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Creating SCOs with EXE-LEARNING

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Presentación del tema: "Creating SCOs with EXE-LEARNING"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Creating SCOs with EXE-LEARNING

2 Contents What is eXeLearning? Installation Working environment
Content Structure Idevices Creating Contents Exporting SCORMs

3 1. What is eXe-Learning? OpenSource Tool
Used to create didactic contents easily It allows to apply styles It’s easy to export to SCORM format It’s easy to export to WEB Really easy to use

4 2. Installing (1) Go to:

5 2. Installing (2) Select DownLoads Tab

6 2. Installing (3) Select the version compatible with of our operating system

7 2. Installing (4) Follow the wizard steps, clicking on Next.
Accept the license: I Agree.

8 2. Installing (5) Choose destination folder and click Install.
Follow the installation process. Clicking on “Show details” you’ll be able to get more info.

9 2. Installing (6) Process Complete. Click on Finish.

10 To start the App click on the icon.
3. Working environment (1) To start the App click on the icon.

11 3. Working environment (2)
Una vez iniciada la aplicación la ventana que se muestra se divide en 4 zonas principales. El área de menús desde donde podremos realizar la operaciones habituales de abrir, guardar, salir etc... Es importante que cuando salgamos de la aplicación lo hagamos desde el menú, para asegurarnos que se graba todo correctamente. La zona de la estructura de los contenidos, donde vamos a organizar los contenidos La zona de edición en la que crearemos y editaremos los contenidos. La zona de iDevices que nos permitirá seleccionar e incluir el tipo de contenido, dependiendo de lo que necesitemos representar.

12 Select a template for the project using the “Styles” menu
3. Working environment (3) Select a template for the project using the “Styles” menu

13 4. Content Structure (1) The contents are structured in a hierarchical way. To add pages click on “add page”. A page will be added just below our position. If you want to delete a webpage just click on “Delete”. You can also rename the page.

14 4. Content Structure(2) You can also rename a webpage by double clicking on a webpage.

15 4. Content Structure (3) Contents can be rearranged by using this buttons. Using rearrange buttons the hierarchical organization of the contents can be rearranged

16 5. iDevices (1) iDevices are elements that can be used to generate different kind of contents for our webpage. These iDevices are sorted into categories. These are the most commonly used:

17 5. iDevices (2) To produce interactive activities with different types of questionnaires (with feedback and results) we can use the following iDevices:

18 5. iDevices (3) To produce non-interactive activities including a feedback button we can use the following iDevices:

19 5. iDevices (4) To add external resources into exeLearning you can choose any of the following iDevices:

20 5. iDevices (5) To include contents or notes (including images, videos or multimedia content) you can choose the following iDevices: Para presentar contenidos o temas (incluidos imágenes, vídeos, contenidos multimedia...) tendremos los siguientes iDevices: Texto libre: similar a como trabajamos con un editor de texto normal. Una vez publicado, se presenta al estudiante como la lectura de un texto.  Objetivos: para incluir los objetivos  en una caja de texto destacado y con un icono que enfatiza el contenido mostrado. Conocimiento previo: destinado a incluir los contenidos que el estudiante debe conocer para saber a cabo una actividad. También aparece como texto destacado y con un icono representativo. Nota: destinado a incluir comentarios y anotaciones del autor. Este iDevice NO será visible en ninguno de los exportados.

21 6. Creating Content (1) The content will be presented depending on the chosen iDevice. In the following image a free-text, a note, objectives and preknowledge.

22 6. Creating Contents (2) An editing window will appear when adding iDevices.This window is similar to a text processing software. A window can be maximized or returned to normal size by clicking this button

23 6. Creating Contents (3) Different groups of toolbar can be used to add content.

24 6. Creating Contents (4) To add an image to the text, click on the button: Clicking on the button of the general tab, you’ll get a file chooser

25 6. Creating contents (5) To alter the size of the image click on “appearance”and choose dimensions and Alignment To go back to the content click on “insert”

26 6. Creating Contents (6) You can also resize the image inside the editor by using the mouse.

27 6. Creating Contents (7) Bellow, the following icons can be used for the: Preview the result. Undo changes. Delete iDevice Move up or down Move to other page.

28 6. Creating contents (8)

29 6. Creating contents (9) Reflexión view: Feedback:

30 6. Creating contents (10) Activity Contents:

31 6. Creando Contents (11) ¡VERY IMPORTANT!
Save your progress every time you add a content. Click on File->Save Or File->Save as.

32 7. Exporting to SCORM

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