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Annual Title I Parent Meeting: (Reunión Anual de Padres de Titulo I)

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Presentación del tema: "Annual Title I Parent Meeting: (Reunión Anual de Padres de Titulo I)"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Annual Title I Parent Meeting: (Reunión Anual de Padres de Titulo I)
Hickey ES 8/30/17 5:30 PM

2 The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): (La Ley-cada estudiante tenga exito– ESSA por sus siglas en ingles) Federal legislation passed to allow for the use of methods and instructional strategies to strengthen the academic program in the school, increase the amount and quality of learning, and help provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum, which may include programs, activities, and courses necessary to provide a well-rounded education La legislación federal aprobó permitir el uso de métodos y estrategias de enseñanza para fortalecer el programa académico en la escuela, aumentar la cantidad y la calidad del aprendizaje y ayudar a proporcionar un currículo enriquecido y acelerado, que pueden incluir programas, actividades y cursos necesarios para proporcionar una educación completa.

3 What is Title I? (¿Qué es Titulo I?)
Title I is a Federally funded academic assistance program for schools. (Titulo I- es un programa de fondos Federales para la asistencia académica de las escuelas.) The goal of Title I is to ensure high quality well-rounded education for every child. (La meta de Titulo I- es asegurar una alta educación de alta calidad para cada uno de los niños/as)

4 ESsA (La Ley-cada estudiante tenga éxito – ESSA por sus siglas en ingles)
For Schools, ESsA: (ESSA Para Las Escuelas:) For Parents, ESsA: (ESSA Para Los Padres:) For Students, ESsA: (ESSA Para Los Estudiantes:) Ensures schools measure student progress using approved tests. (Asegura que las escuelas midan el progreso de los estudiantes utilizando exámenes aprobados.) Provides student progress reports to allow parents to learn how their child is performing according to grade-level academic standards. (Provee a los estudiantes informes de progreso que les permite a los padres aprender como es que su hijo/a se esta desempeñando de acuerdo al nivel de grado de las normas académicas.) Sets high expectations for academic achievement. (Fija expectativas altas para el logro académico.)

5 ESSA (La Ley-cada estudiante tenga éxito – ESSA por sus siglas en ingles)
For Schools, ESsA: (ESSA Para Las Escuelas:) For Parents, ESsA: (ESSA Para Los Padres:) For Students, ESsA: (ESSA Para Los Estudiantes:) Ensures schools issue reports charting school performance. (Asegura que las escuelas distribuyan reportes del rendimiento escolar.) Provides school report cards to inform parents of how well their child’s school is performing. (Proveer boletas de calificaciones escolares informándoles a los padres de que tan adecuadamente esta rindiendo la escuela del estudiante.) Requires yearly testing for Grades 3-8 and High School. (Requiere exámenes anualmente para los Grados 3ro al 8to y la preparatoria.)

6 ESSA – (La Ley-cada estudiante tenga éxito – ESSA por sus siglas en ingles)
For Schools, ESSA: (ESSA Para Las Escuelas:) For Parents, ESSA: (ESSA Para Los Padres:) For Students, ESSA: (ESSA Para Los Estudiantes:) Provides teacher training and professional development to improve instruction. (Provee entrenamiento y capacitación profesional a los maestros para mejorar la enseñanza.) Provides information on the qualifications of their child’s teacher. (Provee información tocante a las cualificaciones del maestro del estudiante.) Provides teachers who are licensed by the state of Nevada and use proven teaching methods. (Provee maestros con licencia por el estado de Nevada los cuales utilizan métodos de enseñanza aprobados.)

7 The Title I Program: ( El Programa de Titulo I: )
What does Title I provide at my child’s school? (¿Qué es lo que Titulo I le provee a la escuela de mi hijo/a?) Funds are used for: (Los fondos se utilizan para:) Instructional Strategist After school tutoring 5th Grade Classroom Size Reduction Teacher

8 The Title I Program: (El Programa de Titulo I:)
Parents and teachers work as a team to monitor each child’s progress and to support their academic and social growth. (Los padres y los maestros trabajan como equipo para monitorear el progreso de cada niño/a y para apoyar su crecimiento académico y social.) Parent classes are provided in Math, Literacy and study skills. (Se proveen clases para los padres en las Matemáticas, Lectoescritura y Técnicas de Estudio.) Books and materials are purchased that allow parents to assist their child with reading and math homework. (Los libros y materiales se compran para permitirles a los padres que ayuden a sus hijos con las tareas de lectura y las matemáticas.)

9 The Title I Program: (El Programa de Titulo I:)
What are the parents’ rights and responsibilities under Title I? (¿Cuáles son los derechos de los padres y sus responsabilidades debajo Titulo I?) The right to receive periodic progress reports on the child and the school. (El derecho de recibir informes de progreso académico del niño/a y de la escuela periódicamente. The right to request information about the qualifications of their child’s teacher. (El derecho de solicitar información acerca de las credenciales del maestro de su hijo/a.)

10 The Title I Program: (El Programa de Titulo I:)
The right to help decide if the school’s Title I program is meeting the needs of their child. (El derecho de ayudar a decidir si el programa de Titulo I dentro de la escuela esta llenando las necesidades de su hijo/a.) The right to offer suggestions for academic improvement and increased parental involvement. (El derecho de ofrecer sugerencias para un mejoramiento académico y aumentar la participación de los padres.) The responsibility to share information with the teacher about their child’s interests and abilities. (La responsabilidad de compartir información con el maestro tocante a los intereses y las habilidades del niño/a.)

11 The Title I Program: (El Programa de Titulo I:)
The responsibility to ensure their child attends school regularly, completes all homework and classroom assignments, and adheres to the district’s Educational Accord, Honor Code, and school behavior policies. (La responsabilidad de asegurar que sus hijos asistan a la escuela regularmente, completen todas las tareas y en las del aula, y se adhiere al Acuerdo de la Educación del distrito, código de honor, y las normas de conducta en la escuela. The responsibility to attend parent conferences and to communicate regularly with the school concerning their child’s academic progress. (La responsabilidad de asistir a conferencias de padres y de comunicarse regularmente con la escuela acerca del progreso académico de sus niños.)

12 The District’s Survey results and School’s Parent Involvement Policy: (Los resultados del estudio del Distrito y la Póliza de Participación de Padres de la escuela?) Last year’s survey results

13 Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Let’s review the Parent and Family Engagement Policy currently in place…(Revisemos la Norma de Participación de los Padres actualmente implementada….)

14 Parent and Family Engagement Policy
The staff of Hickey Elementary School recognizes the importance of parent involvement and family engagement in the educational process. The school’s Title IParent and Family Engagement Plan will be distributed in an understandable and uniform format and to the extent practicable, in a language parents can understand, currently, we distribute the Policy in English & Spanish, but will make other translation efforts should there be additional language needs. The parent involvement policy will also be made available to the community through the school website and the front office. I. Hickey ES will involve parents in the Parent and Family Engagement Plan. a. An annual meeting will be convened in the fall of each school year. b. This meeting will be held at a convenient time during the school day. c. If parents are unable to attend the scheduled meeting, they can contact the school administration to arrange an alternative meeting; and the information can be found on our website. .II. Hickey ES will involve parents in the review of Title I Programs, the school performance plan, and the Parent and Family Engagement Plan. a) Hickey ES's Parent and Family Engagement Plan will be posted to the school's web site and will be available in hard copy upon request. b) Parents will be informed in a timely manner about how the program will be designed, operated, and evaluated. This will allow opportunities for educators and parents to work together to achieve the program's objectives. c) Parents will be consulted on an ongoing basis concerning the manner in which the school and parents can work together to increase student achievement. d) Parent surveys and/or other appropriate measures will be conducted to assess the parent training meetings. The 2016 Parent survey suggests that a majority of Hickey Elementary School’s parents strongly agree that: the teachers inform the students regularly about their progress; that there is help available for their students on a regular basis; that their child is getting a good education; that they like Hickey ES; that their child is learning technology and their progress with computers; that the school promotes academic success for all students; that Hickey ES protects the confidentiality of all students; and that Hickey ES uses forms to elicit information from each parent in a manner in which they understand. This survey assisted in writing this Parent and Family Engagement Plan as the data was used to ensure family engagement and to support families where they expressed their concern and needs from the school. Information has been shared with parents at PAC meetings and/or PTA meetings. During the survey window, families will be invited to use the school computer lab to complete the District survey.

15 Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Ill. The Educational Involvement Accords and Code of Honor are distributed to the parent/guardian of each student enrolled at the school at the beginning of each school year through online registration. These documents will address the responsibilities of the parent, teacher, and child in the educational process. For parents new to the school, the Accord and Code of Honor will be included in the online registration and completed at registration with verification that it has been read and understood. The Accords are used as needed; they are pulled and explained to parents upon request. IV. The Administration and staff of Hickey ES will: a. Provide opportunities to students and parents that support the school's School Performance Plan and Parent and Family Engagement Plan. i. Parents will be provided assistance in understanding topics such as the state and district assessments, Nevada Academic Content Standards, the reasons for their children's participation in Title I school programs, and the specific instructional objectives and methods of the programs. ii. Students will be provided high-quality curriculum, effective instruction, and a supportive learning environment to help them meet the Nevada Academic Content Standards. iii. Parents will be encouraged to work with their children in the home and assist as volunteers in the classroom. Hickey ES will build capacity for parents to work with their students at home by giving them information on FACES parent workshops and sending materials home with students that explains how to work with their children. b. Provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve student achievement. i. Instructional opportunities will be provided, to the extent possible, for the full participation of parents who lack literacy skills. ii. Parents will be invited to join the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) and the Parent/Teacher Association (PTA) iii. Parents will receive a school newsletter through the website and be invited to participate in Literacy and Math Nights and other family events. c. Provide professional development for teachers and support staff. i. Procedures and training will be developed to help teachers and other staff work and communicate effectively with parents. ii. Teachers and support staff will be encouraged to build a partnership between school and home. Throughout the school FACES provided various workshops for teachers and support staff to attend when needed. d. Ensure that all information related to school and parent programs, meetings and other activities is sent to parents in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand, through the school website and flyers. e. Link social agencies and community groups to assist parents and families through Communities in Schools. Hickey ES accesses wrap around services when needed through Communities in Schools partnership. . FACES attended Parent Nights to disseminate information to parents and to inform them that there are trainings and support for their needs. f. Provide reasonable support, such as translation services, for parental involvement activities and have FACES provide Hickey ES with an Interest Survey that will assist in disseminating information to parents about the University of Family Learning Workshops that would fit what they are interested in to support their needs

16 Thank you for attending (Gracias por Asistir)
Please fill out your evaluations and turn them in before you leave. Your input is essential to your child’s success! Favor de llenar su evaluación y entréguela antes de irse. !Su aportación es esencial para el éxito de su hijo/a!

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