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El Horario de hoy Examen/CP 15-20

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Presentación del tema: "El Horario de hoy Examen/CP 15-20"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El Horario de hoy Examen/CP 15-20
C. Escribir: Your Spanish class is developing a Web page for students in other Spanish classes. In order for them to get to know you, include the following information about yourself: -your name -3 activities you like to do -3 activities you don’t like to do -3 questions that you want someone to answer about themselves 2. 1B

2 El Horario de hoy Haz Ahora/Música Presentaciones/Videohistoria
Preguntas y respuestas 1B CP (para mañana)

3 Hoy es ____ el ____ de ______. Haz Ahora
How would these people describe their personality? Me gusta jugar al beisbol y básquetbol. A. Soy artístico. Me gusta dibujar y pintar. B. Soy talentoso. Me gusta cantar y bailar. C. Soy deportista.

4 Hoy es ______ el _____ de _____.
Haz Ahora Guided Practice en el cuaderno morado Página cuarenta y siete o cuarenta y ocho

5 El Horario de hoy Haz Ahora 1B
Escribir (Vocabulario y Actividades 12 y 13) Boleto de Salida

6 Hoy es ____ el ____ de ______.
Escribe cinco adjetivos acerca de (about) otra persona.

7 Vocabulario del Capítulo 1B
Y tú, ¿Cómo eres? Vocabulario del Capítulo 1B

8 To talk about what you and others are like
artístico artística

9 To talk about what you and others are like
atrevido atrevida daring

10 To talk about what you and others are like
bueno buena

11 To talk about what you and others are like

12 To talk about what you and others are like
desordenado desordenada

13 To talk about what you and others are like
estudioso estudiosa

14 To talk about what you and others are like
gracioso graciosa

15 To talk about what you and others are like

16 To talk about what you and others are like

17 To talk about what you and others are like
ordenado ordenada

18 To talk about what you and others are like

19 To talk about what you and others are like
perezoso perezosa

20 To talk about what you and others are like
reservado reservada

21 To talk about what you and others are like
serio seria

22 To talk about what you and others are like
símpatico símpatica

23 To talk about what you and others are like

24 To talk about what you and others are like
talentoso talentosa

25 To talk about what you and others are like
trabajador trabajadora

26 To ask people about themselves or others
¿Cómo eres? What are you like?

27 To ask people about themselves or others
¿Cómo es? What is he/she like?

28 To ask people about themselves or others
¿Cómo se llama? What is his/her name?

29 To ask people about themselves or others
¿Eres…? Are you…?

30 To talk about what someone likes or doesn’t like
le gusta… he/she likes…

31 To talk about what someone likes or doesn’t like
no le gusta… he/she doesn’t like…

32 To describe someone soy

33 To describe someone no soy

34 To describe someone es

35 To tell whom you are talking about
el amigo

36 To tell whom you are talking about
la amiga

37 To tell whom you are talking about
el chico

38 To tell whom you are talking about
la chica

39 To tell whom you are talking about

40 To tell whom you are talking about

41 To tell whom you are talking about

42 To tell whom you are talking about

43 To tell whom you are talking about

44 To tell whom you are talking about

45 Other useful words a veces sometimes

46 Other useful words muy very

47 Other useful words pero but

48 Other useful words según according to

49 Other useful words según mi familia according to my family


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