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La descarga está en progreso. Por favor, espere

-er verbs Singular Plural 1st Person Yo Nosotros/as 2nd Person

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Presentación del tema: "-er verbs Singular Plural 1st Person Yo Nosotros/as 2nd Person"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 -er verbs Singular Plural 1st Person Yo Nosotros/as 2nd Person
(Informal) Vosotros/as (Formal) Ud. Uds. 3rd Person (Masculine) Él Ellos (Feminine) Ella Ellas

2 -ir verbs Singular Plural 1st Person Yo Nosotros/as 2nd Person
(Informal) Vosotros/as (Formal) Ud. Uds. 3rd Person (Masculine) Él Ellos (Feminine) Ella Ellas

3 How do you conjugate a verb?
Step #1: Step #2 Step #3 Step #4

4 Define the verbs Aprender (a + infinitive) Beber Comer Comprender
Correr Creer (en) Deber Leer

5 Translate the following using the correct pronoun and verb
I drink You (sister) learn You (Dr. Preston) read He learns Jessica believes We understand/comprehend Y’all drink The students eat (direct) (Spain) They should The boys run

6 Define the verbs Abrir Asistir (a) Compartir Decidir Describir
Recibir Vivir

7 Translate the following using the correct pronoun and verb
I describe You (best friend) receive) You (Mrs. Wilson) decide She lives Angelo shares We attend Y’all write They open The (female) dancers receive

8 Translate the following using the correct pronoun and verb
I drink Y‘all write You (classmate) attend Y’all should (Spain) You (Mr. Moore) believe The girls open The boys eat She receives Joshua reads We learn

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