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En El Barrio- In the neighborhood

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Presentación del tema: "En El Barrio- In the neighborhood"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 En El Barrio- In the neighborhood

2 El Barrio- the neighborhood

3 El/La Vecino(a)- neighbor

4 El Césped- grass/lawn

5 La Acera- sidewalk

6 La Señal de Alto- stop sign

7 La Dirección Prohibida- wrong way

8 La Dirección- direction

9 La Exhibición- exhibit

10 La Basura- garbage

11 Norte- north

12 Sur- south

13 Este- east

14 Oeste- west

15 Noreste- northeast

16 Noroeste- northwest

17 Sureste- southeast

18 Suroeste- southwest

19 Contar(ue)- to tell a story

20 Tirar- to throw

21 Ofrecer (yo ofrezco)- to offer

22 Conducir (yo conduzco)- to drive

23 Conocer (Yo conozco- to meet someone/ know someone

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