality” We are as nice as your sisters. Nosotras somos tan simpáticas como tus hermanas.

84 He is weaker than your friend. Él es más débil que tu amigo.
Comparisons Review: “Inequality” He is weaker than your friend. Él es más débil que tu amigo.

85 Ellos son más débiles que tus amigos.
Comparisons Review: “Inequality” They are weaker than your friends. Ellos son más débiles que tus amigos.

86 I am younger than your brother. Yo soy menor que tu hermano.
Comparisons Review: “Inequality” I am younger than your brother. Yo soy menor que tu hermano.

87 They are older than your parents. Ellos son mayores que tus padres.
Comparisons Review: “Inequality” They are older than your parents. Ellos son mayores que tus padres.

88 She is the tallest in the class. Ella es la más alta de la clase.
Superlatives Review: She is the tallest in the class. Ella es la más alta de la clase.

89 Nosotros somos los más fuertes del equipo.
Superlatives Review: We are the strongest on the team. Nosotros somos los más fuertes del equipo.

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